# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2018/08/16 18:54:43 adam Exp $ DISTNAME= bitcoin-0.16.1 PKGREVISION= 2 CATEGORIES= finance MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GITHUB:=bitcoin/} GITHUB_TAG= v${PKGVERSION_NOREV} MAINTAINER= khorben@defora.org HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/ COMMENT= P2P electronic cash system LICENSE= mit USE_LIBTOOL= yes USE_TOOLS+= gmake pkg-config autoconf aclocal autoheader automake AUTO_MKDIRS= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_LANGUAGES= c c++ # bitcoin-core requires c++11 (but does not need manual --std=c++11). # TODO: File bug upstream - configure should add this where it is # needed. Without -fPIC, linking of test_bitcoin fails. CFLAGS+= -fPIC # configure does not look in PREFIX for boost unless instructed. CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-boost=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.boost-libs} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-hardening # pkgsrc's db4 package installs as db4_, but bitcoin looks for db_. BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM+= l:db_cxx:db4_cxx TEST_TARGET= check PLIST_VARS+= qt RCD_SCRIPTS= bitcoind BUILD_DEFS+= VARBASE OWN_DIRS= ${VARBASE}/bitcoin EGDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/bitcoin CONF_FILES= ${EGDIR}/bitcoin.conf ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/bitcoin.conf CONF_FILES_PERMS= ${EGDIR}/bitcoin.conf ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/bitcoin.conf ${REAL_ROOT_USER} ${REAL_ROOT_GROUP} 0644 # This is currently unnecessary, but it seems likely we will find a # file that references /usr when ${PREFIX} is appropriate. SUBST_CLASSES+= pkg SUBST_STAGE.pkg= post-patch SUBST_SED.pkg= -e "s|/usr/|${PREFIX}/|g" SUBST_MESSAGE.pkg= Fixing /usr references to ${PREFIX}. # bitcoin does not actually have releases; only snapshots of the # repository from which a release would have been made. Remedially # create configure.in and similar. pre-configure: cd ${WRKSRC} && ./autogen.sh # TODO: Decide if secp256k1 and univalue are supposed to be installed, # and if so where, or if they should be linked with privately. INSTALL_DIRS= ${BUILD_DIRS} src/secp256k1 src/univalue # Install the Debian example config file. post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA} -m 644 ${WRKSRC}/contrib/debian/examples/bitcoin.conf ${DESTDIR}${EGDIR} .include "options.mk" .include "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/desktopdb.mk" .include "../../databases/db4/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../devel/boost-libs/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../devel/libevent/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../security/openssl/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/dlopen.buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"