# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2016/06/19 16:23:59 wiz Exp $ DISTNAME= binutils-2.24 PKGNAME= ${DISTNAME:S/^/nios2-/} PKGREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= cross MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GNU:=binutils/} EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2 MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org HOMEPAGE= http://www.gnu.org/software/binutils/ COMMENT= GNU binutils for Altera FPGA Nios2 processor LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v3 # No need to use makeinfo - this package doesn't install the documentation. USE_TOOLS+= gmake USE_LANGUAGES= c c++ USE_LIBTOOL= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_GNU_CONFIGURE_HOST= no INFO_FILES= # empty # follows to devel/binutils # PR pkg/48504, ksh is sufficient for NetBSD 5.2 and NetBSD 6.1 .include "../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk" .if !empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MNetBSD-[5-6].*-*) && \ empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MNetBSD-6.99.*-*) USE_TOOLS+= ksh CONFIG_SHELL= ksh .endif .include "options.mk" NIOS2_TARGET= nios2-elf CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-werror --target=${NIOS2_TARGET} --disable-nls PLIST_SUBST+= NIOS2_TARGET=${NIOS2_TARGET:Q} GNU_CONFIGURE_PREFIX= ${PREFIX}/cross PATH:= ${PREFIX}/cross/bin:${PATH} AUTO_MKDIRS= yes # following file installed is reference only, not used at all for the moment post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA} files/nios2elf-netbsd.x ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/cross/${NIOS2_TARGET}/lib/ldscripts .include "../../devel/gettext-lib/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"