# $NetBSD: egg.mk,v 1.11 2010/07/23 22:44:46 gdt Exp $ # # Common logic to handle Python Eggs # .include "../../mk/bsd.fast.prefs.mk" # This file should be included to package python "distributions" which # use setuptools to create an egg. The presence of egg-info in a # package does not indicate that the package is an egg. EGG_NAME?= ${DISTNAME} PYDISTUTILSPKG= yes PY_PATCHPLIST= yes PLIST_SUBST+= EGG_NAME=${EGG_NAME}-py${PYVERSSUFFIX} PLIST_SUBST+= EGG_INFODIR=${EGG_NAME}-py${PYVERSSUFFIX}.egg-info PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= { gsub(/${EGG_NAME}-py${PYVERSSUFFIX}.egg-info/, \ "$${EGG_INFODIR}") } PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= { gsub(/${EGG_NAME}-py${PYVERSSUFFIX}-nspkg.pth/, \ "$${EGG_NAME}-nspkg.pth") } _PYSETUPTOOLSINSTALLARGS= --single-version-externally-managed .if ${_USE_DESTDIR} == "no" _PYSETUPTOOLSINSTALLARGS+= --root=/ .endif DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-setuptools>=0.6c9:../../devel/py-setuptools INSTALLATION_DIRS+= ${PYSITELIB} .include "../../lang/python/extension.mk"