-- ************************************************************************** -- -- FreePOPs @hotmail.com webmail interface -- -- Released under the GNU/GPL license -- Written by Russell Schwager -- Patched by cdmackie (2007-09-11). -- Fixed: lite login, live delete, corrupt messages, stuck at 1st message, classic delete more than 1 message -- ************************************************************************** -- -- Globals -- PLUGIN_VERSION = "0.1.84" PLUGIN_NAME = "hotmail.com" PLUGIN_REQUIRE_VERSION = "0.2.0" PLUGIN_LICENSE = "GNU/GPL" PLUGIN_URL = "http://www.freepops.org/download.php?module=hotmail.lua" PLUGIN_HOMEPAGE = "http://www.freepops.org/" PLUGIN_AUTHORS_NAMES = {"Russell Schwager", "D. Milne", "Peter Collingbourne" } PLUGIN_AUTHORS_CONTACTS = {"russell822 (at) yahoo (.) com", "drmilne (at) safe-mail (.) net", "pcc03 (at) doc (.) ic (.) ac (.) uk>"} PLUGIN_DOMAINS = { "@hotmail.com","@msn.com","@webtv.com", "@charter.com", "@compaq.net","@passport.com", "@hotmail.de", "@hotmail.it", "@hotmail.co.uk", "@hotmail.co.jp", "@hotmail.fr", "@messengeruser.com", "@hotmail.com.ar", "@hotmail.co.th", "@hotmail.com.tr" } PLUGIN_PARAMETERS = { {name="folder", description={ it=[[La cartella che vuoi ispezionare. Quella di default è Inbox.]], en=[[The folder you want to interact with. Default is Inbox.]]} }, {name = "emptyjunk", description = { en = [[ Parameter is used to force the plugin to empty the junk folder when it is done pulling messages. Set the value to 1.]] } }, {name = "emptytrash", description = { it = [[ Viene usato per forzare il plugin a svuotare il cestino quando ha finito di scaricare i messaggi. Se il valore è 1 questo comportamento viene attivato.]], en = [[ Parameter is used to force the plugin to empty the trash when it is done pulling messages. Set the value to 1.]] } }, {name = "markunread", description = { it = [[ Viene usato per far sì che il plugin segni come non letti i messaggi che scarica. Se il valore è 1 questo comportamento viene attivato.]], en = [[ Parameter is used to have the plugin mark all messages that it pulls as unread. If the value is 1, the behavior is turned on.]] } }, {name = "maxmsgs", description = { en = [[ Parameter is used to force the plugin to only download a maximum number of messages. ]] } }, {name = "domain", description = { en = [[ Parameter is used to override the domain in the email address. This is used so that users don't need to add a mapping to config.lua for a hosted hotmail account. ]] } }, } PLUGIN_DESCRIPTIONS = { it=[[ Questo plugin vi permette di scaricare la posta da mailbox con dominio della famiglia di @hotmail.com. Per usare questo plugin dovrete usare il vostro indirizzo email completo come nome utente e la vostra vera password come password.]], en=[[ This plugin lets you download mail from @hotmail.com and similar mailboxes. To use this plugin you have to use your full email address as the username and your real password as the password. For support, please post a question to the forum instead of emailing the author(s).]] } -- Domains supported: hotmail.com, msn.com, webtv.com, charter.com, compaq.net, -- passport.com -- ************************************************************************** -- -- Global Strings -- ************************************************************************** -- local globals = { -- Max password length in the login page -- nMaxPasswordLen = 16, -- Server URL -- strLoginUrl = "http://mail.live.com/", strDefaultLoginPostUrl = "https://login.live.com/ppsecure/post.srf", -- Login strings -- TODO: Define the HTTPS version -- strLoginPostData = "login=%s&domain=%s&passwd=%s&sec=&mspp_shared=&PwdPad=%s&PPSX=Pas&LoginOptions=3", strLoginPaddingFull = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", strLoginFailed = "Login Failed - Invalid User name and/or password", -- Expressions to pull out of returned HTML from Hotmail corresponding to a problem -- strRetLoginBadLogin = "(memberservices)", strRetLoginSessionExpired = "(Sign in)", strRetLoginSessionExpiredLive = '(HM%.FppError)', strRetStatBusy = "(form name=.hotmail.)", -- Regular expression to extract the mail server -- -- Extract the server to post the login data to -- strLoginPostUrlPattern1='action="([^"]+)"', strLoginPostUrlPattern2='type=["]?hidden["]? name="([^"]*)".* value="([^"]*)"', strLoginPostUrlPattern3='g_DO."%s".="([^"]+)"', strLoginPostUrlPattern4='var g_QS="([^"]+)";', strLoginPostUrlPattern5='name="PPFT" id="[^"]+" value="([^"]+)"', strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome1='URL=([^"]+)"', strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome2='%.location%.replace%("([^"]+)"', strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome3="location='([^']+)'", -- strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome3='location=.([^"%']+)', strLoginDoneReloadToHMHome4="img src='([^']+)'", strLoginDoneReloadToReloadPage='window%.location=\'([^\']+)\'', -- Pattern to detect if we are using the live or classic version -- strLiveCheckPattern = '(TodayLight%.aspx)', strClassicCheckPattern = '(Windows Live Mail was not able to sign into your account at this time)', strLiveMainPagePattern = '=on strCmdDeleteLive = "http://%s/mail/mail.fpp?cnmn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.MailBox.MoveMessages&ptid=0&a=%s&au=%s", strCmdDeletePostLiveOld = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.MailBox&mn=MoveMessages&d="%s","%s",[%s],[{"%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C0%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001%%5C%%7C632901424233870000",{2,"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",0}}],null,null,0,false,Date&v=1', -- strCmdDeletePostLive = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.MailBox&mn=MoveMessages&d="%s","%s",[%s],[{"%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C0%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C%%5C%%7C00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001%%5C%%7C632750213035330000",null}],null,null,0,false,Date,false,true&v=1&mt=%s', strCmdDeletePostLive = 'cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.MailBox&mn=MoveMessages&d="%s","%s",[%s],[{"0%%5C%%7C0%%5C%%7C8C9BDFF65883200%%5C%%7C00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",null}],null,null,0,false,Date,false,true&v=1&mt=%s', strCmdDeleteLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/InboxLight.aspx?FolderID=%s&", strCmdDeletePostLiveLight = "__VIEWSTATE=&mt=%s&MoveMessageSelector=%s&ToolbarActionItem=MoveMessageSelector&", -- SelectedMessages=%s", strCmdMsgView = "http://%s/cgi-bin/getmsg?msg=%s&imgsafe=y&curmbox=%s&a=%s", strCmdMsgViewRaw = "&raw=0", strCmdMsgViewLive = "http://%s/mail/GetMessageSource.aspx?msgid=%s&gs=true", strCmdEmptyTrash = "http://%s/cgi-bin/dofolders?_HMaction=DoEmpty&curmbox=F000000004&a=%s&i=F000000004", strCmdLogout = "http://%s/cgi-bin/logout", strCmdLogoutLive = "http://%s/mail/logout.aspx", strCmdFolders = "http://%s/cgi-bin/folders?&curmbox=F000000001&a=%s", strCmdFoldersLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/ManageFoldersLight.aspx?n=%s", strCmdMsgUnreadLive = "http://%s/mail/mail.fpp?cnmn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.MailBox.MarkMessages&ptid=0&a=", strCmdMsgUnreadLivePost = "cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.MailBox&mn=MarkMessages&d=false,[%s]", strCmdEmptyTrashLive = "http://%s/mail/mail.fpp?cnmn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.MailBox.EmptyFolder&ptid=0&a=&au=%s", strCmdEmptyTrashLivePost = "cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.MailBox&mn=EmptyFolder&d=%s,0", strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/InboxLight.aspx?EmptyFolder=True&FolderID=%s&", strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLightPost = "__VIEWSTATE=&mt=%s&query=&MoveMessageSelector=&ToolbarActionItem=&InfoPaneActionItem=EmptyFolderConfirmYes", strCmdMsgReadLive = "http://%s/mail/mail.fpp?cnmn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.MailBox.MarkMessages&ptid=0&a=&au=%s", strCmdMsgReadLivePost = "cn=Microsoft.Msn.Hotmail.MailBox&mn=MarkMessages&d=true,[%s]&v=1&mt=%s", strCmdMsgReadLiveLight = "http://%s/mail/ReadMessageLight.aspx?AllowUnsafe=True&Aux=&FolderID=%s&InboxSortAscending=False&InboxSortBy=Date&ReadMessageId=%s", } -- ************************************************************************** -- -- State - Declare the internal state of the plugin. It will be serialized and remembered. -- ************************************************************************** -- internalState = { bStatDone = false, bLoginDone = false, strUser = nil, strPassword = nil, browser = nil, strMailServer = nil, strImgServer = nil, strDomain = nil, strCrumb = "", strMBox = nil, strMBoxName = nil, bEmptyTrash = false, bEmptyJunk = false, loginTime = nil, bMarkMsgAsUnread = false, bLiveGUI = false, bLiveLightGUI = false, strTrashId = nil, strJunkId = nil, statLimit = nil, strUserId = "", strMT = "", } -- ************************************************************************** -- -- Debugging functions -- ************************************************************************** -- -- Set to true to enable Raw Logging -- local ENABLE_LOGRAW = false -- The platform dependent End Of Line string -- e.g. this should be changed to "\n" under UNIX, etc. local EOL = "\r\n" -- The raw logging function -- log = log or {} -- fast hack to make the xml generator happy log.raw = function ( line, data ) if not ENABLE_LOGRAW then return end local out = assert(io.open("log_raw.txt", "ab")) out:write( EOL .. os.date("%c") .. " : " ) out:write( line ) if data ~= nil then out:write( EOL .. "--------------------------------------------------" .. EOL ) out:write( data ) out:write( EOL .. "--------------------------------------------------" ) end assert(out:close()) end -- ************************************************************************** -- -- Helper functions -- ************************************************************************** -- -- Serialize the state -- -- serial. serialize is not enough powerfull to correcly serialize the -- internal state. the problem is the field b. b is an object. this means -- that is a table (and no problem for this) that has some field that are -- pointers to functions. this is the problem. there is no easy way for the -- serial module to know how to serialize this. so we call b:serialize -- method by hand hacking a bit on names -- function serialize_state() internalState.bStatDone = false; return serial.serialize("internalState", internalState) .. internalState.browser:serialize("internalState.browser") end -- Computes the hash of our state. Concate the user, domain, mailbox and password -- function hash() return (internalState.strUser or "") .. "~" .. (internalState.strDomain or "") .. "~" .. (internalState.strMBoxName or "") .. "~" .. (internalState.statLimit or "") .. "~" .. internalState.strPassword -- this asserts strPassword ~= nil end function getPage(browser, url) local try = 0 while (try < 3) do local body, err = browser:get_uri(url) if (body == nil) then log.raw("Tried to load: " .. url .. " and got error: " .. err) elseif (string.find(body, "We are experiencing higher than normal volume") == nil and string.find(body, "<[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]") ~= nil and string.find(body, "MSN Hotmail %- ERROR") == nil) then return body, err end try = try + 1 local newurl = string.match(body, 'Object moved to ") if (str == nil and domain == "msn.com" and internalState.strMBoxName == "Inbox") then str = string.match(body, globals.strPatMSNInboxId) end if (str == nil) then log.error_print("Unable to figure out folder id with name: " .. internalState.strMBoxName) return POPSERVER_ERR_NETWORK else internalState.strMBox = str log.dbg("Hotmail - Using folder (" .. internalState.strMBox .. ")") end elseif (internalState.bLiveGUI == true and internalState.bLiveLightGUI == false) then -- Get some folder id's -- local inboxId = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveInboxPattern) -- Get the trash folder id and the junk folder id -- str = string.match(body, globals.strPatLiveTrashId) if str ~= nil then internalState.strTrashId = str log.dbg("Hotmail - trash folder id: " .. str) else log.error_print("Unable to detect the folder id for the trash folder. Deletion may fail.") end str = string.match(body, globals.strPatLiveJunkId) if str ~= nil then internalState.strJunkId = str log.dbg("Hotmail - junk folder id: " .. str) else log.error_print("Unable to detect the folder id for the junk folder. Deletion may fail.") end if (internalState.strMBoxName == "Inbox") then str = inboxId elseif (internalState.strMBoxName == "Junk" or internalState.strMBoxName == "Junk E%-Mail") then str = internalState.strJunkId else str = getFolderId(inboxId) end if (str == nil) then log.error_print("Unable to figure out folder id with name: " .. internalState.strMBoxName) return POPSERVER_ERR_NETWORK else internalState.strMBox = str log.dbg("Hotmail - Using folder (" .. internalState.strMBox .. ")") end elseif (internalState.bLiveGUI == true and internalState.bLiveLightGUI == true) then -- cdmackie: Live Light has an "n" value in the folders list that we need to get local n = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightManageFoldersPattern) local url = string.format(globals.strCmdFoldersLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, n) body, err = browser:get_uri(url) -- cdmackie: we then extract the querystring and apend the InboxId with the N value local inboxQueryString = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightInboxPattern) local inboxId = string.match(inboxQueryString, globals.strFolderLiveLightFolderIdPattern) local inboxN = string.match(inboxQueryString, globals.strFolderLiveLightNPattern) inboxId = inboxId .. "&n=" .. inboxN if (internalState.strMBoxName == "Inbox") then str = inboxId else str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightPattern .. internalState.strMBoxName) end if (str == nil) then log.error_print("Unable to figure out folder id with name: " .. internalState.strMBoxName) return POPSERVER_ERR_NETWORK else internalState.strMBox = str log.dbg("Hotmail - Using folder (" .. internalState.strMBox .. ")") end -- Get the trash folder id and the junk folder id -- str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightTrashPattern) if str ~= nil then internalState.strTrashId = str log.dbg("Hotmail - trash folder id: " .. str) else log.error_print("Unable to detect the folder id for the trash folder. Deletion may fail.") end str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLiveLightJunkPattern) if str ~= nil then internalState.strJunkId = str log.dbg("Hotmail - junk folder id: " .. str) else log.error_print("Unable to detect the folder id for the junk folder. Deletion may fail.") end end -- Note that we have logged in successfully -- internalState.bLoginDone = true -- Debug info -- log.dbg("Created session for " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "\n") -- Return Success -- log.raw("Successful login") return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end function getFolderId(inboxId) local cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListLive, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strUserId) local post = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListPostLive, inboxId, 0, 0, internalState.strMT) local body, err = internalState.browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) local str = string.match(body, globals.strFolderLivePattern .. internalState.strMBoxName .. '","i_') return str end -- Download a single message -- function downloadMsg(pstate, msg, nLines, data) -- Make sure we aren't jumping the gun -- local retCode = stat(pstate) if retCode ~= POPSERVER_ERR_OK then return retCode end -- Local Variables -- local browser = internalState.browser local uidl = get_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, msg) local url = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgView, internalState.strMailServer, uidl, internalState.strMBox, internalState.strCrumb); local markReadUrl = url url = url .. globals.strCmdMsgViewRaw if (internalState.bLiveGUI == true) then url = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgViewLive, internalState.strMailServer, uidl) end -- Debug Message -- log.dbg("Getting message: " .. uidl .. ", URL: " .. url) -- Define a structure to pass between the callback calls -- local cbInfo = { -- Whether this is the first call of the callback -- bFirstBlock = true, nAttempt = 0, bRetry = true, -- String hacker -- strHack = stringhack.new(), -- Lines requested (-2 means not limited) -- nLinesRequested = nLines, -- Lines Received - Not really used for anything -- nLinesReceived = 0, -- Buffer -- strBuffer = "", -- addition cb_uidl = uidl, -- to provide the uidl for later... bEndReached = false -- this is a hack, I know... -- end of addition } -- Define the callback -- local cb = downloadMsg_cb(cbInfo, data) -- Start the download on the body -- while (cbInfo.bRetry == true and cbInfo.nAttempt < 3) do local f, err = browser:pipe_uri(url, cb) if err then -- Log the error -- log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. " received error: " .. err) end end if (cbInfo.bRetry == true) then log.error_print("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. " failed to download.") log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. " failed to download.") return POPSERVER_ERR_NETWORK end -- Handle whatever is left in the buffer -- local body = cbInfo.strBuffer if (string.len(body) > 0 and cbInfo.nLinesRequested == -2) then log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ", left over buffer being processed: " .. body) body = cleanupBody(body, cbInfo) -- cdmackie: rather than test for to determine end, just set it seen -- as we've reached end of buffer..and hotmail doesn't always send "" cbInfo.bEndReached = true cbInfo.nLinesReceived = -1; -- apply same fixup from cleanupbody to remove dead tags if (string.len(body) > 6) then local idx = string.find(string.sub(body, -6), "([&<])") if (idx ~= nil) then idx = idx - 1 cbInfo.strBuffer = string.sub(body, -6 + idx) local len = string.len(body) - 6 + idx body = string.sub(body, 1, len) end end -- make sure we end in a crlf if (string.sub(body, -2, -1) ~= "\r\n") then body = body .. "\r\n" end if (cbInfo.bEndReached == false) then log.dbg("Forcing a CRLF to end the message as it isn't clear the message is ended properly") popserver_callback("\r\n\0", data) end body = cbInfo.strHack:dothack(body) .. "\0" popserver_callback(body, data) elseif (cbInfo.bEndReached == false and cbInfo.nLinesRequested == -2) then popserver_callback("\r\n\0", data) end -- Mark the message as read -- if internalState.bMarkMsgAsUnread == false and internalState.bLiveGUI == false then log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ", Marking message as being done.") browser:get_head(markReadUrl) elseif internalState.bMarkMsgAsUnread == false and internalState.bLiveGUI and internalState.bLiveLightGUI == false then log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ", Marking message as read.") url = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgReadLive, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strUserId) local post = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgReadLivePost, uidl, internalState.strMT) browser:post_uri(url, post) elseif internalState.bMarkMsgAsUnread == false and internalState.bLiveGUI and internalState.bLiveLightGUI then log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ", Marking message as read.") url = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgReadLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strMBox, uidl) browser:get_head(url) elseif internalState.bMarkMsgAsUnread == true and internalState.bLiveGUI == true then log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ", Marking message as unread.") url = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgUnreadLive, internalState.strMailServer) local post = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgUnreadLivePost, uidl) browser:post_uri(url, post) end log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ", Completed!") return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- Callback for the retr function -- function downloadMsg_cb(cbInfo, data) return function(body, len) log.raw("In download callback: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl) -- Is this the first block? If so, make sure we have a valid message -- if (cbInfo.bFirstBlock == true) then if (string.find(body, "
")) then
        cbInfo.bRetry = false
        log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. " was loaded successfully.")
        cbInfo.bRetry = true   
        cbInfo.nAttempt = cbInfo.nAttempt + 1
        log.raw("Message: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. " failed on attempt: " .. cbInfo.nAttempt .. ", Body: " .. body)
        log.raw("out download callback: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl)    
        return 0, nil

    -- Are we done with Top and should just ignore the chunks
    if (cbInfo.nLinesReceived == -1) then
      log.raw("out download callback: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ", Sent: ")    
      return 0, nil

    -- Update the buffer
    body = cbInfo.strBuffer .. body
    cbInfo.strBuffer = ""
    if (string.len(body) > 6) then
      local idx = string.find(string.sub(body, -6), "([&<])")
      if (idx ~= nil) then
        idx = idx - 1
        cbInfo.strBuffer = string.sub(body, -6 + idx)
        local len = string.len(body) - 6 + idx
        body = string.sub(body, 1, len)

    body = cleanupBody(body, cbInfo)

    -- Perform our "TOP" actions
    if (cbInfo.nLinesRequested ~= -2) then
      body = cbInfo.strHack:tophack(body, cbInfo.nLinesRequested)

      -- Check to see if we are done and if so, update things
      if cbInfo.strHack:check_stop(cbInfo.nLinesRequested) then
        cbInfo.nLinesReceived = -1;
        if (string.sub(body, -2, -1) ~= "\r\n") then
          body = body .. "\r\n"
        cbInfo.nLinesReceived = cbInfo.nLinesRequested - 

    -- End the strings properly
    body = cbInfo.strHack:dothack(body) .. "\0"

    -- Send the data up the stream
    popserver_callback(body, data)
    log.raw("out download callback: " .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ", Sent: " .. body)    
    return len, nil

function cleanupHeaders(headers, cbInfo)
  -- Cleanup the headers.  They are HTML-escaped.  
  local origHeaders = headers
  local bMissingTo = false    -- it seems hotmail server sometimes disregards To: when 'raw=0' ? 
                              --   probably only in internal HoTMaiL-service letters, where the actual 
                              --   internet message headers do not contain actual To:-field
  local bMissingID = false    -- when no Message-ID -field seems to have been automatically generated ?
  local bodyrest = ""

  headers, bodyrest = string.match(headers, "^(.-)\r*\n%s*\r*\n(.*)$" )

  if (headers == nil) then
    log.dbg("Hotmail: unable to parse out message headers.  Extra headers will not be used.")
    return origHeaders

  headers = string.gsub(headers, "%s+$", "\n")
  headers = headers .. "\n";
  headers = string.gsub(headers, "\n\n", "\n")
  headers = string.gsub(headers, "\r\n", "\n")
  headers = string.gsub(headers, "\n", "\r\n")

  -- some checking...
  if string.find(headers, "(To:)") == nil then
    bMissingTo = true
  if string.find(headers, "(Message%-I[dD]:)") == nil then
    bMissingID = true

  -- Add some headers
  if bMissingTo ~= false then
    headers = headers .. "To: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "\r\n" ;

  if bMissingID ~= false then
    local msgid = cbInfo.cb_uidl .. "@" .. internalState.strMailServer -- well, if we do not have any better choice...
    headers = headers .. "Message-ID: <" .. msgid .. ">\r\n"  

  headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-User: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "\r\n"
  headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-Domain: " .. internalState.strDomain .. "\r\n"
  headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-Folder: " .. internalState.strMBox .. "\r\n"
  headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-MailServer: " .. internalState.strMailServer .. "\r\n"
  headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-ImageServer: " .. internalState.strImgServer .. "\r\n"
  headers = headers .. "X-FreePOPs-MsgNumber: " .. "<" .. cbInfo.cb_uidl .. ">" .. "\r\n"

  -- make the final touch...
  headers = headers .. "\r\n" .. bodyrest

  return headers 

function cleanupBody(body, cbInfo)
  -- check to see whether the end of message has already been seen...
  if (cbInfo.bEndReached == true) then
    return ("") ; 	-- in this case we pass nothing past the end of message

  -- Did we reach the end of the message
  -- cdmackie: test for the end after we've processed the buffers instead
  -- GetMessageSource sometimes returns only ""
  --if (string.find(body, "(
)") ~= nil) then -- cbInfo.nLinesReceived = -1; -- cbInfo.bEndReached = true --end -- The only parts we care about are within
-- body = string.gsub(body, "
[%s]*", "")
  body = string.gsub(body, "
.-$", "\n") -- Clean up the end of line, and replace HTML tags -- body = string.gsub(body, " ", "\t") body = string.gsub(body, " ", "\t") body = string.gsub(body, " ", "\n") body = string.gsub(body, " ", "\r") body = string.gsub(body, " ", " ") body = string.gsub(body, "!", "!") body = string.gsub(body, "#", "#") body = string.gsub(body, "$", "$") -- cdmackie: this should be escaped body = string.gsub(body, "%", "%%") body = string.gsub(body, "&", "&") body = string.gsub(body, "'", "'") body = string.gsub(body, "(", "(") body = string.gsub(body, ")", ")") body = string.gsub(body, "*", "*") body = string.gsub(body, "+", "+") body = string.gsub(body, ",", ",") body = string.gsub(body, "-", "-") body = string.gsub(body, ".", ".") body = string.gsub(body, "/", "/") body = string.gsub(body, ":", ":") body = string.gsub(body, ";", ";") body = string.gsub(body, "<", "<") -- cdmackie: these mess up QP and b64 encoded attachments --body = string.gsub(body, "=2E", ".") --body = string.gsub(body, "=3D", "=") --body = string.gsub(body, "=20", " ") --body = string.gsub(body, "=09", "\t") --body = string.gsub(body, "=96", "-") --body = string.gsub(body, "=\r\n", "") --body = string.gsub(body, "=92", "'") body = string.gsub(body, "=", "=") body = string.gsub(body, ">", ">") body = string.gsub(body, "?", "?") body = string.gsub(body, "@", "@") body = string.gsub(body, "[", "[") body = string.gsub(body, "\", "\\") body = string.gsub(body, "]", "]") body = string.gsub(body, "^", "^") body = string.gsub(body, "_", "_") body = string.gsub(body, "`", "`") body = string.gsub(body, "{", "{") body = string.gsub(body, "|", "|") body = string.gsub(body, "}", "}") body = string.gsub(body, "~", "~") body = string.gsub(body, "\r", "") body = string.gsub(body, "\n", "\r\n") -- cdmackie: these mess up QP attachments --body = string.gsub(body, "&", "&") --body = string.gsub(body, "<", "<") --body = string.gsub(body, ">", ">") --body = string.gsub(body, """, "\"") body = string.gsub(body, """, "\"") --body = string.gsub(body, " ", " ") body = string.gsub(body, "", internalState.strImgServer) -- cdmackie: POP protocol: lines starting with a dot must be escaped dotdot body = string.gsub(body, "\r\n%.", "\r\n%.%.") -- We've now at least seen one block, attempt to clean up the headers -- if (cbInfo.bFirstBlock == true) then cbInfo.bFirstBlock = false body = cleanupHeaders(body, cbInfo) end return body end -- ************************************************************************** -- -- Pop3 functions that must be defined -- ************************************************************************** -- -- Extract the user, domain and mailbox from the username -- function user(pstate, username) -- Get the user, domain, and mailbox -- TODO: mailbox - for now, just inbox -- local domain = freepops.get_domain(username) local user = freepops.get_name(username) internalState.strDomain = domain internalState.strUser = user -- Override the domain variable if it is set in the login parameter -- local val = (freepops.MODULE_ARGS or {}).domain or nil if val ~= nil then log.dbg("Hotmail: Using overridden domain: " .. val) internalState.strDomain = val end -- If the flag emptyTrash is set to 1 , -- the trash will be emptied on 'quit' -- local val = (freepops.MODULE_ARGS or {}).emptytrash or 0 if val == "1" then log.dbg("Hotmail: Trash folder will be emptied on exit.") internalState.bEmptyTrash = true end -- If the flag emptyjunk is set to 1 , -- the trash will be emptied on 'quit' -- local val = (freepops.MODULE_ARGS or {}).emptyjunk or 0 if val == "1" then log.dbg("Hotmail: Junk folder will be emptied on exit.") internalState.bEmptyJunk = true end -- If the flag markunread=1 is set, then we will mark all messages -- that we pull as unread when done. -- local val = (freepops.MODULE_ARGS or {}).markunread or 0 if val == "1" then log.dbg("Hotmail: All messages pulled will be marked unread.") internalState.bMarkMsgAsUnread = true end -- If the flag maxmsgs is set, -- STAT will limit the number of messages to the flag -- val = (freepops.MODULE_ARGS or {}).maxmsgs or 0 if tonumber(val) > 0 then log.dbg("Hotmail: A max of " .. val .. " messages will be downloaded.") internalState.statLimit = tonumber(val) end -- Get the folder -- local mbox = (freepops.MODULE_ARGS or {}).folder if mbox == nil then internalState.strMBoxName = "Inbox" return POPSERVER_ERR_OK else mbox = curl.unescape(mbox) internalState.strMBoxName = mbox log.say("Using Custom mailbox set to: " .. internalState.strMBoxName .. ".\n") end return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- Perform login functionality -- function pass(pstate, password) -- Store the password -- -- truncate password if longer than nMaxPasswordLen characters to mimic broken web page behavior if string.len(password) > globals.nMaxPasswordLen then password = string.sub(password, 0, globals.nMaxPasswordLen) end internalState.strPassword = password -- Get a session -- local sessID = session.load_lock(hash()) -- See if we already have a session. We want to prevent -- multiple sessions for a given account -- if sessID ~= nil then -- Session exists -- This code is copied from example. It doesn't make sense to me. -- -- Check to see if it is locked -- Why "\a"? -- if sessID == "\a" then log.dbg("Error: Session locked - Account: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "\n") return POPSERVER_ERR_LOCKED end -- Load the session which looks to be a function pointer -- local func, err = loadstring(sessID) if not func then log.error_print("Unable to load saved session (Account: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "): ".. err) return loginHotmail() end log.dbg("Session loaded - Account: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "\n") -- Execute the function saved in the session -- func() return POPSERVER_ERR_OK else -- Create a new session by logging in -- return loginHotmail() end end -- Quit abruptly -- function quit(pstate) session.unlock(hash()) return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- Update the mailbox status and quit -- function quit_update(pstate) -- Make sure we aren't jumping the gun -- local retCode = stat(pstate) if retCode ~= POPSERVER_ERR_OK then return retCode end -- Local Variables -- local browser = internalState.browser local cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdDelete, internalState.strMailServer) local cnt = get_popstate_nummesg(pstate) local dcnt = 0 local postBase = string.format(globals.strCmdDeletePost, internalState.strMBox) local post = postBase local uidls = "" local uidlsLight = "" -- Cycle through the messages and see if we need to delete any of them -- for i = 1, cnt do if internalState.bLiveGUI == false and get_mailmessage_flag(pstate, i, MAILMESSAGE_DELETE) then dcnt = dcnt + 1 post = post .. "&" .. get_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, i) .. "=on" -- Send out in a batch of 5 -- if math.mod(dcnt, 5) == 0 then log.dbg("Sending Delete URL: " .. cmdUrl .. "Post Data: " .. post .. "\n") local body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) if not body or err then log.error_print("Unable to delete messages.\n") end -- Reset the variables -- dcnt = 0 post = postBase end elseif internalState.bLiveGUI == true and internalState.bLiveLightGUI and get_mailmessage_flag(pstate, i, MAILMESSAGE_DELETE) then -- cdmackie: uidlsLight should be appended for multiple messages uidlsLight = uidlsLight .. "SelectedMessages=" .. get_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, i) .. "&" dcnt = dcnt + 1 elseif internalState.bLiveGUI == true and get_mailmessage_flag(pstate, i, MAILMESSAGE_DELETE) then if i > 1 then uidls = uidls .. "," .. get_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, i) else uidls = get_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, i) end dcnt = dcnt + 1 end end -- Send whatever is left over -- if dcnt > 0 and internalState.bLiveGUI == false then log.dbg("Sending Delete URL: " .. cmdUrl .. "Post Data: " .. post .. "\n") local body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) if not body or err then log.error_print("Unable to delete messages.\n") end elseif dcnt > 0 and internalState.bLiveGUI and internalState.bLiveLightGUI == true then cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdDeleteLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strMBox) post = string.format(globals.strCmdDeletePostLiveLight, internalState.strMT, internalState.strTrashId) .. uidlsLight log.dbg("Sending Trash url: " .. cmdUrl .. " - " .. post) local body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) elseif dcnt > 0 and internalState.bLiveGUI then cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdDeleteLive, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strUserId) uidls = string.gsub(uidls, ",", '","') uidls = '"' .. uidls .. '"' post = string.format(globals.strCmdDeletePostLive, internalState.strMBox, internalState.strTrashId, uidls, internalState.strMT) log.dbg("Sending Trash url: " .. cmdUrl .. " - " .. post) local body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) if (body == nil) then -- M7 Only - DELETE SOON! post = string.format(globals.strCmdDeletePostLiveOld, internalState.strMBox, internalState.strTrashId, uidls) local body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) end end -- Empty the trash -- if internalState.bEmptyTrash and internalState.bLiveGUI == false then if internalState.strCrumb ~= '' then cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrash, internalState.strMailServer,internalState.strCrumb) log.dbg("Sending Empty Trash URL: " .. cmdUrl .."\n") local body, err = getPage(browser, cmdUrl) if not body or err then log.error_print("Error when trying to empty the trash with url: ".. cmdUrl .."\n") end else log.error_print("Cannot empty trash - crumb not found\n") end elseif internalState.bEmptyTrash and internalState.bLiveGUI and internalState.bLiveLightGUI == true then cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strTrashId) local post = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLightPost, internalState.strMT) log.dbg("Sending Empty Trash URL: " .. cmdUrl .."\n") local body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) if not body or err then log.error_print("Error when trying to empty the trash with url: ".. cmdUrl .."\n") end elseif internalState.bEmptyTrash and internalState.bLiveGUI then cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLive, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strUserId) local post = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLivePost, internalState.strTrashId) log.dbg("Sending Empty Trash URL: " .. cmdUrl .."\n") local body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) if not body or err then log.error_print("Error when trying to empty the trash with url: ".. cmdUrl .."\n") end end -- Empty the Junk Folder -- if internalState.bEmptyJunk and internalState.bLiveGUI and internalState.bLiveLightGUI == true then cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strJunkId) local post = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLiveLightPost, internalState.strMT) log.dbg("Sending Empty Junk URL: " .. cmdUrl .."\n") local body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) if not body or err then log.error_print("Error when trying to empty the junk folder with url: ".. cmdUrl .."\n") end elseif internalState.bEmptyJunk and internalState.bLiveGUI then cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLive, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strUserId) local post = string.format(globals.strCmdEmptyTrashLivePost, internalState.strJunkId) log.dbg("Sending Empty Junk URL: " .. cmdUrl .."\n") local body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) if not body or err then log.error_print("Error when trying to empty the junk folder with url: ".. cmdUrl .."\n") end end -- Should we force a logout. If this session runs for more than a day, things -- stop working -- local currTime = os.clock() local diff = currTime - internalState.loginTime if diff > globals.nSessionTimeout then if (internalState.bLiveGUI) then cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdLogoutLive, internalState.strMailServer) else cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdLogout, internalState.strMailServer) end log.dbg("Sending Logout URL: " .. cmdUrl .. "\n") local body, err = getPage(browser, cmdUrl) log.dbg("Logout forced to keep hotmail session fresh and tasty! Yum!\n") log.dbg("Session removed - Account: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "\n") log.raw("Session removed (Forced by Hotmail timer) - Account: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain) session.remove(hash()) return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- Save and then Free up the session -- session.save(hash(), serialize_state(), session.OVERWRITE) session.unlock(hash()) log.dbg("Session saved - Account: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain .. "\n") return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- Stat command for the live gui -- function LiveStat(pstate) -- Local variables -- local browser = internalState.browser local nMsgs = 0 local nTotMsgs = 0; local nMaxMsgs = 999 if internalState.statLimit ~= nil then nMaxMsgs = internalState.statLimit end local cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListLive, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strUserId) local post = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListPostLive, internalState.strMBox, nMaxMsgs, nMaxMsgs, internalState.strMT) -- Debug Message -- log.dbg("Stat URL: " .. cmdUrl .. "\n"); -- Initialize our state -- set_popstate_nummesg(pstate, nMsgs) -- Iterate over the messages -- local body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) if (body == nil) then -- Use the M7 way -- REMOVE THIS AT SOME POINT! -- post = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListPostLiveOld, internalState.strMBox, nMaxMsgs, nMaxMsgs) body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) end log.raw(body) -- Let's make sure the session is still valid -- local strSessExpr = string.match(body, globals.strRetLoginSessionExpiredLive) if strSessExpr ~= nil then -- Invalidate the session -- internalState.bLoginDone = nil session.remove(hash()) log.raw("Session Expired - Last page loaded: " .. cmdUrl .. ", Body: " .. body) -- Try Logging back in -- local status = loginHotmail() if status ~= POPSERVER_ERR_OK then return POPSERVER_ERR_NETWORK end -- Reset the local variables -- browser = internalState.browser -- Retry to load the page -- body, err = browser:post_uri(cmdUrl, post) end -- Go through the list of messages (M7 - DELETE SOON!) -- for uidl, size in string.gfind(body, globals.strMsgLivePatternOld) do nMsgs = nMsgs + 1 if (nMsgs <= nMaxMsgs) then log.dbg("Processed STAT - Msg: " .. nMsgs .. ", UIDL: " .. uidl .. ", Size: " .. size) set_popstate_nummesg(pstate, nMsgs) set_mailmessage_size(pstate, nMsgs, size) set_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, nMsgs, uidl) end end -- Go through the list of messages (M8) -- local cnt = 0 local i = 1 local sizes = {} for size in string.gfind(body, globals.strMsgLivePattern1) do cnt = cnt + 1 local kbUnit = string.match(size, "([Kk])") size = string.match(size, "([%d%.,]+) [KkMm]") if (size ~= nil) then size = string.gsub(size, ",", ".") end if size ~= nil and tonumber(size) ~= nil then if not kbUnit then size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024 * 1024 else size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024 end else size = 1024 end sizes[cnt] = size end for uidl in string.gfind(body, globals.strMsgLivePattern2) do nMsgs = nMsgs + 1 if (nMsgs <= nMaxMsgs) then log.dbg("Processed STAT - Msg: " .. nMsgs .. ", UIDL: " .. uidl .. ", Size: " .. sizes[i]) set_popstate_nummesg(pstate, nMsgs) set_mailmessage_size(pstate, nMsgs, sizes[i]) set_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, nMsgs, uidl) i = i + 1 end end -- Update our state -- internalState.bStatDone = true -- Function completed successfully -- return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- Stat command - Get the number of messages and their size -- function stat(pstate) -- Have we done this already? If so, we've saved the results -- if internalState.bStatDone then return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end if internalState.bLiveGUI and internalState.bLiveLightGUI == false then return LiveStat(pstate) end -- Local variables -- local browser = internalState.browser local nPage = 1 local nMsgs = 0 local nTotMsgs = 0 local lastNMsgs = 0 local cmdUrl = "" if (internalState.bLiveLightGUI) then cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strMBox); else cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgList, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strMBox); end local baseUrl = cmdUrl local nextPageUrl = nil -- Keep a list of IDs that we've seen. With yahoo, their message list can -- show messages that we've already seen. This, although a bit hacky, will -- keep the unique ones. We'll need to search the table on every message which -- really sucks! -- local knownIDs = {} -- Debug Message -- log.dbg("Stat URL: " .. cmdUrl .. "\n"); -- Initialize our state -- set_popstate_nummesg(pstate, nMsgs) -- Local function to process the list of messages, getting id's and sizes -- local function funcProcess(body) lastNMsgs = nMsgs -- Find out if there are any messages -- local nomesg = string.match(body, globals.strMsgListNoMsgPat) if (nomesg ~= nil) then return true, nil end -- Tokenize out the message ID and size for each item in the list -- local items = mlex.match(body, globals.strMsgLineLitPattern, globals.strMsgLineAbsPattern) log.dbg("Stat Count: " .. items:count()) -- Remember the count -- local cnt = items:count() if cnt == 0 then return true, nil end -- Cycle through the items and store the msg id and size -- for i = 1, cnt do local uidl = items:get(0, i - 1) local size = items:get(1, i - 1) if not uidl or not size then log.say("Hotmail Module needs to fix it's individual message list pattern matching.\n") return nil, "Unable to parse the size and uidl from the html" end -- Get the message id.. -- uidl = string.match(uidl, 'name="([^"]+)"') local bUnique = true for j = 0, nMsgs do if knownIDs[j + 1] == uidl then bUnique = false break end end -- Convert the size from it's string (4KB or 2MB) to bytes -- First figure out the unit (KB or just B) -- local kbUnit = string.match(size, "([Kk])") size = string.match(size, "([%d%.,]+)[KkMm]") if (size ~= nil) then size = string.gsub(size, ",", ".") end if (size ~= nil and tonumber(size) ~= nil) then if not kbUnit then size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024 * 1024 else size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024 end else size = 1024 end -- Save the information -- if bUnique == true and ((nMsgs < nTotMsgs and nTotMsgs ~= 0) or nTotMsgs == 0) then nMsgs = nMsgs + 1 log.dbg("Processed STAT - Msg: " .. nMsgs .. ", UIDL: " .. uidl .. ", Size: " .. size) set_popstate_nummesg(pstate, nMsgs) set_mailmessage_size(pstate, nMsgs, size) set_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, nMsgs, uidl) knownIDs[nMsgs] = uidl end end -- We are done with this page, increment the counter -- nPage = nPage + 1 return true, nil end -- Local function to process the list of messages, getting id's and sizes -- local function funcProcessLiveLight(body) lastNMsgs = nMsgs -- Figure out if there are more pages with messages -- nextPageUrl = string.match(body, globals.strMsgListNextPagePatLiveLight) -- Tokenize out the message ID and size for each item in the list -- for uidl, size in string.gfind(body, globals.strMsgLiveLightPattern) do if not uidl or not size then log.say("Hotmail Module needs to fix it's individual message list pattern matching.\n") return nil, "Unable to parse the size and uidl from the html" end local bUnique = true for j = 0, nMsgs do if knownIDs[j + 1] == uidl then bUnique = false break end end -- Convert the size from it's string (4KB or 2MB) to bytes -- First figure out the unit (KB or just B) -- local kbUnit = string.match(size, "([Kk])") size = string.match(size, "([%d%.,]+)[KkMm]") if (size ~= nil) then size = string.gsub(size, ",", ".") end if (size ~= nil and tonumber(size) ~= nil) then if not kbUnit then size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024 * 1024 else size = math.max(tonumber(size), 0) * 1024 end else size = 1024 end -- Save the information -- if bUnique == true and ((nMsgs < nTotMsgs and nTotMsgs ~= 0) or nTotMsgs == 0) then nMsgs = nMsgs + 1 log.dbg("Processed STAT - Msg: " .. nMsgs .. ", UIDL: " .. uidl .. ", Size: " .. size) set_popstate_nummesg(pstate, nMsgs) set_mailmessage_size(pstate, nMsgs, size) set_mailmessage_uidl(pstate, nMsgs, uidl) knownIDs[nMsgs] = uidl end end -- We are done with this page, increment the counter -- nPage = nPage + 1 return true, nil end -- Local Function to check for more pages of messages. If found, the -- change the command url -- local function funcCheckForMorePages(body) -- if (internalState.bLiveLightGUI) then if (nextPageUrl == nil) then return true else cmdUrl = "http://" .. internalState.strMailServer .. "/mail/" .. nextPageUrl return false end end -- See if there are messages remaining -- if nMsgs < nTotMsgs then cmdUrl = baseUrl .. string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListNextPage, nPage) return false else -- For western languages, our patterns don't work so use a backup pattern. -- if (lastNMsgs == nMsgs) then return true end if (nTotMsgs == 0 and string.find(body, globals.strMsgListNextPagePattern) ~= nil) then cmdUrl = baseUrl .. string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListNextPage, nPage) return false end return true end end -- Local Function to get the list of messages -- local function funcGetPage() -- Debug Message -- log.dbg("Debug - Getting page: ".. cmdUrl) -- Get the page and check to see if we got results -- local body, err = getPage(browser, cmdUrl) if body == nil then return body, err end -- Check to see if we got a good page back. The folder list is -- notorous for returning Server busy or page not available -- if (internalState.bLiveLightGUI == false and string.find(body, globals.strRetStatBusy) == nil) then return nil, "Hotmail is returning an error page." end -- Is the session expired -- local strSessExpr = string.match(body, globals.strRetLoginSessionExpired) if strSessExpr ~= nil then -- Invalidate the session -- internalState.bLoginDone = nil session.remove(hash()) log.raw("Session Expired - Last page loaded: " .. cmdUrl .. ", Body: " .. body) -- Try Logging back in -- local status = loginHotmail() if status ~= POPSERVER_ERR_OK then return nil, "Session expired. Unable to recover" end -- Reset the local variables -- browser = internalState.browser if (internalState.bLiveLightGUI) then cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListLiveLight, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strMBox); else cmdUrl = string.format(globals.strCmdMsgList, internalState.strMailServer, internalState.strCrumb, internalState.strMBox); end baseUrl = cmdUrl if nPage > 1 then cmdUrl = cmdUrl .. string.format(globals.strCmdMsgListNextPage, nPage) end -- Retry to load the page -- return getPage(browser, cmdUrl) end -- Get the total number of messages -- if nTotMsgs == 0 then local strTotMsgs if (internalState.bLiveLightGUI == false) then strTotMsgs = string.match(body, globals.strMsgListCntPattern) else strTotMsgs = string.match(body, globals.strMsgListLiveLightCntPattern) end if strTotMsgs == nil then nTotMsgs = 0 else -- The number of messages can be in one of two patterns -- if (internalState.bLiveLightGUI == false) then nTotMsgs = string.match(strTotMsgs, globals.strMsgListCntPattern2) if (nTotMsgs == nil) then nTotMsgs = 0 end else nTotMsgs = strTotMsgs end nTotMsgs = tonumber(nTotMsgs) end if internalState.statLimit ~= nil then local nMaxMsgs = internalState.statLimit if (nTotMsgs > nMaxMsgs) then nTotMsgs = nMaxMsgs end end log.dbg("Total messages in message list: " .. nTotMsgs) end -- Make sure the page is valid -- if internalState.bLiveLightGUI == false and string.find(body, globals.strMsgListGoodBody) == nil then return nil, "Hotmail returned with an invalid page." end return body, err end -- Run through the pages and pull out all the message pieces from -- all the message lists -- local fnProcess = funcProcess if (internalState.bLiveLightGUI) then fnProcess = funcProcessLiveLight end if not support.do_until(funcGetPage, funcCheckForMorePages, fnProcess) then log.error_print("STAT Failed.\n") session.remove(hash()) log.raw("Session removed (STAT Failure) - Account: " .. internalState.strUser .. "@" .. internalState.strDomain) return POPSERVER_ERR_NETWORK end -- Update our state -- internalState.bStatDone = true -- Check to see that we completed successfully. If not, return a network -- error. This is the safest way to let the email client now that there is -- a problem but that it shouldn't drop the list of known uidls. if (nMsgs < nTotMsgs) then return POPSERVER_ERR_NETWORK end -- Return that we succeeded -- return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- Fill msg uidl field -- function uidl(pstate,msg) return common.uidl(pstate, msg) end -- Fill all messages uidl field -- function uidl_all(pstate) return common.uidl_all(pstate) end -- Fill msg size -- function list(pstate,msg) return common.list(pstate, msg) end -- Fill all messages size -- function list_all(pstate) return common.list_all(pstate) end -- Unflag each message marked for deletion -- function rset(pstate) return common.rset(pstate) end -- Mark msg for deletion -- function dele(pstate,msg) return common.dele(pstate, msg) end -- Do nothing -- function noop(pstate) return common.noop(pstate) end -- Retrieve the message -- function retr(pstate, msg, data) downloadMsg(pstate, msg, -2, data) return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- Top Command (like retr) -- function top(pstate, msg, nLines, data) downloadMsg(pstate, msg, nLines, data) return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- Plugin Initialization - Pretty standard stuff. Copied from the manual -- function init(pstate) -- Let the log know that we have been found -- log.dbg(PLUGIN_NAME .. "(" .. PLUGIN_VERSION ..") found!\n") -- Import the freepops name space allowing for us to use the status messages -- freepops.export(pop3server) -- Load dependencies -- -- Serialization -- require("serial") -- Browser -- require("browser") -- MIME Parser/Generator -- require("mimer") -- Common module -- require("common") -- Run a sanity check -- freepops.set_sanity_checks() -- Let the log know that we have initialized ok -- log.dbg(PLUGIN_NAME .. "(" .. PLUGIN_VERSION ..") initialized!\n") -- Everything loaded ok -- return POPSERVER_ERR_OK end -- EOF -- ************************************************************************** --