# $NetBSD: application.mk,v 1.2 2022/09/03 16:27:56 pho Exp $ # # Generate shell completion scripts automatically. # # This mk fragment should be included in packages that install executables # which parse command-line arguments using optparse-applicative. If the # package installs a library too, and the library depends on # optparse-applicative, the package should include both "application.mk" # and "buildlink3.mk" so that pkgtools/createbuildlink works correctly. # # Package-settable variables: # # OPTPARSE_APPLICATIVE_EXECUTABLES # A list of names of executables supporting automatic completor # generation. These executables are assumed to be installed in # ${PREFIX}/bin. # # Default value: ${PKGBASE} # # Keywords: haskell optparse-applicative # OPTPARSE_APPLICATIVE_EXECUTABLES?= ${PKGBASE} .include "../../devel/hs-optparse-applicative/buildlink3.mk" # Declarations for ../../mk/misc/show.mk _VARGROUPS+= optparse-applicative _PKG_VARS.optparse-applicative= \ OPTPARSE_APPLICATIVE_EXECUTABLES _DEF_VARS.optparse-applicative= \ PRINT_PLIST_AWK \ GENERATE_PLIST \ OA.shell-types \ OA.generate-cmds _USE_VARS.optparse-applicative= \ DESTDIR \ PKGBASE \ PREFIX \ WRKSRC _IGN_VARS.optparse-applicative= \ OA.script.bash \ OA.script.fish \ OA.script.zsh _LISTED_VARS.optparse-applicative= \ PRINT_PLIST_AWK \ GENERATE_PLIST \ OA.generate-cmds _SORTED_VARS.optparse-applicative= \ OPTPARSE_APPLICATIVE_EXECUTABLES \ OA.shell-types # A list of shell types currently supported by optparse-applicative. OA.shell-types= bash fish zsh # The paths to completion script for each shell. "@exec@" will be # substituted later. OA.script.bash= share/bash-completion/completions/@exec@ OA.script.fish= share/fish/completions/@exec@.fish OA.script.zsh= share/zsh/site-functions/_@exec@ # Completion scripts should be excluded from PLIST files because the exact # set of installed scripts can vary depending on the version of # optparse-applicative. Note that we can't loop on # ${OPTPARSE_APPLICATIVE_EXECUTABLES} with ".for" because ${PKGBASE} is not # yet defined. PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= \ ${OPTPARSE_APPLICATIVE_EXECUTABLES:@.exec.@ \ ${OA.shell-types:@.shell.@ \ /^${OA.script.${.shell.}:S/@exec@/${.exec.}/:S,/,\\/,g}$$/ \ { next } \ @} \ @} # Automatically insert completion scripts to PLIST. GENERATE_PLIST+= \ ${OPTPARSE_APPLICATIVE_EXECUTABLES:@.exec.@ \ ${OA.shell-types:@.shell.@ \ ${ECHO} ${OA.script.${.shell.}:S/@exec@/${.exec.}/:Q}; \ @} \ @} # The post-install hook to generate completion scripts. We need to run the # executables we just built in order to generate scripts. However, unlike # cabal-install, the plain Cabal doesn't provide a convenient way to do # it. So we have to resort to something fragile. OA.generate-cmds= \ ${OPTPARSE_APPLICATIVE_EXECUTABLES:@.exec.@ \ ${STEP_MSG} "Generating shell completion scripts for ${.exec.}"; \ ${OA.shell-types:@.shell.@ \ ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${DESTDIR:Q}${PREFIX:Q}/${OA.script.${.shell.}:S/@exec@/${.exec.}/:H:Q}; \ ${PKGSRC_SETENV} LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${WRKSRC:Q}/dist/build \ ${WRKSRC:Q}/dist/build/${.exec.:Q}/${.exec.:Q} \ --${.shell.:Q}-completion-script \ ${PREFIX:Q}/bin/${.exec.:Q} \ > ${DESTDIR:Q}${PREFIX:Q}/${OA.script.${.shell.}:S/@exec@/${.exec.}/:Q}; \ @} \ @} .PHONY: generate-optparse-applicative-shell-completion-scripts post-install: generate-optparse-applicative-shell-completion-scripts generate-optparse-applicative-shell-completion-scripts: ${RUN}${OA.generate-cmds}