pkgsrc changes:
- Remove unused USE_LIBTOOL (libtool was not and is not used)
- Only pod2man is needed as a tool, avoid to include perl bl3
- Fix release tool problem. cflags.sh was missing from the previous two
`make test-package-build` now works correctly on OSX 10.11 and Fedora 23.
- Fix some bugs in the Makefile especially for OS X / macOS Sierra
(Misty De Meo)
- Fix compilation problems on OSX 10.12 aka macOS Sierra. (#138; Jordan
Sissel and Misty De Meo)
- Fix memory leaks in window search and charcode map lookups (Markus Roth)
- xdotool selectwindow (xdo_select_window_with_click) now only selects the
window if mouse button 1 is pressed. Any other buttons will cause this
selection to be aborted. (#136, #137; Jordan Sissel and Yuri D'Elia)
- Fix bug where `xdotool click` with --clearmodifiers can sometimes leave
stuck keys or mouse buttons. (#102, Aurelien Lourot)
- windowmove now supports coordinates as a percentage of screen size. For
example, a move to 50% 50% would move the window such that the top-left
corner of the window is in the center of the screen. (#92, #27; Collin
- Typing commands (key and type) will now try to use XTEST instead of
XSendEvent in a special circumstance. If the window id given (by window
stack or the --window flag) is the currenly-focused window, key sequences
will be sent using XTEST. (#85, mpnolan)
- getmouselocation, getwindowgeometry, and search commands: now supports
--shell and --prefix for having stdout be consumable by bash or similar
shells. (#80, yatsek)
- xdotool scripts such as running via `xdotool -` will now execute commands
as lines of input are read. The previous behavior waited until stdin closed
before executing anything. (#131, abensj)
- Lots of changes over the past 4 years, but with many folks telling me to do
another release tarball, here it is.
We can backfill the changelog later.