$NetBSD: CHANGES-pkgsrc-2012Q2,v 2012/09/27 11:10:28 tron Exp $ Changes to the packages collection and infrastructure on the pkgsrc-2012Q2 branch: Created pkgsrc-2012Q2 branch [agc Sat Jun 30 23:26:00 UTC 2012] Pullup ticket #3838 - requested by dholland games/wesnoth: build fix Pullup ticket #3839 - requested by dholland editors/gobby: build fix Pullup ticket #3840 - requested by dholland multimedia/xfmedia: build fix Pullup ticket #3842 - requested by morr databases/postgresql83-adminpack: security update databases/postgresql83-client: security update databases/postgresql83-plperl: security update databases/postgresql83-pltcl: security update databases/postgresql83-server: security update databases/postgresql83-uuid: security update databases/postgresql83: security update Pullup ticket #3843 - requested by morr databases/postgresql84-adminpack: security update databases/postgresql84-client: security update databases/postgresql84-dblink: security update databases/postgresql84-pgcrypto: security update databases/postgresql84-plperl: security update databases/postgresql84-plpython: security update databases/postgresql84-pltcl: security update databases/postgresql84-server: security update databases/postgresql84-uuid: security update databases/postgresql84: security update Pullup ticket #3844 - requested by morr databases/postgresql91: security update databases/postgresql91-adminpack: security update databases/postgresql91-client: security update databases/postgresql91-datatypes: security update databases/postgresql91-dblink: security update databases/postgresql91-docs: security update databases/postgresql91-fuzzystrmatch: security update databases/postgresql91-monitoring: security update databases/postgresql91-pgcrypto: security update databases/postgresql91-plperl: security update databases/postgresql91-plpython: security update databases/postgresql91-pltcl: security update databases/postgresql91-replicationtools: security update databases/postgresql91-server: security update databases/postgresql91-upgrade: security update Pullup ticket #3846 - requested by joerg mk: improve shared library check Pullup ticket #3847 - requested by morr databases/postgresql90: security update databases/postgresql90-adminpack: security update databases/postgresql90-client: security update databases/postgresql90-datatypes: security update databases/postgresql90-dblink: security update databases/postgresql90-docs: security update databases/postgresql90-fuzzystrmatch: security update databases/postgresql90-monitoring: security update databases/postgresql90-pgcrypto: security update databases/postgresql90-plperl: security update databases/postgresql90-plpython: security update databases/postgresql90-pltcl: security update databases/postgresql90-replicationtools: security update databases/postgresql90-server: security update databases/postgresql90-upgrade: security update databases/postgresql90-uuid: security update Pullup ticket #3848 - requested by obache emulators/suse121_libtiff: security update Pullup ticket #3849 - requested by cheusov meta-pkgs/php53-extensions: build fix meta-pkgs/php54-extensions: build fix Pullup ticket #3850 - requested by taca www/typo3_45: security update Pullup ticket #3851 - requested by taca www/typo3_46: security update Pullup ticket #3852 - requested by taca www/typo3_4: security update Pullup ticket #3853 - requested by ryoon www/apache24: bug fix Pullup ticket #3854 - requested by prlw1 devel/at-spi2-atk: security update Pullup ticket #3855 - requested by joerg pkgtools/libnbcompat: portability fix Pullup ticket #3856 - requested by bsiegert audio/libaudiofile: build fix Pullup ticket #3857 - requested by bsiegert devel/automake: security update Pullup ticket #3858 - requested by wiz graphics/png: security update Pullup ticket #3859 - requested by wiz graphics/openjpeg: security patch Pullup ticket #3860 - requested by cheusov graphics/librsvg: build fix Pullup ticket #3841 - requested by tron net/libtorrent build fix Pullup ticket #3861 - requested by spz shells/bash: security patch Pullup ticket #3862 - requested by wiz graphics/tiff security update Pullup ticket #3863 - requested by ryoon www/seamonkey: security update Pullup ticket #3864 - requested by ryoon www/seamonkey-l10n: sync with seamonkey package Pullup ticket #3865 - requested by wiz net/nsd: security update Pullup ticket #3866 - requested by taca archivers/php-bz2: security update archivers/php-zip: security update archivers/php-zlib: security update converters/php-iconv: security update converters/php-mbstring: security update databases/php-dba: security update databases/php-ldap: security update databases/php-mssql: security update databases/php-mysql: security update databases/php-mysqli: security update databases/php-pdo: security update databases/php-pdo_dblib: security update databases/php-pdo_mysql: security update databases/php-pdo_pgsql: security update databases/php-pdo_sqlite: security update databases/php-pgsql: security update databases/php-sqlite: security update devel/php-gettext: security update devel/php-gmp: security update devel/php-pcntl: security update devel/php-posix: security update devel/php-shmop: security update devel/php-sysvmsg: security update devel/php-sysvsem: security update devel/php-sysvshm: security update graphics/php-exif: security update graphics/php-gd: security update lang/php53: security update lang/php54: security update mail/php-imap: security update math/php-bcmath: security update net/php-ftp: security update net/php-snmp: security update net/php-soap: security update net/php-sockets: security update net/php-xmlrpc: security update security/php-mcrypt: security update textproc/php-dom: security update textproc/php-enchant: security update textproc/php-intl: security update textproc/php-json: security update textproc/php-pspell: security update textproc/php-wddx: security update textproc/php-xsl: security update time/php-calendar: security update www/ap-php: security update www/php-curl: security update www/php-fpm: security update www/php-tidy: security update Pullup ticket #3870 - requested by spz net/bind98 security update Pullup ticket #3871 - requested by spz net/bind99 security update Pullup ticket #3872 - requested by spz net/bind97 security update Pullup ticket #3873 - requested by spz net/bind96 security update Pullup ticket #3874 - requested by taca lang/php: fix PHP version numbers in dependencies after recent update Pullup ticket #3867 - requested by obache emulators/suse121_base: security update Pullup ticket #3868 - requested by obache emulators/suse121_gtk2: security update Pullup ticket #3869 - requested by taca net/isc-dhcp4: security update Pullup ticket #3875 - requested by taca www/contao211: security update Pullup ticket #3876 - requested by drochner net/wireshark: security update Pullup ticket #3878 - requested by wen www/moodle: security update Pullup ticket #3880 - requested by bsiegert mk/tools: fix build problems under MirBSD Pullup ticket #3879 - requested by morr devel/RTFM: security update Pullup ticket #3881 - requested by wiz net/Transmission: security update net/Transmission-gui: security update Pullup ticket #3882 - requested by dholland graphics/camlimages: build fix Pullup ticket #3883 - requested by wiz graphics/ImageMagick: security patch Pullup ticket #3884 - requested by wiz graphics/GraphicsMagick: security patch Pullup ticket #3885 - requested by drochner sysutils/xenkernel33: security patch sysutils/xenkernel41: security patch Pullup ticket #3886 - requested by obache emulators/suse121_libjpeg: security update Pullup ticket #3887 - requested by obache emulators/suse121_libpng: security update Pullup ticket #3888 - requested by obache www/opera: security update Pullup ticket #3889 - requested by tron databases/phpmyadmin: security update Pullup ticket #3890 - requested by drochner textproc/libxml2: security patch Pullup ticket #3891 - requested by is sysutils/mtools: bug fix patch Pullup ticket #3892 - requested by is sysutils/mtools: bug fix patch Pullup ticket #3893 - requested by obache emulators/suse121_libxml2: security update Pullup ticket #3894 - requested by taca databases/ruby-activerecord3: security update devel/ruby-activemodel: security update devel/ruby-activesupport3: security update devel/ruby-railties: security update mail/ruby-actionmailer3: security update mail/ruby-mail22/Makefile www/ruby-actionpack3: security update www/ruby-activeresource3: security update www/ruby-rails3: security update Pullup ticket #3895 - requested by taca databases/ruby-activerecord31: security update devel/ruby-activemodel31: security update devel/ruby-activesupport31: security update devel/ruby-railties31: security update mail/ruby-actionmailer31: security update www/ruby-actionpack31: security update www/ruby-activeresource31: security update www/ruby-rails31: security update Pullup ticket #3896 - requested by taca databases/ruby-activerecord32: security update devel/ruby-activemodel32: security update devel/ruby-activesupport32: security update devel/ruby-railties32: security update mail/ruby-actionmailer32: security update www/ruby-actionpack32: security update www/ruby-activeresource32: security update www/ruby-rails32: security update Pullup ticket #3898 - requested by wiz editors/emacs24-nox11: security patch editors/emacs24: security patch Pullup ticket #3899 - requested by wiz editors/emacs-nox11: security patch editors/emacs: security patch Pullup ticket #3900 - requested by markd misc/kdepimlibs4: functionality fix Pullup ticket #3901 - requested by tron databases/phpmyadmin: security update Pullup ticket #3902 - requested by taca Ruby on Rails 3.1.8 security update Pullup ticket #3903 - requested by taca Ruby on Rails 3.0.17 security update. Pullup ticket #3904 - requested by taca Ruby on Rails 3.2.8 security update Pullup ticket #3905 - requested by taca www/drupal7 security update Pullup ticket #3906 - requested by www/typo3_45 security update Pullup ticket #3907 - requested by www/typo3_46 security update Pullup ticket #3908 - requested by www/typo3_47 security update Pullup ticket #3909 - requested by wiz graphics/gimp: security patch Pullup ticket #3910 - requested by drochner net/tor: security update Pullup ticket #3911 - requested by drochner net/wireshark: security update Pullup ticket #3912 - requested by obache multimedia/adobe-flash-plugin10.1: security update Pullup ticket #3913 - requested by obache www/opera: security update Pullup ticket #3914 - requested by obache lang/sun-jdk6: security update lang/sun-jre6: security update Pullup ticket #3915 - requested by taca mail/roundcube: security update Pullup ticket #3917 - requested by wen www/mediawiki: security update Pullup ticket #3918 - requested by morr www/wordpress: security update Pullup ticket #3916 - requested by tron net/wireshark: security patch Pullup ticket #3919 - requested by taca net/bind?? CVE-2012-4244 security fix Pullup ticket #3920 - requested by taca net/{isc-dhcp4,isc-dhcpd4,isc-dhclient4,isc-dhcrelay} security fix Pullup ticket #3921 - requested by bouyer net/freeradius2: security patch Pullup ticket #3922 - requested by taca www/apache22: security update Pullup ticket #3923 - requested by taca graphics/optipng: security update