$NetBSD: patch-bl,v 1.1 2000/09/26 21:42:36 eeh Exp $

--- ./src/m/sparc.h.orig	Sat Sep  6 11:51:04 1997
+++ ./src/m/sparc.h	Tue Sep 26 12:36:05 2000
@@ -117,3 +117,35 @@
 #define A_TEXT_SEEK(HDR) (N_TXTOFF (hdr) + sizeof (hdr))
 #endif /* not __NetBSD__ and not __linux__ and not __OpenBSD__ */
+#ifdef __arch64__		/* GCC, 64-bit ABI.  */
+#define EMACS_INT long
+#define BITS_PER_LONG 64
+#define EMACS_UINT unsigned long
+/* On the 64 bit architecture, we can use 60 bits for addresses */
+#define VALBITS         60
+/* This definition of MARKBIT is necessary because of the comparison of
+   ARRAY_MARK_FLAG and MARKBIT in an #if in lisp.h, which cpp doesn't like. */
+#define MARKBIT         0x8000000000000000L
+/* Define XINT and XUINT so that they can take arguments of type int */
+#define XINT(a)  (((long) (a) << (BITS_PER_LONG - VALBITS)) >> (BITS_PER_LONG - VALBITS))
+#define XUINT(a) ((long) (a) & VALMASK)
+/* Define XPNTR to avoid or'ing with DATA_SEG_BITS */
+#define XPNTR(a) XUINT (a)
+#define PNTR_COMPARISON_TYPE unsigned long
+#ifndef _LP64
+#define _LP64			/* Done on Alpha -- not sure if it
+				   should be here.  -- fx */