$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 1.10 2010/11/10 21:00:50 adam Exp $

--- Makefile.in.orig	2009-06-21 11:17:33.000000000 +0000
+++ Makefile.in
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ all : lib/localcharset.h force
 	if test -d tests; then cd tests && $(MAKE) all; fi
 lib/localcharset.h :
-	builddir="`pwd`"; cd libcharset && $(MAKE) all && $(MAKE) install-lib libdir="$$builddir/lib" includedir="$$builddir/lib"
+	builddir="`pwd`"; cd libcharset && $(MAKE) all &&	\
+	${PAX} -rw lib/libcharset.la lib/.libs "$$builddir/" &&	\
+	${PAX} -rw include/*.h "$$builddir/"
 # Installs the library and include files only. Typically called with only
 # $(libdir) and $(includedir) - don't use $(prefix) and $(exec_prefix) here.