From c0c1a9107a38324db2121b3f3234944dc0c4a0e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: wiz Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 13:53:55 +0000 Subject: Update to 2.3.1: Mnemosyne 2.3.1 : 2014-06-18 (Note that for Windows users we recommend uninstalling the previous version before installing the new one.) -Change database backend for config file. There should be no more errors which cause you to delete the config file. -Don't import cherrypy if not using the sync server (workaround for mimetype bug in non-unicode systems) (reported by Steven Lee, Pete Kovalenko). -Don't give spurious warning about different tags in different sister cards when creating new clozes when editing a card (reported by Scott Youngman). -Fixed some issues with tabbing to buttons in a dialog not selecting the right button (reported by Scott Youngman). Mnemosyne 2.3 : 2014-04-23 The sync protocol has changed in this version, so make sure you update both the client and the server at the same time. -A quick-and-dirty Android client is available, where you can do reviews in your mobile browser using a webserver which runs on your Android device. This client has full support for the syncing protocol. -The functionality of mnemosyne-webserver has now been merged into the main program and can be activated through 'Configure Mnemosyne - servers'. -Time to create backups has decreased, in some situations even by a factor of 2 or more, speeding up syncing and program exit. -Sped up all editing operations in the card browser. -The name of the currently active saved set of cards is now listed in title bar (requested by Silverbear). -Added new statistic: number of new cards learned per day. -Also sync relevant settings (e.g. fonts, colours, ...) during the initial sync. -Improve the timeout handling of the sync protocol. -New Ukranian, Swedish, Serbian, Catalan translation. -Fix erroneous 'Wrong username or password' error. -Rework error handling when trying to load a database which no longer exists in its previous location. -Keep the sort order in the card browser when editing cards (reported by Gnome and Tristan). -Added command line options --sync-server and --web-server which starts the sync and the web server in headless mode (i.e. without a GUI) (useful to run e.g. on a NAS server). -Fix more errors coming from loading config files (thanks to Alex Fevery for reporting this). -Added an extra popup to guide new people better through the learning process (feedback from Bjorn Maes). -Fix crash when exporting to cards format when Latex was not installed (reported by Gwern). -Make card conversion more robust for badly formatted card (reported by Gnome). -When editing a card through the browser, make sure the correct set of tags is displayed if sister cards have different tags (requested by Scott Youngman). -Allow converting a Cloze card to a clone of a Cloze card through the browser (requested by Scott Youngman). -Instruct people on the correct way to deal with '*.cards' files if they try to open it as a separate database (Kensor0). -Make it clearer what 'Find duplicates' does. -Various cosmetic fixes when importing *.cards files (reported by Ansgar Bohmann). -Fix tag tree sometimes not updating correctly if the user adds a new tag. -People writing e.g. Javascript card and needing access to the full path of the media directory can now use db_media:///foo.png (requested by Gnome). -Flash files are now synced as well (reported by heldtfisken). -When editing a card where different sister cards have different tags, ask if the tags should be applied to the current card or to all sister cards. -Fix Windows crash when using the card browser with cards imported from Supermemo (reported by Piotr). -Fix crash when renaming cloned card types through the card browser. -Make Mnemosyne 1.x import more robust (reported by Jack Thro). -Don't allow saving the database to a network drive under Windows to prevent corruption (reported by Brendan Sinclair). -Fix sync error that could occur when adding and immediately deleting multiple sister cards from the card browser. -Fix latex / cloze interaction corner case (reported by Daniele Parisi). -Fix corner case of overzealous introduction of media dir in expansion (reported by Toni Alsford). -Make sure latex images are always in sync when updating text. -If adding an extra tag when importing a 'cards' file, don't keep the tag 'Untagged' (patch by crcmail0). If you were affected by this issue before, 'compact database' will solve this. Mnemosyne 2.2.1 : 2013-04-15 (Note that for Windows users we recommend uninstalling the previous version before installing the new one.) -The premade cards from the old 1.x website have now all been converted to the new 2.x cards format and put on the new website. This will make importing much easier, as graphics are bundled (thanks to Patrick Kenny for the conversion). -For txt import, a text file can now contain a fourth column which will be mapped to the 'notes' field of a Vocabulary card. -When editing or browsing cards, don't reset the state of the scheduler such that you need to press 'show answer' again or such that a new card appears (reported by Gnome). -Remember which tags where expanded/collapsed in the tag tree (requested a.o by Troy Guze). -Correctly update flag 'hide pronunciation' in the popup menu (reported by Tom Cato Amundsen). -When merging duplicate cards, merge tags also (requested by Stephan Maseizik). -Fix regression where all the dialogs would have generic names ('mnemosyne') as opposed to e.g. 'Add cards'. -Correctly format clozes in latex, e.g. [Lorentz force law] <$>[\mathbf{F}]=[q]([\mathbf{E}]+[\mathbf{v}\times\mathbf{B}] ()requested by acdenh). If you want literal [] in latex, use \left[ and \right]. -Fix crash when converting multiple cards at the same time between e.g. Vocabulary card type and Map card type (reported by Gnome). -No longer allow mass converting of cards to Cloze card types, as this requires editing of the card content for each card anyhow (reported by Scott Youngman). -Fix browser crash occuring after deleting a card type which had custom formatting (reported by Tom Zerlau). -Unless the 'Prefill tag behaviour' plugin is active, changing card types will never change the tag you already filled in, even if it's different from the last used tag (reported by Gnome). -When changing the font for '', make a more neutral choice for default font in case currently different card types have different fonts (reported by Gnome). -Make sync and sync error handling more robust. -In case you don't explicitly select a background colour, use your theme's background colour as opposed to white for empty cards (reported by ialectum). -The quote key to left of 1 (`) can now also be used as a short cut for grade 0 (requested by Kent Stearman). -In the card browser, CTRL+F can be used to focus the input on the search field (requested by abacus). -Improve the position of dialogs popping up from the card browser, sync window, ... . -Fix crash pressing the 'Delete' key in the 'Activate cards' dialog (reported by Gnome). -When changing card types, only warn about losing history when there is actual history present (reported by Gnome). -In case you are not using saved sets and create a new tag whose parent is inactive, make the new tag inactive too. (If you have a saved set active, you'll get a dialog box asking whether you want to activate that tag or not, just like before) (reported by Gnome). -Fix bug in interaction between Latex system and exporting to the 'cards' format (reported by Gwern). -More tweaks for RTL languages like Arabic and Hebrew (bug report by Ansgar Bohmann). -No more superfluous empty lines for cards with RTL languages. -When changing languagues, translate the window title immediately, instead of after reboot. -On a Thai system, don't use Thai numerals in the card browser if the language is set to English (requested by Mark). -Take time zone information into account when displaying creation date of card in browser. -When renaming a saved set, prefill the name field with the previous name of the set. -Don't reset selected plugin when importing a new plugin (reported by Gnome). -When trying to deactivate a card type in use, show name of the card type in the error message. -Fix CTRL+F shortcut for inserting flash, CTRL+D for inserting video, and CTRL+C for copying (reported by Gnome). -Tab key now cycles through all the grade buttons (reported by Gnome). -Fix grading shortcuts R and W for 'right' and 'wrong' in the cramming scheduler. -Backspace and delete shortcuts to delete the current card work again (reported by Dylan Gordhan). Mnemosyne 2.2 : 2012-12-04 -Added menu option to detect duplicates in the database. -Made the cramming scheduler more configurable. Cards can now be studied in random order, earliest first, lastest first or most lapses first. Also, you have the option of whether to save the scheduler state or not when exiting the program. -The way the tag field is prefilled for new cards is changed. By default, the last used tag is used, regardless of card type. If you want the pre-2.2 behaviour, where the last used tag is remembered per card type, there is a bundled plugin you can activate. -When exporting to the 'cards' format, the latex files are now pregenerated and bundled (requested by Mark). -Fix errors coming from loading config files (reported by knutflatland and many others). -Ported missing import file formats from 1.x: SuperMemo7 text, SuperMemo from Palm, Cuecard WCU. -Double-clicking on a saved set in 'Activate cards' now automatically selects the set and closes the window (requested by Michael Campbell). -Add "Insert Flash" option (Note: Flash needs to be installed on your system for this to work) (requested by Gnome). -Added support for video files under Windows (contrary to Linux, they will play in an external window using mplayer). -When you have both tags "A" and "A::B", the card browser will now show the first tag as "A::Untagged". -Javascript can now contain line breaks (reported by iBayer and gnome). -In 'edit cards', make more robust of no longer warning about discarding changes if you did not make any. -Sped up deleting of large number of cards from the card browser. -When pasting into the "Add cards" or "Edit cards" dialog, respect the formatting of the card field. -Be more robust against importing 1.x cards with missing information (reported by Chris Resnik and Patrick Kenny). -Bug fix involving notes with multiple lines with exporting cards. -Fix bug with picture sometimes not showing when first starting the program. -Better support for non-latin characters in sound files under Windows (reported by Raoul Pontecaille). -Fix crash in 'Compact database' involving too many open files (reported by Pawel Szerszon). -Fix situation where tag pane would be no longer visible after adding a first saved card set. -Changing card types and deleting cards from the card browser is now faster. -No longer convert filenames to lower case on Windows (requested by Michael Campbell). -Fix another crash involving duplicates while converting cards (reported by Gnome). -When upgrading from 1.x on OSX, explicitly tell the user where their 1.x data was backed up. -Fix displaying non-latin characters in statistics (reported by Pawel Szerszon). -Don't erase fields when cancelling a card type conversion (reported by Gnome). -Don't allow cancelling the import metadata information dialog. -Fix harmless error message when converting to Cloze cards in the card browser (reported by Michael Campbell). -Upgraded to latest version of Qt/PyQt (4.9.5). Mnemosyne 2.1 : 2012-09-10 -New import/export format to share cards, which also bundles the media files. Supports importing an updated version of the same exported cards, so that authors can release updated versions of their cards fixing e.g. spelling mistakes. -Implemented txt export with tab-separated values. -You can now specify more than 1 tag to add during import (requested by Barbara). -In 'edit cards', no longer warn about discarding changes if you did not make any. -Don't crash card browser when searching for \ (reported by Faemorleto). -Fix bug where active tags would sometimes not have a checkbox in the card browser (reported by Gnome). -Fixed issues involving tag renaming and syncing (reported by Barbara). -Made RTL handling for Arabic and Hebrew more robust. -audio tags now support start and stop arguments, e.g.