=========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE.NetBSD,v 1.12 2011/11/12 06:01:28 manu Exp $ *** GlusterFS clients *** You need a kernel with the following options (not present in netbsd-5 GENERIC) file-system PUFFS pseudo-device putter pseudo-device pud This is required in /etc/sysctl.conf in order to avoid hangs on I/O operations: kern.sbmax=4194304 net.inet.tcp.sendbuf_max=1048576 net.inet.tcp.recvbuf_max=1048576 In order to use mount -t glusterfs, please install this link ln -s ${PREFIX}/sbin/mount.glusterfs /sbin/mount_glusterfs *** GlusterFS servers *** glusterfs servers will need extended attributes in exported filesystems. On netbsd-5 branch, this means UFS1 and a kernel with the following options: options UFS_EXTATTR options UFS_EXTATTR_AUTOSTART options UFS_EXTATTR_AUTOCREATE=1024 On NetBSD-current, UFS_EXTATTR_AUTOSTART and UFS_EXTATTR_AUTOCREATE are not options anymore, but you need to mount the filesystem with -o extattr You will also need to create theses directories on exported filesystems' roots: .attribute/system .attribute/user ===========================================================================