# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.50 2008/01/21 01:50:21 tnn Exp $ # Note: Regen distinfo with PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS+=sun-jre-jce DISTNAME= jre-1_5_0_14-linux-${DIST_ARCH} PKGNAME= sun-jre15-5.0.14 MASTER_SITES= # empty SHORT_NAME= JRE WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${DISTNAME:S/-//:S/_/./:S/_/./:C/-linux-.*//} JAVA_WRAPPERS= java javaws keytool orbd policytool rmid rmiregistry \ servertool tnameserv REQD_DIRS= ${JAVA_HOME} REQD_DIRS+= ${JAVA_HOME}/lib REQD_DIRS+= ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/applet REQD_DIRS+= ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/images REQD_DIRS+= ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/images/cursors REQD_DIRS+= ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/security CONF_FILES= # empty LICENSE= sun-jre6-license .include "../../lang/sun-jre15/Makefile.common" .sinclude "sfiles-${EMUL_ARCH}.mk" .for FILE in ${SFILES} CONF_FILES+= ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/${FILE}.default ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/${FILE} .endfor CHECK_FILES_SKIP+= ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/${EMUL_ARCH}/client/classes.jsa PKG_OPTIONS_VAR= PKG_OPTIONS.sun-jre15 PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS= sun-jre-jce .include "../../mk/bsd.options.mk" .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Msun-jre-jce) DISTFILES= ${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX} jce_policy-1_5_0.zip PLIST_SUBST+= SUN_JRE15_USE_JCE="" .else PLIST_SUBST+= SUN_JRE15_USE_JCE="@comment " .endif # Some of the binaries require libX11, so ensure that requirement is # satisfied when the package is installed on the native OS. # .if defined(EMUL_IS_NATIVE) . if ${X11_TYPE} == "native" . if ${EMUL_ARCH} == "x86_64" LIBX11= ${X11PREFIX}/lib64/libX11.so.6 . else LIBX11= ${X11PREFIX}/lib/libX11.so.6 . endif . if !exists(${LIBX11}) PKG_FAIL_REASON+= "${LIBX11} does not exist. Please install the" \ "X11 library packages for your system." . endif . else . include "../../x11/libX11/buildlink3.mk" LIBX11= ${X11PREFIX}/lib/libX11.so.6 . endif PLIST_SUBST+= LIBX11= .PHONY: create-library-symlinks post-install: create-library-symlinks create-library-symlinks: ${RUN}${LN} -fs ${LIBX11} ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/${EMUL_ARCH} .else PLIST_SUBST+= LIBX11="@comment " .endif post-extract: ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/.systemPrefs ${TOUCH} ${WRKSRC}/.systemPrefs/.system.lock ${TOUCH} ${WRKSRC}/.systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile do-configure: ${CHMOD} -x ${WRKSRC}/lib/javaws/messages_zh_HK.properties cd ${WRKSRC}/lib; for file in ${SFILES}; do \ ${MV} -f $$file $$file.default; \ done pre-install: .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Msun-jre-jce) cd ${WRKDIR}/jce ; ${PAX} -rw -pe -v . ${WRKSRC}/lib/security .endif # # re-create sfiles.mk from properties and config files # makesfiles: ${ECHO} > sfiles-${MACHINE_ARCH}.mk '# $$Net''BSD$$' ${ECHO} >> sfiles-${MACHINE_ARCH}.mk '#' ${ECHO} >> sfiles-${MACHINE_ARCH}.mk '# Created with "make makesfiles"' ${ECHO} >> sfiles-${MACHINE_ARCH}.mk '# Do not edit this file manually!' ${ECHO} >> sfiles-${MACHINE_ARCH}.mk '#' cd ${WRKSRC}/lib && ${FIND} * -name fontconfig.\* -o \ -name \*.properties -o -name \*.properties.\?\? -o \ -name \*.cfg -o -name \*.security | \ ${SED} 's/^/SFILES+= /' >> ${PKGDIR}/sfiles-${MACHINE_ARCH}.mk .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"