Xcoral is a multi-window mouse-based text editor for the X Window
System. A built-in browser enables you to navigate through C
functions, C++ classes, methods and files. A Small ANSI C Interpreter
(Smac) is also built-in to dynamically extend the editor's
possibilities (user functions, key bindings, modes etc). Xcoral
provides variable width fonts, menus, scrollbars, buttons, search,
regions, kill-buffers, macros and undo. An on-line manual box, with a
table of contents and an index, helps you to use and customize the
editor. Commands are accessible from menus or key bindings. Xcoral is
a direct Xlib client and runs on color/bw X Display.

The example .xcoralrc is in ${PREFIX}/lib/X11/xcoral/xcoralrc.fl; copy
it to ~/.xcoralrc, and fire up xcoral.