From 0b36f29cd5f476e1b9d71c58bb62fd5960111cdf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dmcmahill <>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 02:05:44 +0000
Subject: fix compilation with -Werror enabled on netbsd-1.5.3/alpha. patch
 from Matt Green.

 www/bozohttpd/distinfo         |   3 +-
 www/bozohttpd/patches/patch-ac | 702 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 704 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 www/bozohttpd/patches/patch-ac

(limited to 'www/bozohttpd')

diff --git a/www/bozohttpd/distinfo b/www/bozohttpd/distinfo
index bf0d4e97cf5..5d763bb4f45 100644
--- a/www/bozohttpd/distinfo
+++ b/www/bozohttpd/distinfo
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.12 2002/07/30 13:40:53 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.13 2002/08/02 02:05:44 dmcmahill Exp $
 SHA1 (bozohttpd-5.11.tar.bz2) = 82b8326bcdcf20dc431a41c6bcc1f585326be5a4
 Size (bozohttpd-5.11.tar.bz2) = 24198 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-aa) = 65b36db037dbf40b8c9855b3ca957aa96eff064d
 SHA1 (patch-ab) = 24cc57867ecf94617a78025baf31c2f050d42470
+SHA1 (patch-ac) = 3d97e3b2bb0f61265576c548cff35c9b6ca09713
diff --git a/www/bozohttpd/patches/patch-ac b/www/bozohttpd/patches/patch-ac
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95ea53c3fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/bozohttpd/patches/patch-ac
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ac,v 1.5 2002/08/02 02:05:45 dmcmahill Exp $
+fixes compiler warnings which caused the build to fail with -Werror
+*** bozohttpd.c	2002/07/30 10:17:00	1.39
+--- bozohttpd.c	2002/08/01 14:20:36	1.40
+*** 1,4 ****
+! /*	$eterna: bozohttpd.c,v 1.39 2002/07/30 10:17:00 mrg Exp $	*/
+  /*
+   * Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Matthew R. Green
+--- 1,4 ----
+! /*	$eterna: bozohttpd.c,v 1.40 2002/08/01 14:20:36 mrg Exp $	*/
+  /*
+   * Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Matthew R. Green
+*** 174,181 ****
+  /* headers */
+  struct _headers {
+! 	char	*header;
+! 	char	*value;
+  	SIMPLEQ_ENTRY(_headers)	next;
+  };
+--- 174,181 ----
+  /* headers */
+  struct _headers {
+! 	const char *header;
+! 	const char *value;
+  	SIMPLEQ_ENTRY(_headers)	next;
+  };
+*************** typedef struct {
+*** 190,205 ****
+  #define HTTP_DELETE	0x06	/* not supported */
+  #define HTTP_TRACE	0x07	/* not supported */
+  #define HTTP_CONNECT	0x08	/* not supported */
+! 	char	*methodstr;
+  	char	*url;
+! 	char	*proto;
+! 	char	*content_type;
+! 	char	*content_length;
+! 	char	*allow;
+! 	char	*host;		/* HTTP/1.1 Host: */
+! 	char	*remotehost;
+! 	char	*remoteaddr;
+! 	char	*serverport;
+  	SIMPLEQ_HEAD(, _headers)	headers;
+  	int	nheaders;
+  } http_req;
+--- 190,205 ----
+  #define HTTP_DELETE	0x06	/* not supported */
+  #define HTTP_TRACE	0x07	/* not supported */
+  #define HTTP_CONNECT	0x08	/* not supported */
+! 	const char *methodstr;
+  	char	*url;
+! 	const char *proto;
+! 	const char *content_type;
+! 	const char *content_length;
+! 	const char *allow;
+! 	const char *host;		/* HTTP/1.1 Host: */
+! 	const char *remotehost;
+! 	const char *remoteaddr;
+! 	const char *serverport;
+  	SIMPLEQ_HEAD(, _headers)	headers;
+  	int	nheaders;
+  } http_req;
+*************** static	void	process_cgi (http_req *);
+*** 225,231 ****
+  #ifndef NO_USER_SUPPORT
+  static	int	uflag;		/* allow /~user/ translation */
+! static	char	*public_html	= PUBLIC_HTML;
+  static	char	*transform_user (http_req *, int *);
+  #endif /* NO_USER_SUPPORT */
+--- 225,231 ----
+  #ifndef NO_USER_SUPPORT
+  static	int	uflag;		/* allow /~user/ translation */
+! static	const char *public_html	= PUBLIC_HTML;
+  static	char	*transform_user (http_req *, int *);
+  #endif /* NO_USER_SUPPORT */
+*************** static	char	*transform_user (http_req *,
+*** 234,240 ****
+  static	int	Xflag;		/* do directory indexing */
+! static	void	directory_index (http_req *, char *);
+  #endif /* NO_DIRINDEX_SUPPORT */
+--- 234,240 ----
+  static	int	Xflag;		/* do directory indexing */
+! static	void	directory_index (http_req *, const char *);
+  #endif /* NO_DIRINDEX_SUPPORT */
+*************** static	int	bflag;		/* background; drop i
+*** 242,248 ****
+  static	int	eflag;		/* don't clean environ; -t/-U only. */
+  #ifndef NO_DAEMON_MODE
+  static	char	*iflag;		/* bind address; default INADDR_ANY. */
+! static	char	*Iflag = "http";/* bind port; default "http". */
+  static	int	sock = -1;	/* bound socket. */
+  static	void	sigchild (int);	/* SIGCHLD handler. */
+--- 242,248 ----
+  static	int	eflag;		/* don't clean environ; -t/-U only. */
+  #ifndef NO_DAEMON_MODE
+  static	char	*iflag;		/* bind address; default INADDR_ANY. */
+! static	const char *Iflag = "http";/* bind port; default "http". */
+  static	int	sock = -1;	/* bound socket. */
+  static	void	sigchild (int);	/* SIGCHLD handler. */
+*************** static	void	sigchild (int);	/* SIGCHLD h
+*** 252,258 ****
+  #ifdef DEBUG
+  static	int	dflag = 0;	/* debugging level */
+! static	void	debug__ (int, char *, ...);
+  #define debug(x)	debug__ x
+  #else
+  #define	debug(x)	
+--- 252,258 ----
+  #ifdef DEBUG
+  static	int	dflag = 0;	/* debugging level */
+! static	void	debug__ (int, const char *, ...);
+  #define debug(x)	debug__ x
+  #else
+  #define	debug(x)	
+*************** static	char	*vpath;		/* virtual director
+*** 269,276 ****
+  static	char	date[40];	/* text date string */
+! static	char	*server_software = "bozohttpd/5.11";
+! static	char	*index_html	= INDEX_HTML;
+  static	char	http_09[]	= "HTTP/0.9";
+  static	char	http_10[]	= "HTTP/1.0";
+  static	char	http_11[]	= "HTTP/1.1";
+--- 269,276 ----
+  static	char	date[40];	/* text date string */
+! static	const char *server_software = "bozohttpd/5.11";
+! static	const char *index_html	= INDEX_HTML;
+  static	char	http_09[]	= "HTTP/0.9";
+  static	char	http_10[]	= "HTTP/1.0";
+  static	char	http_11[]	= "HTTP/1.1";
+*************** static	http_req *read_request (void);
+*** 285,310 ****
+  static	void	process_request (http_req *);
+  static	char	*transform_request (http_req *, int *);
+  static	void	handle_redirect (http_req *, char *);
+! static	void	print_header (http_req *, struct stat *, char *, char *);
+  static	void	check_virtual (http_req *);
+  static	void	fix_url_percent (http_req *);
+! static	void	process_method (http_req *, char *);
+! static	void	process_proto (http_req *, char *);
+! static	char	*content_type (http_req *, char *);
+! static	char	*content_encoding (http_req *, char *);
+  static	void	set_http_date (void);
+! static	void	warning (char *, ...);
+! static	void	error (int, char *, ...);
+! static	void	http_error (int, http_req *, char *);
+! static	char	*http_errors_short (int);
+! static	char	*http_errors_long (int);
+  static	char	*dgetln (int, ssize_t *);
+! static	char	*strnsep (char **, char *, ssize_t *);
+  	int	main (int, char *[]);
+--- 285,310 ----
+  static	void	process_request (http_req *);
+  static	char	*transform_request (http_req *, int *);
+  static	void	handle_redirect (http_req *, char *);
+! static	void	print_header (http_req *, struct stat *, const char *, const char *);
+  static	void	check_virtual (http_req *);
+  static	void	fix_url_percent (http_req *);
+! static	void	process_method (http_req *, const char *);
+! static	void	process_proto (http_req *, const char *);
+! static	const char *content_type (http_req *, const char *);
+! static	const char *content_encoding (http_req *, const char *);
+  static	void	set_http_date (void);
+! static	void	warning (const char *, ...);
+! static	void	error (int, const char *, ...);
+! static	void	http_error (int, http_req *, const char *);
+! static	const char *http_errors_short (int);
+! static	const char *http_errors_long (int);
+  static	char	*dgetln (int, ssize_t *);
+! static	char	*strnsep (char **, const char *, ssize_t *);
+  	int	main (int, char *[]);
+*************** process_request(request)
+*** 882,888 ****
+  	http_req *request;
+  {
+  	struct	stat sb;
+! 	char	*file, *type, *encoding;
+  	int	fd, isindex;
+  	/* note that transform_request chdir()'s if required */
+--- 882,889 ----
+  	http_req *request;
+  {
+  	struct	stat sb;
+! 	char	*file;
+! 	const char *type, *encoding;
+  	int	fd, isindex;
+  	/* note that transform_request chdir()'s if required */
+*************** process_request(request)
+*** 961,967 ****
+  void
+  directory_index(request, dirname)
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	char *dirname;
+  {
+  	struct stat sb;
+  	struct dirent *de;
+--- 962,968 ----
+  void
+  directory_index(request, dirname)
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	const char *dirname;
+  {
+  	struct stat sb;
+  	struct dirent *de;
+*************** check_virtual(request)
+*** 1094,1103 ****
+  		s = strchr(url, '/');
+  		/* HTTP/1.1 draft rev-06, 5.2: URI takes precedence over Host: */
+  		request->host = url;
+! 		if (s) {
+  			request->url = strdup(s);
+! 			*s = 0;
+! 		} else
+  			request->url = strdup("/");
+  		if (request->url == NULL)
+  			http_error(500, request, "strdup failed");
+--- 1095,1103 ----
+  		s = strchr(url, '/');
+  		/* HTTP/1.1 draft rev-06, 5.2: URI takes precedence over Host: */
+  		request->host = url;
+! 		if (s)
+  			request->url = strdup(s);
+! 		else
+  			request->url = strdup("/");
+  		if (request->url == NULL)
+  			http_error(500, request, "strdup failed");
+*************** transform_request(request, isindex)
+*** 1159,1165 ****
+  	http_req *request;
+  	int *isindex;
+  {
+! 	char	*file, *url;
+  	size_t	len;
+  	file = NULL;	/* XXX gcc */
+--- 1159,1166 ----
+  	http_req *request;
+  	int *isindex;
+  {
+! 	char	*file;
+! 	char *url;
+  	size_t	len;
+  	file = NULL;	/* XXX gcc */
+*************** void
+*** 1372,1379 ****
+  print_header(request, sbp, type, encoding)
+  	http_req *request;
+  	struct stat *sbp;
+! 	char *type;
+! 	char *encoding;
+  {
+  	(void)printf("Date: %s\r\n", date);
+--- 1373,1380 ----
+  print_header(request, sbp, type, encoding)
+  	http_req *request;
+  	struct stat *sbp;
+! 	const char *type;
+! 	const char *encoding;
+  {
+  	(void)printf("Date: %s\r\n", date);
+*************** process_cgi(request)
+*** 1407,1428 ****
+  	http_req *request;
+  {
+  	struct	_headers *headp;
+! 	char	*info, *type, *clen, *query, *s, *t,
+! 		    *path, *env, *command = NULL, *fullcommand,
+  		    *url = strdup(request->url + CGIBIN_PREFIX_LEN);
+  	char	**envp, *argv[3];
+  	int	envpsize, ix;
+  	if (url == NULL)
+! 		http_error(500, request, "malloc failed");
+  	query = path = NULL;
+  	envp = NULL;
+  	debug((DEBUG_FAT, "process_cgi:  writing HTTP header .."));
+- 	if (url == NULL)
+- 		http_error(500, request, "strdup failed");
+  	if (request->method == HTTP_HEAD)
+  		goto print_cgi_header;
+--- 1408,1427 ----
+  	http_req *request;
+  {
+  	struct	_headers *headp;
+! 	const char *type, *clen;
+! 	char	*info, *query, *s, *t, *path, *env, *fullcommand,
+! 		    *command = NULL,
+  		    *url = strdup(request->url + CGIBIN_PREFIX_LEN);
+  	char	**envp, *argv[3];
+  	int	envpsize, ix;
+  	if (url == NULL)
+! 		http_error(500, request, "strdup failed");
+  	query = path = NULL;
+  	envp = NULL;
+  	debug((DEBUG_FAT, "process_cgi:  writing HTTP header .."));
+  	if (request->method == HTTP_HEAD)
+  		goto print_cgi_header;
+*************** process_cgi(request)
+*** 1434,1440 ****
+  		command[s - url - 1] = '\0';
+  		url = info = s;
+  	} else
+! 		info = "";
+  	if (command == NULL) {
+  		command = url;
+--- 1433,1439 ----
+  		command[s - url - 1] = '\0';
+  		url = info = s;
+  	} else
+! 		(const char *)info = "";
+  	if (command == NULL) {
+  		command = url;
+*************** do {								\
+*** 1484,1489 ****
+--- 1483,1489 ----
+  	for (headp = request->headers.sqh_first; headp;
+  	    headp = headp->next.sqe_next) {
++ 		const char *s2;
+  		env = malloc(6 + strlen(headp->header) + 1 +
+  		    strlen(headp->value));
+  		if (env == NULL)
+*************** do {								\
+*** 1492,1504 ****
+  		t = env;
+  		strcpy(t, "HTTP_");
+  		t += strlen(t);
+! 		for (s = headp->header; *s; t++, s++)
+! 			if (islower(*s))
+! 				*t = toupper(*s);
+! 			else if (*s == '-')
+  				*t = '_';
+  			else
+! 				*t = *s;
+  		*t = '\0';
+  		debug((DEBUG_OBESE, "setting header %s as %s = %s",
+  		    headp->header, env, headp->value));
+--- 1492,1504 ----
+  		t = env;
+  		strcpy(t, "HTTP_");
+  		t += strlen(t);
+! 		for (s2 = headp->header; *s2; t++, s2++)
+! 			if (islower(*s2))
+! 				*t = toupper(*s2);
+! 			else if (*s2 == '-')
+  				*t = '_';
+  			else
+! 				*t = *s2;
+  		*t = '\0';
+  		debug((DEBUG_OBESE, "setting header %s as %s = %s",
+  		    headp->header, env, headp->value));
+*************** fix_url_percent(request)
+*** 1600,1606 ****
+   # method type.
+   */
+  static struct method_map {
+! 	char	*name;
+  	int	type;
+  } method_map[] = {
+  	{ "GET", 	HTTP_GET, },
+--- 1600,1606 ----
+   # method type.
+   */
+  static struct method_map {
+! 	const char *name;
+  	int	type;
+  } method_map[] = {
+  	{ "GET", 	HTTP_GET, },
+*************** static struct method_map {
+*** 1619,1625 ****
+  static void
+  process_method(request, method)
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	char	*method;
+  {
+  	struct	method_map *mmp;
+--- 1619,1625 ----
+  static void
+  process_method(request, method)
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	const char *method;
+  {
+  	struct	method_map *mmp;
+*************** process_method(request, method)
+*** 1642,1650 ****
+  static void
+  process_proto(request, proto)
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	char	*proto;
+  {
+! 	char	*majorstr, *minorstr;
+  	int	majorint, minorint;
+  	if (proto == NULL) {
+--- 1642,1650 ----
+  static void
+  process_proto(request, proto)
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	const char *proto;
+  {
+! 	char	majorstr[16], *minorstr;
+  	int	majorint, minorint;
+  	if (proto == NULL) {
+*************** got_proto_09:
+*** 1656,1662 ****
+  	if (strncasecmp(proto, "HTTP/", 5) != 0)
+  		goto bad;
+! 	majorstr = proto + 5;
+  	minorstr = strchr(majorstr, '.');
+  	if (minorstr == NULL)
+  		goto bad;
+--- 1656,1663 ----
+  	if (strncasecmp(proto, "HTTP/", 5) != 0)
+  		goto bad;
+! 	strncpy(majorstr, proto + 5, sizeof majorstr);
+! 	majorstr[sizeof(majorstr)-1] = 0;
+  	minorstr = strchr(majorstr, '.');
+  	if (minorstr == NULL)
+  		goto bad;
+*************** bad:
+*** 1695,1704 ****
+   * has less info per-entry).
+   */
+  static struct content_map {
+! 	char	*name;		/* postfix of file */
+! 	char	*type;		/* matching content-type */
+! 	char	*encoding;	/* matching content-encoding */
+! 	char	*encoding11;	/* matching content-encoding (HTTP/1.1) */
+  } content_map[] = {
+  	{ ".html",	"text/html",			"",		"", },
+  	{ ".htm",	"text/html",			"",		"", },
+--- 1696,1705 ----
+   * has less info per-entry).
+   */
+  static struct content_map {
+! 	const char *name;		/* postfix of file */
+! 	const char *type;		/* matching content-type */
+! 	const char *encoding;	/* matching content-encoding */
+! 	const char *encoding11;	/* matching content-encoding (HTTP/1.1) */
+  } content_map[] = {
+  	{ ".html",	"text/html",			"",		"", },
+  	{ ".htm",	"text/html",			"",		"", },
+*************** static struct content_map {
+*** 1821,1830 ****
+  /*
+   * given the file name, return a valid Content-Type: value.
+   */
+! char *
+  content_type(request, file)
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	char	*file;
+  {
+  	size_t	len = strlen(file), nlen;
+  	struct	content_map	*map;
+--- 1822,1831 ----
+  /*
+   * given the file name, return a valid Content-Type: value.
+   */
+! const char *
+  content_type(request, file)
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	const char	*file;
+  {
+  	size_t	len = strlen(file), nlen;
+  	struct	content_map	*map;
+*************** content_type(request, file)
+*** 1841,1850 ****
+  /*
+   * given the file name, return a valid Content-Encoding: value.
+   */
+! char *
+  content_encoding(request, file)
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	char	*file;
+  {
+  	size_t	len = strlen(file), nlen;
+  	struct	content_map	*map;
+--- 1842,1851 ----
+  /*
+   * given the file name, return a valid Content-Encoding: value.
+   */
+! const char *
+  content_encoding(request, file)
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	const char	*file;
+  {
+  	size_t	len = strlen(file), nlen;
+  	struct	content_map	*map;
+*************** content_encoding(request, file)
+*** 1864,1870 ****
+   */
+  #ifdef DEBUG
+  void
+! debug__(int level, char *fmt, ...)
+  {
+  	va_list	ap;
+  	int savederrno;
+--- 1865,1871 ----
+   */
+  #ifdef DEBUG
+  void
+! debug__(int level, const char *fmt, ...)
+  {
+  	va_list	ap;
+  	int savederrno;
+*************** debug__(int level, char *fmt, ...)
+*** 1883,1889 ****
+  /* these are like warn() and err(), except for syslog not stderr */
+  void
+! warning(char *fmt, ...)
+  {
+  	va_list ap;
+--- 1884,1890 ----
+  /* these are like warn() and err(), except for syslog not stderr */
+  void
+! warning(const char *fmt, ...)
+  {
+  	va_list ap;
+*************** warning(char *fmt, ...)
+*** 1897,1903 ****
+  }
+  void
+! error(int code, char *fmt, ...)
+  {
+  	va_list ap;
+--- 1898,1904 ----
+  }
+  void
+! error(int code, const char *fmt, ...)
+  {
+  	va_list ap;
+*************** void
+*** 1916,1927 ****
+  http_error(code, request, log)
+  	int	code;
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	char	*log;
+  {
+  	static	char buf[BUFSIZ];	/* static so we don't need to malloc? */
+! 	char	*header = http_errors_short(code);
+! 	char	*reason = http_errors_long(code);
+! 	char	*proto = (request && request->proto) ? request->proto : http_11;
+  	int	size;
+  	debug((DEBUG_FAT, "http_error %d: %s", code, log));
+--- 1917,1928 ----
+  http_error(code, request, log)
+  	int	code;
+  	http_req *request;
+! 	const char *log;
+  {
+  	static	char buf[BUFSIZ];	/* static so we don't need to malloc? */
+! 	const char *header = http_errors_short(code);
+! 	const char *reason = http_errors_long(code);
+! 	const char *proto = (request && request->proto) ? request->proto : http_11;
+  	int	size;
+  	debug((DEBUG_FAT, "http_error %d: %s", code, log));
+*************** http_error(code, request, log)
+*** 1960,1967 ****
+  /* short map between error code, and short/long messages */
+  static struct errors_map {
+  	int	code;			/* HTTP return code */
+! 	char	*shortmsg;		/* short version of message */
+! 	char	*longmsg;		/* long version of message */
+  } errors_map[] = {
+  	{ 400,	"400 Bad Request",	"The request was not valid", },
+  	{ 403,	"403 Forbidden",	"Access to this item has been denied", },
+--- 1961,1968 ----
+  /* short map between error code, and short/long messages */
+  static struct errors_map {
+  	int	code;			/* HTTP return code */
+! 	const char *shortmsg;		/* short version of message */
+! 	const char *longmsg;		/* long version of message */
+  } errors_map[] = {
+  	{ 400,	"400 Bad Request",	"The request was not valid", },
+  	{ 403,	"403 Forbidden",	"Access to this item has been denied", },
+*************** static struct errors_map {
+*** 1973,1981 ****
+  	{ 0,	NULL,			NULL, },
+  };
+! static char *help = "DANGER! WILL ROBINSON! DANGER!";
+! static char *
+  http_errors_short(code)
+  	int	code;
+  {
+--- 1974,1982 ----
+  	{ 0,	NULL,			NULL, },
+  };
+! static const char *help = "DANGER! WILL ROBINSON! DANGER!";
+! static const char *
+  http_errors_short(code)
+  	int	code;
+  {
+*************** http_errors_short(code)
+*** 1987,1993 ****
+  	return (help);
+  }
+! static char *
+  http_errors_long(code)
+  	int	code;
+  {
+--- 1988,1994 ----
+  	return (help);
+  }
+! static const char *
+  http_errors_long(code)
+  	int	code;
+  {
+*************** http_errors_long(code)
+*** 2009,2015 ****
+  char *
+  strnsep(strp, delim, lenp)
+  	char	**strp;
+! 	char	*delim;
+  	ssize_t	*lenp;
+  {
+  	char	*s;
+--- 2010,2016 ----
+  char *
+  strnsep(strp, delim, lenp)
+  	char	**strp;
+! 	const char *delim;
+  	ssize_t	*lenp;
+  {
+  	char	*s;
cgit v1.2.3