This is a simple (well, not so simple anymore *grin*) irc client, written in perl and C. It's divided in two parts, a dumb-mode (meaning, no full screen interface) client, dsirc, that can be used stand-alone, programmed in perl, and a separate split-screen front end in C, called ssfe. The main point of running this client is that you can get a reasonable ircII-like interface on an account with a properly installed perl interpreter, with the perl client taking about 55k (and it's usable on its own if you don't have access to a C compiler) and with the interface, once compiled, taking just another 30 or 40k. The two together, while lacking the huge complexity of ircII, make a very usable client. And if you know perl, you'll find you can do quite complicated and interesting things with sirc too :) See /usr/pkg/lib/sirc/README for more usage instructions, and see /usr/pkg/lib/sirc/PROGRAMMING for information on how to extend sirc. Some example scripts can be found in /usr/pkg/lib/sirc/scripts.