FLIM is a library to provide basic features about message
representation or encoding.

std11.el	--- STD 11 (RFC 822) parser and utility
mime.el	--- to provide various services about MIME-entities
  mime-def.el --- Definitions about MIME format
  mime-parse.el --- MIME parser
  mel.el --- MIME encoder/decoder
	mel-b-dl.el --- base64 (B-encoding) encoder/decoder
	mel-b-ccl.el --- base64 (B-encoding) encoder/decoder
	mel-b-en.el --- base64 (B-encoding) encoder/decoder
	mel-q-ccl.el --- quoted-printable and Q-encoding
			 encoder/decoder (using CCL)
	mel-q.el--- quoted-printable and Q-encoding
	mel-u.el--- unofficial backend for uuencode
	mel-g.el--- unofficial backend for gzip64
  eword-decode.el --- encoded-word decoder
  eword-encode.el --- encoded-word encoder
mailcap.el	--- mailcap parser and utility