$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.3 1998/08/07 10:40:32 agc Exp $ *** Makefile.orig Mon Jan 23 01:01:28 1995 --- Makefile Mon Apr 6 16:29:17 1998 *************** *** 9,17 **** # to go and where you want the man page # to go: ! WHEREJOE = /usr/local/bin ! WHERERC = /usr/local/lib ! WHEREMAN = /usr/man/man1 # If you want to use TERMINFO, you have to set # the following variable to 1. Also you have to --- 9,17 ---- # to go and where you want the man page # to go: ! WHEREJOE = ${PREFIX}/bin ! WHERERC = ${PREFIX}/lib ! WHEREMAN = ${PREFIX}/man/man1 # If you want to use TERMINFO, you have to set # the following variable to 1. Also you have to *************** *** 27,33 **** # C compiler options: make's built-in rules use this variable ! CFLAGS = -O # C compiler to use: make's built-in rules use this variable --- 27,33 ---- # C compiler options: make's built-in rules use this variable ! # CFLAGS = -O # C compiler to use: make's built-in rules use this variable *************** *** 45,51 **** # add '-ltinfo', '-lcurses' or '-ltermlib', # depending on the system. ! EXTRALIBS = # Object files --- 45,51 ---- # add '-ltinfo', '-lcurses' or '-ltermlib', # depending on the system. ! EXTRALIBS = -ltermcap # Object files *************** *** 84,100 **** # Install proceedure ! install: joe termidx strip joe ! strip termidx if [ ! -d $(WHEREJOE) ]; then mkdir $(WHEREJOE); chmod a+rx $(WHEREJOE); fi ! rm -f $(WHEREJOE)/joe $(WHEREJOE)/jmacs $(WHEREJOE)/jstar $(WHEREJOE)/jpico $(WHEREJOE)/rjoe $(WHEREJOE)/termidx mv joe $(WHEREJOE) ln $(WHEREJOE)/joe $(WHEREJOE)/jmacs ln $(WHEREJOE)/joe $(WHEREJOE)/jstar ln $(WHEREJOE)/joe $(WHEREJOE)/rjoe ln $(WHEREJOE)/joe $(WHEREJOE)/jpico ! mv termidx $(WHEREJOE) if [ ! -d $(WHERERC) ]; then mkdir $(WHERERC); chmod a+rx $(WHERERC); fi rm -f $(WHERERC)/joerc $(WHERERC)/jmacsrc $(WHERERC)/jstarrc $(WHERERC)/jpicorc $(WHERERC)/rjoerc $(WHEREMAN)/joe.1 cp joerc $(WHERERC) --- 84,100 ---- # Install proceedure ! install: joe # termidx strip joe ! # strip termidx if [ ! -d $(WHEREJOE) ]; then mkdir $(WHEREJOE); chmod a+rx $(WHEREJOE); fi ! rm -f $(WHEREJOE)/joe $(WHEREJOE)/jmacs $(WHEREJOE)/jstar $(WHEREJOE)/jpico $(WHEREJOE)/rjoe # $(WHEREJOE)/termidx mv joe $(WHEREJOE) ln $(WHEREJOE)/joe $(WHEREJOE)/jmacs ln $(WHEREJOE)/joe $(WHEREJOE)/jstar ln $(WHEREJOE)/joe $(WHEREJOE)/rjoe ln $(WHEREJOE)/joe $(WHEREJOE)/jpico ! # mv termidx $(WHEREJOE) if [ ! -d $(WHERERC) ]; then mkdir $(WHERERC); chmod a+rx $(WHERERC); fi rm -f $(WHERERC)/joerc $(WHERERC)/jmacsrc $(WHERERC)/jstarrc $(WHERERC)/jpicorc $(WHERERC)/rjoerc $(WHEREMAN)/joe.1 cp joerc $(WHERERC) *************** *** 114,126 **** chmod a+r $(WHERERC)/rjoerc chmod a+r $(WHERERC)/jpicorc chmod a+r $(WHEREMAN)/joe.1 ! chmod a+x $(WHEREJOE)/termidx ! rm -f $(WHERERC)/termcap ! cp termcap $(WHERERC)/termcap ! chmod a+r $(WHERERC)/termcap ! rm -f $(WHERERC)/terminfo ! cp terminfo $(WHERERC)/terminfo ! chmod a+r $(WHERERC)/terminfo # Cleanup proceedure --- 114,126 ---- chmod a+r $(WHERERC)/rjoerc chmod a+r $(WHERERC)/jpicorc chmod a+r $(WHEREMAN)/joe.1 ! # chmod a+x $(WHEREJOE)/termidx ! # rm -f $(WHERERC)/termcap ! # cp termcap $(WHERERC)/termcap ! # chmod a+r $(WHERERC)/termcap ! # rm -f $(WHERERC)/terminfo ! # cp terminfo $(WHERERC)/terminfo ! # chmod a+r $(WHERERC)/terminfo # Cleanup proceedure