# $NetBSD: cargo.mk,v 1.7 2019/07/17 11:04:45 fox Exp $ # # Common logic that can be used by packages that depend on cargo crates # from crates.io. This lets existing pkgsrc infrastructure fetch and verify # cargo crates instead of using the rust package manager in the build phase. # Inspired by cargo.mk from FreeBSD ports. # # Usage example: # # CARGO_CRATE_DEPENDS+= sha1-0.20 # .include "../../lang/rust/cargo.mk" # do-build: # cargo build --locked --frozen # # # If modifying the list of dependencies, re-run the build once without # --locked --frozen to generate a new valid Cargo.lock. # # a list of CARGO_CRATE_DEPENDS can be generated via "make show-cargo-depends". # # See also www/geckodriver for a full example. BUILD_DEPENDS+= rust-[0-9]*:../../lang/rust USE_TOOLS+= bsdtar digest CARGO_VENDOR_DIR= ${WRKDIR}/vendor DISTFILES?= ${DEFAULT_DISTFILES} .for _crate in ${CARGO_CRATE_DEPENDS} DISTFILES+= ${_crate}.crate SITES.${_crate}.crate+= -${MASTER_SITE_CRATESIO}${_crate:C/-[0-9]+\.[0-9.]+.*$//}/${_crate:C/^.*-([0-9]+\.[0-9.]+.*)$/\1/}/download EXTRACT_DIR.${_crate}.crate?= ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR} .endfor post-extract: cargo-vendor-crates .PHONY: cargo-vendor-crates cargo-vendor-crates: @${STEP_MSG} "Extracting local cargo crates" ${RUN}${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/.cargo ${RUN}${PRINTF} "[source.crates-io]\nreplace-with = \"vendored-sources\"\n[source.vendored-sources]\ndirectory = \"${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}\"\n" > ${WRKSRC}/.cargo/config ${RUN}${MKDIR} ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR} .for _crate in ${CARGO_CRATE_DEPENDS} ${RUN}${PRINTF} '{"package":"%s","files":{}}' \ $$(${DIGEST} sha256 < ${_DISTDIR}/${_crate}.crate) \ > ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/${_crate}/.cargo-checksum.json .endfor .PHONY: show-cargo-depends show-cargo-depends: ${RUN}${AWK} '/^\"checksum/ { print "CARGO_CRATE_DEPENDS+=\t" $$2 "-" $$3""; next } ' ${WRKSRC}/Cargo.lock