=========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.5 2017/03/17 16:26:30 mef Exp $ To complete the setup you will need to read the Bugzilla-Guide.txt in order to setup Database counter-part properly. In particular secion 2.2.2 of the document deals with database setup. After the initial setup of the database you can then check the settings in ${BZDIR}/localconfig and with super user privilege, cd ${BZDIR}; ./checksetup.pl You will need to make Bugzilla accessible through your HTTP server. If you are running Apache then you may add the following lines to httpd.conf: Include ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/bugzilla.conf to make Bugzilla accessible through: http://localhost/bugzilla/index.cgi IMPORTANTLY: CHANGE YOUR DATABASE PASSWORD FROM THE DEFAULT !! ===========================================================================