====================================================================== $NetBSD: pkg-setup.txt,v 2001/10/21 21:26:52 seb Exp $ If you want to use Hybrid ircd... * Create the daemon configuration file: `${DPATH}ircd.conf' To aid you in this see the example file: `${PREFIX}/share/examples/ircd-hybrid/ircd.conf'. Or you can use the generator script: `${PREFIX}/sbin/ircd-hybrid-mkconf'. * Copy `${PREFIX}/share/examples/ircd-hybrid/opers.txt' as `${DPATH}opers.txt'. * Create an empty file writeable by user `${USER}' group `${GROUP}' named `${DPATH}kline.conf'. * Create MOTD files: `${DPATH}ircd.motd', `${DPATH}opers.motd'. * Create logfile(s) writeable by user `${USER}' group `${GROUP}': optional: `${OPERLOG}' mandatory: `${LPATH}' optional: `${USERLOG}' * Handle syslog facility ${SYSLOG_FACILITY} as you see fit You should use `${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d/ircd-hybrid' to start/stop/... ircd ======================================================================