Changes to the packages collection and infrastructure on the pkgsrc-2010Q2 branch: Created pkgsrc-2010Q2 branch [agc 2010-07-02 20:58 UTC] Pullup ticket #3154 - requested by wiz multimedia/vlc: portability fix Pullup ticket #3155 - requested by taca databases/mysql51-client: security update databases/mysql51-server: security update Pullup ticket #3156 - requested by obache emulators/tme: build fix Pullup ticket #3160 - requested by obache www/py-moin: security update Pullup ticket #3162 - requested by obache editors/mule: bug fix patch inputmethod/ja-freewnn-lib: bug fix patch inputmethod/kinput2: bug fix patch Pullup ticket #3164 - requested by sbd print/cups: build fix Pullup ticket #3173 - requested by drochner graphics/freetype2: security update Pullup ticket #3176 - requested by sbd misc/rpm: build fix Pullup ticket #3177 - requested by tnn devel/xulrunner: security update www/firefox: security update Pullup ticket #3178 - requested by tnn www/seamonkey: security update and build fix Pullup ticket #3179 - requested by tnn mail/thunderbird: security update and build fix Pullup ticket #3181 - requested by tron mail/squirrelmail: security update Pullup ticket #3182 - requested by tron audio/pulseaudio: security patch Pullup ticket #3183 - requested by ghen databases/openldap: security update databases/openldap-client: security update databases/openldap-server: security update databases/openldap-doc: security update databases/openldap-cloak: security update databases/openldap-nop: security update databases/openldap-smbk5pwd: security update Pullup ticket #3184 - requested by tron lang/php5: security update lang/php53: security update converters/php-mbstring: security update devel/php-gmp: security update graphics/php-gd: security update multimedia/php-ming: security update net/php-xmlrpc: security update net/php-yaz: security update print/php-pdflib: security update Pullup ticket #3185 - requested by ghen mail/dovecot: security update Pullup ticket #3189 - requested by tnn devel/nspr: security update devel/xulrunner: security update www/firefox: security update Pullup ticket #3190 - requested by obache www/py-paste: security update Pullup ticket #3187 - requested by tron www/apache22: security update Pullup ticket #3192 - requested by obache net/avahi: security update Pullup ticket #3193 - requested by obache print/gv: security update Pullup ticket #3194 - requested by taca www/typo3: security update Pullup ticket #3196 - requested by tron net/wireshark: security update Pullup ticket #3197 - requested by tron graphics/tiff: security patches Pullup ticket #3198 - requested by gls net/lftp: security update Pullup ticket #3199 - requested by gls security/gnupg2: security patch Pullup ticket #3200 - requested by tnn graphics/freetype2: security update Pulluped ticket #3201 - requested by gls archivers/cabextract: security update Pullup ticket #3203 - requested by taca www/typolight28: security update Pullup ticket #3204 - requested by taca www/typolight27: security patch Pullup ticket #3205 - requested by taca www/drupal6: security update Pullup ticket #3206 - requested by tron net/socat: security update Pullup ticket #3207 - requested by taca lang/ruby18-base: security patch Pullup ticket #3208 - requested by taca databases/mysql51-client: security update databases/mysql51-server: security update Pullup ticket #3209 - requested by wiz sysutils/dbus-glib: security update Pullup ticket #3210 - requested by obache x11/wxGTK24: build fix Pullup ticket #3211 - requested by tez devel/glib2: build fix Pullup ticket #3212 - requested by tron databases/phpmyadmin: security update Pullup ticket #3213 - requested by obache graphics/pear-Image_Color: build fix Pullup ticket #3214 - requested by gdt net/quagga-devel: security update Pullup ticket #3215 - requested by drochner graphics/dia: package list fix Pullup ticket #3216 - requested by tron www/squid31: security update Pullup ticket #3218 - requested by tnn www/seamonkey: security update Pullup ticket #3219 - requested by tnn devel/xulrunner: security update devel/nspr: security update devel/nss: security update