libgdgeda is a special version of gd 1.6, specifically created for gEDA. The changes from the original gd library are: - gdImageArc arcs rotate counterclockwise (as opposed to the original clockwise rotation). - mtables.c is now build like any other C file (ie it's not #included). Created mtables.h which contain the prototypes for the math lookup tables. - Created libgdgeda-config, which is a sh script. This script is used in gEDA to determine the various build parameters of libgdgeda (cflags and ldflags). - index.html was moved into the doc directory - Updated source from gd 1.6 which removes support for gifs and adds support for pngs. Now requires libpng. - Updated source from gd 1.6.3 - Updated to libtool 1.3.3 It is recommended that people wanting to use gd in their own programs use the original gd (unless you happen to need some of the modifications that were made).