# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2007/08/05 05:19:19 dsainty Exp $ # DISTNAME= doxymacs-1.8.0 PKGNAME= ${EMACS_PKGNAME_PREFIX}${DISTNAME} CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=doxymacs/} MAINTAINER= dsainty@NetBSD.org HOMEPAGE= http://doxymacs.sourceforge.net/ COMMENT= Doxygen editing support for Emacs .include "../../mk/emacs.mk" # # "www/w3" (Emacs/W3) currently does not work with Emacs 22. Emacs/W3 # is documented as a requirement for Doxymacs, but it appears that it # is only used for the url-* support introduced in Emacs/W3. # Fortunately, the url-* support from Emacs/W3 has been integrated # into Emacs version 22. # .if ${EMACS_VERSION_MAJOR} <= 21 DEPENDS+= w3-[0-9]*:../../www/w3 .endif GNU_CONFIGURE= yes CONFIGURE_ENV+= EMACS=${EMACS_BIN:Q} .include "../../textproc/libxml2/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"