# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2001/07/05 22:13:06 kristerw Exp $ # DISTNAME= mirrormagic-2.0.0 CATEGORIES= games x11 MASTER_SITES= http://www.artsoft.org/RELEASES/unix/mirrormagic/ MAINTAINER= root@garbled.net HOMEPAGE= http://www.artsoft.org/mirrormagic/ COMMENT= Nice little puzzle game with color graphics and sound USE_GMAKE= YES # if you change SCORE_PATH, don't forget to change patch-aa, too SCORE_PATH= /var/games/mirrormagic do-install: ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} -o bin -g games -m 2755 \ ${WRKSRC}/mirrormagic ${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/mirrormagic cd ${WRKSRC} && ${PAX} -r -w sounds graphics levels \ ${PREFIX}/share/mirrormagic/ ${CHOWN} -R games:games ${PREFIX}/share/mirrormagic ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${SCORE_PATH}/scores ${CHMOD} 755 ${SCORE_PATH} ${CHMOD} 775 ${SCORE_PATH}/scores .for directory in classic_deflektor classic_mindbender ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${SCORE_PATH}/scores/${directory} \ && ${CHMOD} 775 ${SCORE_PATH}/scores/${directory} .endfor ${CHOWN} -R games:games ${SCORE_PATH} .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"