# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2013/02/15 11:54:02 obache Exp $ DISTNAME= swig-2.0.8 PKGREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= devel MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=swig/} MAINTAINER= jwbacon@tds.net HOMEPAGE= http://www.swig.org/ COMMENT= Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 2) LICENSE= 2-clause-bsd CONFLICTS= swig-build-[0-9]* # This package mostly can replace swig (1), but it is likely not # entirely compatible (per upstream). So the plan is to keep # devel/swig and devel/swig2 both for a while. This package is # configured to install swig as "swig2", so that swig and swig2 can be # installed in parallel. The downside of that is that depending # packages must check for and use swig2. Thus, the decision about # naming is open to being revisited. ## Notes about pkgsrc-wide transition to swig2: # 2012-10: gnuradio is said to work with swig2 (private communication # by gdt@ with a GNU Radio developer). However, it doesn't find 'swig2'. # Keep the path from changing due to minor version bumps. CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-swiglibdir=${PREFIX}/share/swig/2.0 \ --program-suffix=2 BUILD_TARGET= swig USE_TOOLS+= gmake pax GNU_CONFIGURE= YES USE_LANGUAGES= c c++ USE_LIBTOOL= YES INSTALLATION_DIRS+= share/doc/swig/2.0 share/examples/swig/2.0 CHECK_INTERPRETER_SKIP+= share/examples/swig/* # configure fails to generate this on NetBSD LDFLAGS+= -lpcre TEST_TARGET= check # Tests require lots of other dependencies. There should be a better # way to encode this, but for now they are commented out -gdt. #.include "../../lang/python/extension.mk" #.include "../../lang/php53/buildlink3.mk" #.include "../../devel/boost-libs/buildlink3.mk" post-install: cd ${WRKSRC}/Doc/Manual && \ ${INSTALL_DATA} SWIGDocumentation.html SWIGDocumentation.pdf \ *.png ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/swig/2.0 cd ${WRKSRC}/Examples && \ pax -wr \ -s ',.*CVS.*,,' \ -s ',.*Makefile\.in$$,,' \ -s ',^test-suite.*,,' \ . ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples/swig/2.0 .include "../../devel/pcre/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"