$NetBSD: TODO,v 1.4 2002/11/25 04:29:30 schmonz Exp $ Suggested new packages ====================== any unresolved PRs (if you have commit access) http://www.netbsd.org/Gnats/category/pkg.html driftnet Listens to network traffic and picks out images from TCP streams. http://www.ex-parrot.com/~chris/driftnet/ figfonts More fonts for figlet. ftp://ftp.plig.org/pub/figlet/fonts/contributed/ gd-noX11 Version of gd for systems without X11. jabber Messaging client. http://www.jabber.com/downloads/index.shtml kde-i18n Internationalisation package for KDE 2. ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/2.1/distribution/tar/generic/src loserjabber GTK application which allows posting of journal entries to http://www.livejournal.com/ . http://loserjabber.sourceforge.net/ nautilus Full featured file manager for GNOME. FreeBSD has a port mostly working now. http://cvs.gnome.org/lxr/source/nautilus/ resin Fast JSP server. (I will import this when we have a native Java 2 -- it can't be built with our native jdk. [jwise]) http://www.caucho.com/products/resin/index.xtp squirm Fast and configurable redirector for Squid. http://squirm.foote.com.au/ smsclient Send SMS messages to mobile phones and pagers on wide range of providers. [pkg/16430 is relevant] http://www.styx.demon.co.uk/ SquirrelMail plugins SquirrelMail has a plugin feature and several plugins exist. (See mail/sq-squirrelspell for an example.) http://www.squirrelmail.org/index.php3?page=15 vmsbackup Read VMS backup tapes. http://garbo.uwasa.fi/pub/unix/vmsbackup/ Suggested package updates ========================= o Mesa-5.0 o ORBit2-2.5.0 [pkg/18707] o acroread-5.1 o anjuta-1.0.0 o aspell-0.50.2 o atari800-1.2.4 o autotrace-0.31.1 o balsa-1.4.1 o balsa-2.0.3 o binutils-2.13.1 o bison-1.75 o bzflag-1.7e6 o cdlabelgen-2.5.0 o cdrecord-1.11a39 [pkg/19073] o centericq-4.8.7 o clisp-2.30 o courier-0.40 [jlam] o courier-imap-1.6 [jlam] o crafty-19.1 o ctwm-3.6 o cyrus-imapd-2.1.10 o dante-1.1.13 o db4-4.1.24 o dopewars-1.5.8 o dylan-*-2.3.9 o easytags-0.25 o elinks-0.3.2 (0.4pre18) o eterm-0.9.2 o ettercap-0.6.7 [pkg/19061] o evilwm-0.99.11 o evolution-1.1.1 o fags-0.2.0 o fileroller-2.0 o fltk-1.1.1 o fox-1.1.16 o freeciv-1.13.0 o freetype-2.1.2 o gcvs-1.0b4 o gd-2.0.4 o gedit-2.0.0 o gentoo-0.11.34 o gettext-0.11.5 [drochner] o gkrellm-2.0.4 o gnome-applets-2.0.0 o gnome-file-manager-2.0.1 o gnome-python-1.4.4 o gnome-python-1.99.13 o gnomeicu-0.99beta o gnucash-1.7.2 o gnumeric-1.1.11 [devel] o gtar o gtkmm-2.0.1 o guile-1.6.0 o htmldoc-1.8.23 o icewm-1.2.2 o id3lib-3.8.1 o ivtools-1.0.5 o jakarta-ant-1.5 [pkg/18322] o jed-0.99.16 [pkg/18937] o jgloss-1.0.6 o joe-2.9 [pkg/18022] o johntheripper-1.6.32 o jpilot-0.99.2 [dillo] o kdevelop-3.0alpha1 o lbreakout2-2.3.5 o lcms-1.0.9 o leafnode-1.9.29 o lesstif-0.93.36 [drochner] o lftp-2.6.2 o libole2-2.2.8 o libmng-1.0.5rc1 o librep-0.16.1 o libsidplay-1.36.57 o libslang-1.4.6 o lilypond-1.6.0 o links-2.1pre7 o lmbench-2.0.3 o lout-3.26 [pkg/18687] o lsh-1.4.1 o lynx-2.8.5dev9 (lynx-current) o mcrypt-2.6.3 o memtest86-3.0 o mgp-1.09a o mixer.app-1.8.0 o mkfontscale-20020618 (needs freetype-2.1.1) o mp3blaster-3.1.2 o mplayer-0.90pre10 o mrproject-0.6 o multi-gnome-terminal-1.6.1 o mysql-4.0.3 o naim- o nas-1.5 [pkg/18684] o nas-1.6 o nasm-0.98.35 o ncurses-5.3 o netpbm-10.8 o nessus-1.2.6 o nxtvepg-2.3.1 o openoffice-1.0.1 [skrll] o openoffice-643 [post-1.0.1] o openssh-3.5p1 o oss-397f o pilot-link-0.11.4 [dillo] o pkgconfig-0.14.0 o plib-1.6.0 o povray-3.5 o psi-0.8.7 o pwlib-1.4.2 o pygtk-0.6.11 o pygtk-1.9.13 o r-1.6.1 [markd] o readline-4.3 o rep-gtk-0.16 o rox-filer-1.3.3 o rox-session-0.1.17 o rrdtool-1.0.39 o rt-2.1.15 o sane-1.0.9 o sane-frontends-1.0.9 o sawfish-1.2 o scribus-0.8 o scrollkeeper-0.3.11 o sendfile-20010424 o siag-office-3.5.3 o sidplay-1.0.8 o silc-client-0.9.8 o silc-server-0.9.8 o sed-4.0.1 o smalltalk-2.0.8 o snes9x-1.39a o sodipodi-0.26 o speex-1.0beta2 o splint- (replacing lclint) [bjoern] o squeak-3.2 [fredb|pkg/17950] o srp-1.7.5 [jlam] o stunnel-4.03 o subversion-0.14.3 o suck-4.3.1 o sylpheed-0.8.6 o tcl/tk-8.4.1 [bjoern] o texinfo-4.3 o texmacs- [pkg/18495] o texmacs- o ttf2pt1-3.4.2 o vnc-3.3.4 [http://www.realvnc.com/download.html] o whitebox-4.2 [pkg/18232] o xalan-c-1.4 o xbae-4.50.0 o xforms-1.0RC4 o xpaint-2.6.6 o xpuyopuyo-0.9.5 o xsane-0.87 [rh|pkg/17952] o xsidplay-1.6.5pre15 o ysm-2.8.1 o yudit-2.6.4 Suggested pkgsrc enhancements ============================= o Add a default test target to mk/*.mk and override it in any pkgs that have testsuites. Use it in bulk builds/test. o Add a sort check to pkglint for PLISTs. o Make pkgsrc work on more operating systems. o Permit cross-building of packages which are capable of doing so (e.g. ones that use GNU autoconf properly).