PCPS V8.40

                         PLAIN ENGLISH LICENSE

    PCPS is Copyright (c) 1992-2000 by MicroSource.


    Versions of PCPS prior to version 7.00 were released as "freeware" but
    all versions of PCPS from 7.00 upwards are released as SHAREWARE.

    The copying of the original distribution file is allowed only under the
    following circumstances:

      -For the purpose of showing other people the product only if all of
       the original files are included in
      -PCPS must not be included in any other product for any reason unless
       licensed by MicroSource.
      -No charge or payment must be levied or accepted for PCPS.

    PCPS is distributed in its final form and is fully functional.

    PCPS may be used by you (the user) for a trial period of 30 days.  If
    you find the utility useful and wish to continue using it, you should
    send the registration cost to the author as detailed below.  Otherwise,
    you (the user) should delete all copies of the PCPS files from your


    The cost of registration should be paid, for Australian and New
    Zealand residents in Australian dollars, and for international
    residents in US dollars.

    Payment may be made by cheque or by cash.

    ** Please do not bother with International bank drafts as these **
    ** cost you money, and the banks here in Australia treat them   **
    ** just like cheques and charge me to clear them.               **

    If paying by foreign cheque (ie. not Australian), please add an
    extra $5 to cover clearance fees.  US bills have been successfully
    sent through the mail but should be sandwiched between materials
    which disguise the contents.

    This registration cost covers the user for perpetual use of the current
    and any new versions of the above utilities released within 12 months
    from the date of receipt of the payment on a single machine, and for
    support during that same period.  The table below shows the reducing
    cost scale for larger site licenses:

        Number of licenses      PCPS and MicroSource Utils Registration
                                (per license)

         1st                    $40
         2nd-9th                $25
         10th+                  $15

    E.g. For 3 licenses the cost would be (1 x $40) + (2 x $25) = $90.

    A 20% discount on the above rates applies to genuine educational

    Remember that if you send a non-Australian cheque, you must add US$5
    to cover clearance fees.

    SITE LICENSE POLICY:  MicroSource considers software to be like a book
    where many people may use it, but not at the same time.  As such, any
    site requiring a site license should register as many licenses as is
    required to always cover the maximum number of projected concurrent
    users.  This number is to be decided by the site administrator and will
    NOT be questioned by MicroSource.

        E.g.  The administrator of a site consisting of 20 machines may
              decide that no more than 5 users will ever be using the
              software at the same time, and so would register 5 licenses.

    To register, print out the file REGISTER.DOC and fill in the blanks or
    write a note containing the same information, enclose payment and send
    it to:

                                  PCPS Registration
                                  C/- Paul Carapetis
                                  10 Denise Court
                                  Narre Warren
                                  Australia       3805