# $NetBSD: options.mk,v 1.3 2004/08/05 02:22:19 jlam Exp $ # Global and legacy options .if defined(DOVECOT_USE_GNUTLS) || defined(DOVECOT_USE_MYSQL) || \ defined(DOVECOT_USE_PGSQL) || defined(USE_INET6) || \ defined(USE_OPENLDAP) || defined(USE_SASL2) . if !defined(PKG_OPTIONS.dovecot) . if defined(DOVECOT_USE_GNUTLS) && !empty(DOVECOT_USE_GNUTLS:M[Yy][Ee][Ss]) PKG_OPTIONS.dovecot+= gnutls . endif . if defined(DOVECOT_USE_MYSQL) && !empty(DOVECOT_USE_MYSQL:M[Yy][Ee][Ss]) PKG_OPTIONS.dovecot+= mysql . endif . if defined(DOVECOT_USE_PGSQL) && !empty(DOVECOT_USE_PGSQL:M[Yy][Ee][Ss]) PKG_OPTIONS.dovecot+= pgsql . endif . if defined(USE_INET6) && !empty(USE_INET6:M[Yy][Ee][Ss]) PKG_OPTIONS.dovecot+= inet6 . endif . if defined(USE_OPENLDAP) && !empty(USE_OPENLDAP:M[Yy][Ee][Ss]) PKG_OPTIONS.dovecot+= ldap . endif . if defined(USE_SASL2) && !empty(USE_SASL2:M[Yy][Ee][Ss]) PKG_OPTIONS.dovecot+= sasl . endif . endif .endif PKG_OPTIONS_VAR= PKG_OPTIONS.dovecot PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS= gnutls inet6 ldap mysql pgsql sasl .include "../../mk/bsd.options.mk" ### ### Build with GNU TLS or OpenSSL as the underlying crypto library. ### .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mgnutls) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-ssl=gnutls . include "../../security/gnutls/buildlink3.mk" .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-ssl=openssl . include "../../security/openssl/buildlink3.mk" .endif ### ### MySQL support. ### .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mmysql) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-mysql . include "../../databases/mysql4-client/buildlink3.mk" .endif ### ### PostgreSQL support. ### .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mpgsql) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-pgsql CPPFLAGS+= -I${BUILDLINK_DIR}/include/pgsql . include "../../mk/pgsql.buildlink3.mk" .endif ### ### IPv6 support. ### .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Minet6) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-ipv6 .endif ### ### LDAP directory support. ### .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mldap) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-ldap . include "../../databases/openldap/buildlink3.mk" .endif ### ### IMAP-AUTH via SASL. ### .if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Msasl) CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-cyrus-sasl2 . include "../../security/cyrus-sasl2/buildlink3.mk" .endif