# $NetBSD: UPDATE.txt,v 1.3 2002/10/05 20:42:37 dmcmahill Exp $ This file documents the steps taken to update this package. =) Extract sources make clean && make extract =) Copy to .orig directory excluding CVS directories mkdir -p /some/tmp/dir/gcc-2.95.3.orig cd work/gcc-2.95.3 tar --exclude CVS -cvf - gcc include lib{f2c,iberty,io,stdc++} texinfo | ( cd /some/tmp/dir/gcc-2.95.3.orig ; tar -xf - ) =) Update in-tree gcc sources cd /usr/src/gnu/dist/toolchain && cvs update =) Copy over the new sources excluding CVS directories mkdir /some/tmp/dir/gcc-2.95.3 cd /usr/src/gnu/dist/toolchain tar --exclude CVS -cvf - gcc include lib{f2c,iberty,io,stdc++} texinfo | ( cd /some/tmp/dir/gcc-2.95.3 ; tar -xf - ) =) Create patch file mkdir /some/tmp/dir/foo cd /some/tmp/dir/foo && diff -u2 -r -N ../gcc-2.95.3.orig ../gcc-2.95.3 > gcc-2.95.3-diff-`date '+%Y-%m-%d'` gzip gcc-2.95.3-diff-`date '+%Y-%m-%d'` =) copy the patch file to your distfiles directory, and 'make makesum'. Now proceed with creating any pkgsrc specific patches for gcc, placing them in patches/ as usual. =) when its all tested and working, upload the patchfile to ftp.netbsd.org:/pub/NetBSD/packages/distfiles/LOCAL_PORTS/ =) go to pkgsrc/lang/gcc-ssp and do a 'make mps'. Verify that you have not broken that pkg. Hopefully this procedure will make maintaining this package a little easier.