# $NetBSD: go-dep.mk,v 1.1 2019/05/15 18:00:03 jperkin Exp $ # # This file implements dep (https://github.com/golang/dep) support in pkgsrc. # # === Package-settable variables === # # GO_DEPS # This is a list of dependencies of the format url:sha[:dir]. These # dependencies can be generated using the print-go-deps helper target # against an extracted WRKSRC, which parses the Godeps file contained in # the source that would normally be used by dep. # # Currently only GitHub URLs are supported, so if a Godeps dependency # uses a different URL, the equivalent GitHub URL needs to be calculated # and the original URL added as the optional :dir argument. This file # contains a list of GODEP_REDIRECTS which translates common redirects, # and additions to this list are encouraged. # # The print-go-deps target will reduce SHA strings to the first 8 # characters to avoid long lines, but the extracted archive will use the # full SHA. # # Examples: # github.com/golang/protobuf:92554152 # github.com/collectd/go-collectd:2ce14454:collectd.org # github.com/uber-go/atomic:8474b86a:go.uber.org/atomic # github.com/golang/time:26559e0f:golang.org/x/time # # GODEP_REDIRECTS # Maps a URL or subset of a URL to its GitHub equivalent. URLs that are # likely to be used across multiple packages should be added to this # file, otherwise add them to the individual package Makefile. # # Examples: # collectd.org=github.com/collectd/go-collectd # golang.org/x=github.com/golang # # Keywords: go golang deps go-deps print-go-deps _VARGROUPS+= godeps _PKG_VARS.godeps= GO_DEPS GODEP_REDIRECTS # # When using GO_DEPS a lot of additional distfiles will be added with just SHAs # for their filename. Setting DIST_SUBDIR is required to keep things sensible. # DIST_SUBDIR= ${PKGNAME_NOREV} # # For now fetching via GitHub is mandatory. # DISTFILES?= ${DEFAULT_DISTFILES} .for dep in ${GO_DEPS} GODEP_URL.${dep}:= ${dep:C/:/ /g:[1]} GODEP_SHA.${dep}:= ${dep:C/:/ /g:[2]} GODEP_DIR.${dep}:= ${dep:C/:/ /g:[3]} . if empty(GODEP_DIR.${dep}) GODEP_DIR.${dep}:= ${GODEP_URL.${dep}} . endif GODEP_TGZ.${dep}:= ${GODEP_SHA.${dep}}.tar.gz SITES.${GODEP_TGZ.${dep}}:= ${MASTER_SITE_GITHUB}${GODEP_URL.${dep}:S,github.com/,,}/archive/ DISTFILES+= ${GODEP_TGZ.${dep}} .PHONY: post-extract-${GODEP_URL.${dep}} post-extract: post-extract-${GODEP_URL.${dep}} post-extract-${GODEP_URL.${dep}}: # We can't use :H here as the GODEP_DIR might just be a host.name @${MKDIR} `${DIRNAME} ${WRKDIR}/src/${GODEP_DIR.${dep}}` # The * glob is used as we shorten the SHA to 8 characters to keep # GO_DEPS lines a reasonable length, but the extracted distfile uses # the full SHA. @${MV} ${WRKDIR}/${GODEP_URL.${dep}:T}-${GODEP_SHA.${dep}}* \ ${WRKDIR}/src/${GODEP_DIR.${dep}} .endfor # # Non-GitHub sites which are listed in Godeps files but redirect to GitHub. We # fetch them from GitHub but move the source to the expected directory name. # GODEP_REDIRECTS+= collectd.org=github.com/collectd/go-collectd GODEP_REDIRECTS+= go.uber.org=github.com/uber-go GODEP_REDIRECTS+= go4.org=github.com/go4org/go4 GODEP_REDIRECTS+= golang.org/x=github.com/golang GODEP_REDIRECTS+= google.golang.org/appengine=github.com/golang/appengine GODEP_REDIRECTS+= google.golang.org/genproto=github.com/google/go-genproto GODEP_REDIRECTS+= google.golang.org/grpc=github.com/grpc/grpc-go GODEP_REDIRECTS+= gopkg.in/DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock.v1=github.com/DATA-DOG/go-sqlmock GODEP_REDIRECTS+= gopkg.in/check.v1=github.com/go-check/check GODEP_REDIRECTS+= gopkg.in/mgo.v2=github.com/go-mgo/mgo GODEP_REDIRECTS+= gopkg.in/tomb.v2=github.com/go-tomb/tomb GODEP_REDIRECTS+= gopkg.in/yaml.v2=github.com/go-yaml/yaml GODEP_REDIRECTS+= honnef.co/go/tools=github.com/dominikh/go-tools .for url in ${GODEP_REDIRECTS} _GODEP_FROM.${url}:= ${url:C/=/ /g:[1]} _GODEP_TO.${url}:= ${url:C/=/ /g:[2]} .endfor # # Add a print-go-deps target to aid GO_DEPS generation. This depends on the # current format of the Gopkg.lock file which may change. # _GODEP_AWK+= BEGIN { name=""; rev=""; dir=""; } _GODEP_AWK+= $$1 == "name" { \ gsub(/\"/, "", $$NF); \ ${GODEP_REDIRECTS:@url@ \ if (match($$NF, "^${_GODEP_FROM.${url}}")) { \ dir=$$NF; \ gsub("^${_GODEP_FROM.${url}}", \ "${_GODEP_TO.${url}}", $$NF); \ }@} \ name = $$NF; \ } _GODEP_AWK+= $$1 == "revision" { \ gsub(/\"/, "", $$NF); \ rev = substr($$NF, 1, 8); \ } _GODEP_AWK+= name && rev { \ printf("GO_DEPS+=\t%s:%s%s\n", \ name, rev, \ (dir) ? ":" dir : ""); \ name=""; rev=""; dir=""; \ } .PHONY: print-go-deps print-go-deps: ${RUN} ${AWK} ${_GODEP_AWK:Q} ${WRKSRC}/Gopkg.lock