# $NetBSD: pyversion.mk,v 1.118 2015/12/05 17:12:13 adam Exp $ # This file determines which Python version is used as a dependency for # a package. # # === User-settable variables === # # PYTHON_VERSION_DEFAULT # The preferred Python version to use. # # Possible values: 27 33 34 35 # Default: 27 # # === Infrastructure variables === # # PYTHON_VERSION_REQD # Python version to use. This variable should not be set in # packages. Normally it is used by bulk build tools. # # Possible: ${PYTHON_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED} # Default: ${PYTHON_VERSION_DEFAULT} # # === Package-settable variables === # # PYTHON_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED # The Python versions that are acceptable for the package. The # order of the entries matters, since earlier entries are # preferred over later ones. # # Possible values: 35 34 33 27 # Default: 35 34 33 27 # # PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE # The Python versions that are NOT acceptable for the package. # # Possible values: 27 33 34 35 # Default: (empty) # # PYTHON_FOR_BUILD_ONLY # Whether Python is needed only at build time or at run time. # # Possible values: yes no tool # Default: no # # PYTHON_SELF_CONFLICT # If set to "yes", additional CONFLICTS entries are added for # registering a conflict between pyNN- packages. # # Possible values: yes no # Default: no # # === Defined variables === # # PYPKGPREFIX # The prefix to use in PKGNAME for extensions which are meant # to be installed for multiple Python versions. # # Example: py27 # # PYVERSSUFFIX # The suffix to executables and in the library path, equal to # sys.version[0:3]. # # Example: 2.7 # # Keywords: python # .if !defined(PYTHON_PYVERSION_MK) PYTHON_PYVERSION_MK= defined # derive a python version from the package name if possible # optionally handled quoted package names .if defined(PKGNAME_REQD) && !empty(PKGNAME_REQD:Mpy[0-9][0-9]-*) || \ defined(PKGNAME_REQD) && !empty(PKGNAME_REQD:M*-py[0-9][0-9]-*) PYTHON_VERSION_REQD?= ${PKGNAME_REQD:C/(^.*-|^)py([0-9][0-9])-.*/\2/} .elif defined(PKGNAME_OLD) && !empty(PKGNAME_OLD:Mpy[0-9][0-9]-*) || \ defined(PKGNAME_OLD) && !empty(PKGNAME_OLD:M*-py[0-9][0-9]-*) PYTHON_VERSION_REQD?= ${PKGNAME_OLD:C/(^.*-|^)py([0-9][0-9])-.*/\2/} .endif .include "../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk" BUILD_DEFS+= PYTHON_VERSION_DEFAULT BUILD_DEFS_EFFECTS+= PYPACKAGE PYTHON_VERSION_DEFAULT?= 27 PYTHON_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED?= 35 34 33 27 PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE?= # empty by default # transform the list into individual variables .for pv in ${PYTHON_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED} .if empty(PYTHON_VERSIONS_INCOMPATIBLE:M${pv}) _PYTHON_VERSION_${pv}_OK= yes _PYTHON_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED+= ${pv} .endif .endfor # # choose a python version where to add, # try to be intelligent # # if a version is explicitely required, take it .if defined(PYTHON_VERSION_REQD) # but check if it is acceptable first, error out otherwise . if defined(_PYTHON_VERSION_${PYTHON_VERSION_REQD}_OK) _PYTHON_VERSION= ${PYTHON_VERSION_REQD} . endif .else # if the default is accepted, it is first choice . if !defined(_PYTHON_VERSION) . if defined(_PYTHON_VERSION_${PYTHON_VERSION_DEFAULT}_OK) _PYTHON_VERSION= ${PYTHON_VERSION_DEFAULT} . endif . endif # prefer an already installed version, in order of "accepted" . if !defined(_PYTHON_VERSION) . for pv in ${PYTHON_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED} . if defined(_PYTHON_VERSION_${pv}_OK) _PYTHON_VERSION?= ${pv} . endif . endfor . endif .endif # # Variable assignment for multi-python packages MULTI+= PYTHON_VERSION_REQD=${_PYTHON_VERSION} # No supported version found, annotate to simplify statements below. .if !defined(_PYTHON_VERSION) _PYTHON_VERSION= none PKG_FAIL_REASON+= "No valid Python version" .endif # Additional CONFLICTS .if ${PYTHON_SELF_CONFLICT:U:tl} == "yes" .for i in ${PYTHON_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED:N${_PYTHON_VERSION}} CONFLICTS += ${PKGNAME:S/py${_PYTHON_VERSION}/py${i}/:C/-[0-9].*$/-[0-9]*/} .endfor .endif # PYCONFLICTS # PLIST_VARS+= py2x py3x .if empty(_PYTHON_VERSION:Mnone) PYPACKAGE= python${_PYTHON_VERSION} PYVERSSUFFIX= ${_PYTHON_VERSION:C/^([0-9])/\1./1} BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.${PYPACKAGE}?= ${PYPACKAGE}>=${PYVERSSUFFIX} PYPKGSRCDIR= ../../lang/${PYPACKAGE} PYDEPENDENCY= ${BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.${PYPACKAGE}}:${PYPKGSRCDIR} PYPKGPREFIX= py${_PYTHON_VERSION} .endif .if !empty(_PYTHON_VERSION:M3*) PLIST.py3x= yes .endif .if !empty(_PYTHON_VERSION:M2*) PLIST.py2x= yes .endif PTHREAD_OPTS+= require .include "../../mk/pthread.buildlink3.mk" PYTHON_FOR_BUILD_ONLY?= no .if defined(PYPKGSRCDIR) . if !empty(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD_ONLY:M[tT][oO][oO][lL]) TOOL_DEPENDS+= ${PYDEPENDENCY} . else . if !empty(PYTHON_FOR_BUILD_ONLY:M[yY][eE][sS]) BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.python?= build . endif . include "${PYPKGSRCDIR}/buildlink3.mk" . endif .endif PYTHONBIN= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/python${PYVERSSUFFIX} PYTHONCONFIG= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/python${PYVERSSUFFIX}-config PY_COMPILE_ALL= \ ${PYTHONBIN} ${PREFIX}/lib/python${PYVERSSUFFIX}/compileall.py -q PY_COMPILE_O_ALL= \ ${PYTHONBIN} -O ${PREFIX}/lib/python${PYVERSSUFFIX}/compileall.py -q .if exists(${PYTHONBIN}) PYINC!= ${PYTHONBIN} -c "import distutils.sysconfig; \ print (distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc(0, \"\"))" || ${ECHO} "" PYLIB!= ${PYTHONBIN} -c "import distutils.sysconfig; \ print (distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(0, 1, \"\"))" || ${ECHO} "" PYSITELIB!= ${PYTHONBIN} -c "import distutils.sysconfig; \ print (distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib(0, 0, \"\"))" || ${ECHO} "" PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= /^${PYINC:S|/|\\/|g}/ \ { gsub(/${PYINC:S|/|\\/|g}/, "$${PYINC}") } PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= /^${PYSITELIB:S|/|\\/|g}/ \ { gsub(/${PYSITELIB:S|/|\\/|g}/, "$${PYSITELIB}") } PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= /^${PYLIB:S|/|\\/|g}/ \ { gsub(/${PYLIB:S|/|\\/|g}/, "$${PYLIB}") } .endif ALL_ENV+= PYTHON=${PYTHONBIN} .if defined(USE_CMAKE) # used by FindPythonInterp.cmake and FindPythonLibs.cmake CMAKE_ARGS+= -DPYVERSSUFFIX:STRING=${PYVERSSUFFIX} .if ${OPSYS} == "Darwin" # set this explicitly, as by default it will prefer the built in framework CMAKE_ARGS+= -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=${BUILDLINK_DIR}/${PYINC} CMAKE_ARGS+= -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=${PYTHONBIN} .endif .endif .endif # PYTHON_PYVERSION_MK