The UNARJ program, source code, and the associated documentation
     are copyright (c) 1990-97 ARJ Software, Inc. all rights reserved.

     If you distribute this software to others, you are required to
     distribute the ENTIRE package consisting of the following files:


     We strongly prefer that the files be distributed in the format
     originally released:  UNARJ243.EXE with the ARJ-SECURITY envelope as
     created by the author.  If you must distribute the UNARJ archive in
     another archive format, please archive the UNARJ243.EXE as one file
     inside the other archive.	Re-archival of the software as separate
     files means losing the ARJ security envelope.

     You may freely use the UNARJ C source code provided the end product is
     NOT an ARJ archiver (both compress and extract ARJ files).  If you
     wish to distribute a modified version of UNARJ.EXE, you MUST indicate
     that it is a modified version both in the program and source code.

     We are holding the copyright on the source code, so please do not
     delete our name from the program files or the documentation.

     The UNARJ.EXE program is built from this source using Turbo C++ 1.0.

     You may freely use, copy, and distribute UNARJ.EXE, provided that no
     fee is charged for such use, copying or distribution.

     You may use UNARJ.EXE in a commercial software package provided that
     no additional fee is charged for using UNARJ.EXE and provided that
     the user fully understands that NO warranty or support is provided
     for UNARJ.EXE by ARJ Software.  Moreover, the user must fully
     understand that UNARJ does not have the long usage history that ARJ

     This source code is intended to promote the building of utilities to
     support the use of ARJ and ARJ archives.


     Please report any bugs.  We will try to fix them.  If you have made
     portability improvements, we would appreciate receiving a copy of them.

     We can be reached at:

     Internet address:  robjung@world.std.com
     Web site:  www.arjsoft.com

     ARJ Software, Inc.
     P.O. Box 249
     Norwood, MA 02062   USA


     This software UNARJ is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty
     of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the
     implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
     purpose.  The person using the software bears all risk as to the
     quality and performance of the software. Should the software prove
     defective, the user assumes the entire cost of all necessary repair,
     servicing, or correction.  ARJ Software, Inc. will not be liable
     for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar
     damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if ARJ
     Software, Inc. or its agents have been advised of the possibility
     of such damages.