# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2007/05/31 12:48:34 dmcmahill Exp $ # DISTNAME= geda-docs-${PKGVERSION} CATEGORIES= cad MAINTAINER= dmcmahill@NetBSD.org HOMEPAGE= http://www.geda.seul.org/ COMMENT= HTML documentation for gEDA DEPENDS+= geda-symbols-${PKGVERSION}{,nb[0-9]*}:../../cad/geda-symbols BUILD_DEPENDS+= geda-symbols-${PKGVERSION}{,nb[0-9]*}:../../cad/geda-symbols CONFLICTS+= gEDA<19991011 .include "../../cad/geda/Makefile.common" GNU_CONFIGURE= YES USE_TOOLS+= find PLIST_SRC= ${WRKDIR}/PLIST # The docs are a snapshot of the wiki and each time around this is substantially different # which makes maintaining the PLIST a bit of a pain. So, automatically generate this # portion of the PLIST. post-install: ${CAT} ${.CURDIR}/PLIST.pre > ${PLIST_SRC} ${FIND} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/geda-doc/wiki -type f -print | \ ${SORT} | ${SED} 's;^${PREFIX}/;;g' >> ${PLIST_SRC} ${FIND} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/geda-doc/wiki -type d -print | \ ${SORT} -r | ${SED} 's;^${PREFIX}/;@dirrm ;g' >> ${PLIST_SRC} ${CAT} ${.CURDIR}/PLIST.post >> ${PLIST_SRC} .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"