# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2012/12/12 16:26:51 wiz Exp $ DISTNAME= marathon-evil-199704 CATEGORIES= games MASTER_SITES= http://files3.bungie.org/trilogy/ DISTFILES+= MarathonEvil.zip EXTRACT_SUFX= .zip MAINTAINER= christtrekker@users.sourceforge.net HOMEPAGE= http://bighouse.bungie.org/evil/ COMMENT= Game data for Marathon EVIL scenario, playable with Aleph One LICENSE= cc-by-nc-nd-v3.0-license # There is no true dependency on Aleph One. These scenarios cannot be # played without it, though. #DEPENDS+= alephone-[0-9]*:../../games/alephone .include "../../games/alephone/scenario.mk" INSTALLATION_DIRS= ${SCENARIO_BASE}/Evil ${SCENARIO_BASE}/Evil/Scripts ${SCENARIO_BASE}/Evil/Themes INSTALLATION_DIRS+= share/doc/${PKGBASE} NO_CONFIGURE= yes NO_BUILD= yes MESSAGE_SUBST+= SCENARIO_BASE="${SCENARIO_BASE}" post-extract: #clean up irregular author packaging find -d ${WRKDIR} -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \; find ${WRKDIR} -name .#* -exec rm -rf {} \; ${CHMOD} 644 ${WRKDIR}/Marathon\ EVIL/Cursed* ${CHMOD} 644 ${WRKDIR}/Marathon\ EVIL/Scripts/* ${CHMOD} 644 ${WRKDIR}/Marathon\ EVIL/Themes/Default/* do-install: #install the docs into doc dir and other files into the Scenarios dir #there is no ${INSTALL_...} command with recursive abilities... ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/Marathon\ EVIL/*.txt ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/${PKGBASE} ${CP} -r ${WRKDIR}/Marathon\ EVIL/* ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${SCENARIO_BASE}/Evil ${RM} -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${SCENARIO_BASE}/Evil/EVIL\ ReadMe.txt .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"