# $NetBSD: buildlink.mk,v 1.1 2001/06/16 19:23:19 jlam Exp $ # # This Makefile fragment is included by packages that use libungif. # # To use this Makefile fragment, simply: # # (1) Optionally define LIBUNGIF_REQD to the version of libungif desired. # (2) Include this Makefile fragment in the package Makefile, # (3) Add ${BUILDLINK_DIR}/include to the front of the C preprocessor's header # search path, and # (4) Add ${BUILDLINK_DIR}/lib to the front of the linker's library search # path. .if !defined(LIBUNGIF_BUILDLINK_MK) LIBUNGIF_BUILDLINK_MK= # defined LIBUNGIF_REQD?= 4.1.0 DEPENDS+= libungif>=${LIBUNGIF_REQD}:../../graphics/libungif BUILDLINK_PREFIX.libungif= ${LOCALBASE} BUILDLINK_FILES.libungif= include/gif_lib.h BUILDLINK_FILES.libungif+= lib/libgif.* BUILDLINK_FILES.libungif+= lib/libungif.* BUILDLINK_TARGETS.libungif= libungif-buildlink BUILDLINK_TARGETS+= ${BUILDLINK_TARGETS.libungif} pre-configure: ${BUILDLINK_TARGETS.libungif} libungif-buildlink: _BUILDLINK_USE .include "../../mk/bsd.buildlink.mk" .endif # LIBUNGIF_BUILDLINK_MK