# $NetBSD: Makefile-example,v 1.4 2004/02/15 14:09:25 jlam Exp $ # First paragraph - distfile and binary package data # DISTNAME PKGNAME PKGREVISION SVR4_PKGNAME CATEGORIES MASTER_SITES # DYNAMIC_MASTER_SITES MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR EXTRACT_SUFX DISTFILES DISTNAME= make-3.80 PKGNAME= gmake-3.80 # only to be added if the package name is different from DISTNAME #PKGREVISION= 2 # should be added/incremented for user-visible changes CATEGORIES= devel gnu # multiple categories are allowed MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GNU:=make/} #EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2 # .tar.gz is the default, only needed in unusual circumstances # Second paragraph - MAINTAINER, HOMEPAGE and COMMENT MAINTAINER= tech-pkg@NetBSD.org # set this to your email address, tech-pkg@ is the default HOMEPAGE= http://www.gnu.org/software/make/make.html COMMENT= GNU version of 'make' utility # start with a capital, no articles at start # Third paragraph - licensing information # Please set RESTRICTED to the relevant reason, and use it to define NO_{SRC,BIN}_ON_{FTP,CDROM} # Any specific licence should be added to the pkgsrc/licenses directory RESTRICTED= "Redistribution of unmodified source only; resale prohibited." NO_SRC_ON_CDROM= ${RESTRICTED} NO_BIN_ON_FTP= ${RESTRICTED} NO_BIN_ON_CDROM= ${RESTRICTED} LICENSE= hptools-license # Fourth paragraph - PKG_INSTALLATION_TYPES PKG_INSTALLATION_TYPES= overwrite pkgviews # needed for package views-ready packages # Fifth paragraph - all build definitions # WRKSRC, USE_BUILDLINK2, USE_BUILDLINK3, GNU_CONFIGURE, HAS_CONFIGURE, # USE_PKGLOCALEDIR, USE_INSTALL, TEXINFO_REQD, USE_JAVA, USE_PERL5 # INFO_FILES, DIST_SUBDIR, CONFIGURE_ENV, CONFIGURE_ARGS, MAKE_ENV # etc DIST_SUBDIR= gmake GNU_CONFIGURE= yes INFO_FILES= make.info # any info files, whitespace delimited TEXINFO_REQD= 4.0 # version of texinfo which is necessary USE_BUILDLINK3= yes USE_PKGLOCALEDIR= yes WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/src # Sixth paragraph - different targets # ALL_TARGET, INSTALL_TARGET, TEST_TARGET TEST_TARGET= check # always include bsd.prefs.mk before any .if or .ifdef statements .include "../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk" .if defined(GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX) # indent nested "if" by 2 spaces please . if ${GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX} == "g" CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --program-prefix=${GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX} . endif .endif PLIST_SUBST+= GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX=${GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX} BUILD_DEFS+= GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX # buildlink[23] files should come after all variables have been set, # sorted alphabetically. .include "../../devel/gettext-lib/buildlink3.mk" # The section that handles pthreads should come after all other buildlink[23] # files have been included. .include "../../mk/pthread.buildlink3.mk" .if ${PTHREAD_TYPE} == "none" CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-threads .endif # Makefile targets should occur after all the other definitions in the file post-install: ${CHMOD} g-s ${PREFIX}/bin/${GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX}make ${CHGRP} ${BINGRP} ${PREFIX}/bin/${GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX}make .if !defined(GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX) || ${GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX} != "g" # Solaris's "ln -fs" is not the same as on *BSD - use an explicit rm(1) instead ${RM} -f ${PREFIX}/bin/gmake ${LN} -s ${GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX}make ${PREFIX}/bin/gmake .endif # Finally, please include bsd.pkg.mk .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"