START: licq -p qt-gui Remember that Licq will save the plugin being run so after running "licq -p qt-gui" once, it will always run with this plugin. Hence when you want to go back to the console version, use "licq -p console" the first time at least. Using licq is very straight-forward. To access any of the options, just right click on a user and select the relevant command, or double click on the user. A window will open containing a tab dialog with all the possible things to do. In this way you can read a new message, check user info, and send a message all from the same window at the same time. One key feature of licq is the network status window, which can be viewed by selecting "Show Network Window" under the "System" menu. This screen will show you exactly what is occuring at the protocol level. The menu option "<your alias>" will allow you to view your own settings and to check system messages.