=========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.1 2013/12/06 05:52:42 mef Exp $ If you see following with "Sign log and upload it automatically to LoTW", "Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates" (SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain) please see the info shown by following command and follow what to do: pkg_info -D mozilla-rootcerts To start the application, just type tqsl in shell. You will see the icons for operations (with Window facility). For help, man tqsl or see the following HTML file. ${PREFIX}/share/TrustedQSL/help/tqslapp/main.htm Starting with 2.0, tqslcert function is included in tqsl, the command tqslcert by itself is no longer provided. Starting with 1.14, command line processing is available. tqsl -h or tqsl --help will show the help message. The license is arrl-license (and almost modified-bsd), its copy is also installed at: ${PREFIX}/share/TrustedQSL/LICENSE.txt ===========================================================================