#!/bin/ksh # $NetBSD: java.sh,v 2004/10/11 13:37:10 tv Exp $ # # Wrapper for Java under Interix. While this is mostly useful, particularly # if using relative pathnames, it can still fail if attempting to use # absolute paths. So this attempts to fixup absolute paths. # # That too can be a problem if options are supposed to be specified "/opt", # but this is rare to nonexistent, so we don't currently handle that case. # if [ "$SYSTEMROOT" != "" ]; then windir="$SYSTEMROOT" elif [ "$WINDIR" != "" ]; then windir="$WINDIR" else echo "Cannot find %SYSTEMROOT% or %WINDIR% -- did you clear then environment?" >&2 exit 2 fi JAVA=$(ntpath2posix -c $windir'\system32\java.exe') if [ ! -x $JAVA ]; then echo >&2 echo "Cannot find $(posixpath2nt $JAVA) -- please install the" >&2 echo 'Sun Java(tm) 2 Runtime Environment and/or Development Kit, available' >&2 echo 'from: http://www.java.com/' >&2 echo >&2 exit 1 fi convert_path () { (IFS=: for dir in $1; do printf '%s' "$(posixpath2nt $dir);" done) | sed 's,;$,,' } do_java () { export CLASSPATH="$(convert_path "$CLASSPATH")" set -A jvmargs set -A args for arg in "$@"; do case "$arg" in /*) arg="$(convert_path "$arg")";; *) ;; esac case "$arg" in -J*) jvmargs[${#jvmargs}]="$(printf '%s' "$arg" | sed s,^-J,,)";; *) args[${#args}]="$arg";; esac done exec $JAVA "${jvmargs[@]}" "${args[@]}" } do_jdk () { if [ "$JDK_HOME" = "" ]; then echo >&2 echo 'Cannot find the Java 2 SDK (JDK) in C:\j2sdk*. Please install the JDK' >&2 echo 'in this standard location, or else set the environment variable JDK_HOME' >&2 echo 'to the Windows pathname of the JDK.' >&2 echo >&2 exit 2 fi posix_jdk_home="$(ntpath2posix -c "$JDK_HOME")" CLASSPATH="$posix_jdk_home/lib/tools.jar:$posix_jdk_home/lib/dt.jar${CLASSPATH+:$CLASSPATH}" do_java "$@" } # Find the JDK class jars, if they exist. if [ "$JDK_HOME" = "" ]; then for f in $(/bin/ls -1dr /dev/fs/C/j2sdk* 2>/dev/null); do if [ -r $f/lib/tools.jar ]; then JDK_HOME=$(posixpath2nt $f) break fi done fi case $(basename $0) in HtmlConverter) do_jdk -jar $jdk_home/lib/htmlconverter.jar "$@";; appletviewer) do_jdk sun.applet.Main "$@";; extcheck) do_jdk com.sun.tools.extcheck.Main "$@";; idlj) do_jdk com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.toJavaPortable.Compile "$@";; jar) do_jdk sun.tools.jar.Main "$@";; jarsigner) do_jdk sun.security.tools.JarSigner "$@";; javac) do_jdk com.sun.tools.javac.Main "$@";; javadoc) do_jdk com.sun.tools.javadoc.Main "$@";; javah) do_jdk com.sun.tools.javah.Main "$@";; javap) do_jdk sun.tools.javap.Main "$@";; jdb) do_jdk com.sun.tools.example.debug.tty.TTY "$@";; keytool) do_java sun.security.tools.KeyTool "$@";; kinit) do_java sun.security.krb5.internal.tools.Kinit "$@";; klist) do_java sun.security.krb5.internal.tools.Klist "$@";; ktab) do_java sun.security.krb5.internal.tools.Ktab "$@";; native2ascii) do_jdk sun.tools.native2ascii.Main "$@";; orbd) do_java com.sun.corba.se.internal.Activation.ORBD "$@";; policytool) do_java sun.security.tools.PolicyTool "$@";; rmic) do_jdk sun.rmi.rmic.Main "$@";; rmid) do_java sun.rmi.server.Activation "$@";; rmiregistry) do_java sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl "$@";; serialver) do_jdk sun.tools.serialver.SerialVer "$@";; servertool) do_java com.sun.corba.se.internal.Activation.ServerTool "$@";; tnameserv) do_java com.sun.corba.se.internal.CosNaming.TransientNameServer "$@";; *) do_java "$@";; esac