Scm is a portable R5RS Scheme implementation written in C.
    * Support for SICP, R2RS, R3RS, and R5RS scheme code.
    * Is fully documented in TeXinfo form, allowing documentation to be
      generated in info, TeX, html, nroff, and troff formats.
    * Supports inexact real and complex numbers, 30 bit immediate integers 
	and large precision integers.
    * Many Common Lisp functions: logand, logor, logxor, lognot, ash, 
	logcount, integer-length, bit-extract, defmacro, macroexpand, 
	macroexpand1, gentemp, defvar, force-output, software-type, 
	get-decoded-time, get-internal-run-time, get-internal-real-time, 
	delete-file, rename-file, copy-tree, acons, and eval.
    * Char-code-limit, most-positive-fixnum, most-negative-fixnum, and 
	internal-time-units-per-second constants. *Features* and 
	*load-pathname* variables.
    * Arrays and bit-vectors. String ports and software emulation ports. 
	I/O extensions providing ANSI C and POSIX.1 facilities.
    * Interfaces to standard libraries
    * Available add-on packages including an interactive debugger, database,
	X-window graphics, BGI graphics, Motif, and Open-Windows packages.
    * A compiler (HOBBIT) and dynamic linking of compiled modules.
    * User definable responses to interrupts and errors, 
	Process-syncronization primitives. Setable levels of monitoring 
	and timing information printed interactively (the verbose function).