pkgsrc branches =============== This short document gives a brief overview of how branches are used in pkgsrc, what changes should be pulled up to branches from the head, and, in general, provides administrative background for pkgsrc branches. Starting in December 2003, we have been branching pkgsrc every 3 months. The reasoning behind this is that pkgsrc needs to be branched more often than the main NetBSD source tree, to enable it to keep up with more frequent releases from third-party software authors, to enable it to keep up to date with security fixes (see also pkgsrc/security/audit-packages for help with this), and for general bug fixes in third-party software. In addition, users are accustomed to updating their packages more frequently than their main trees, and so this move is intended to mirror the habits and usage model of pkgsrc users. pkgsrc branches are traditionally made at the end of almost 3 months development - new packages added, some old packages removed, and many packages updated to newer versions. At the end of this development period, a freeze is placed on new additions to pkgsrc, and any packages which have problems in them are investigated, and the team will fix as many of the errors as possible. The aim is to have zero broken packages on its main platform (NetBSD/i386, using the latest release available at the time of pkgsrc-branching). In the past, we have achieved this aim - recently, with newer versions of gcc, and other changes in the base system, we have had to relax that goal. Starting with the pkgsrc-2004Q2 branch, the freeze start and end times are recorded in the pkgsrc/doc/CHANGES file. The pkgsrc branch is named according to the time period at the end of which it was made: pkgsrc-2003Q4, pkgsrc-2004Q1 etc. This is reflected in the CVS tag and branch name in the pkgsrc tree. Commits to the branch appear in pkgsrc-changes mail with the tag in the subject line. Only one pkgsrc branch is maintained at any one time. When the pkgsrc tree is tagged and branched, the old branch is deprecated, support for it is ended, and the new branch is supported. We continually run bulk-builds of pkgsrc on a number of platforms, and the results are distributed to the pkgsrc-bulk mailing list. Whilst pkgsrc has been ported to many different operating systems, its primary use is as the packaging system for NetBSD, and that is where it gets most exercise. Where a change has been made to the pkgsrc trunk, and is found to be working, it can be pulled up to the branch. The developer who wishes it to be pulled up should send a mail to the well-known address (not listed here due to spiders and other bots which could harvest the mail address). Normally, a security fix will be pulled up to the branch when it is known that a fix works and closes the security hole. Other bug fixes and enhancements will enter a "cooling-off period" of two working days from receipt of the pullup request. Developers requesting pullups should take note of this - if you are requesting that a security fix be pulled up, please mark the request as being for a "security fix". The criterion for acceptance of a pullup is a simple one - does it enhance the pkgsrc branch? - and the pullup manager's decision is subjective and final. To request a pullup, the developer should forward all pieces of the relevant pkgsrc-changes mail marking it clearly as "security fix", "portability fix" or "other". Starting with the pkgsrc-2004Q2 branch, on the pkgsrc branch, in the pkgsrc/doc directory, there will be a file called CHANGES-<branch name> which contains a short description of the pullup ticket (used internally to manage the pullup queue), and the date on which it was taken. This file will also include the exact time in UTC when a branch was taken, to aid in any date-based CVS operations. Alistair Crooks Sun Jul 18 23:31:49 BST 2004