# $NetBSD: Makefile.extension,v 1.11 2007/03/14 11:50:33 markd Exp $ # # This Makefile fragment is included by packages for R library packages. # # To use this Makefile fragment, simply: # # (1) define R_PKGNAME and R_PKGVER to the R package name and version # for the package desired. # (2) Include this Makefile fragment in the package Makefile, DISTNAME?= ${R_PKGNAME}_${R_PKGVER} PKGNAME?= R-${R_PKGNAME}-${R_PKGVER:S/-/./} MASTER_SITES?= ${MASTER_SITE_R_CRAN:=contrib/} DIST_SUBDIR?= R CATEGORIES+= math R_HOMEPAGE_BASE= http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Descriptions WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/${R_PKGNAME} do-build: do-install: R_LIBS= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/R CMD INSTALL ${R_PKG_INSTALL_ARGS} ${WRKDIR}/${R_PKGNAME} # automatically generate the PLIST R_LIB= lib/R/library R_INST_DIRS?= ${R_PKGNAME} R_PACKLIST_FILES_CMD= ( cd ${PREFIX}; for dir in ${R_INST_DIRS}; do \ ${FIND} ${R_LIB}/$${dir} \( -type f -o -type l \) -print; done ) | ${SORT} -u R_PACKLIST_DIRS_CMD= ( cd ${PREFIX}; for dir in ${R_INST_DIRS}; do \ ${FIND} ${R_LIB}/$${dir} -type d -print; done ) | ${SORT} -ur | ${SED} -e "s|^|@dirrm |" R_GENERATE_PLIST= ${R_PACKLIST_FILES_CMD}; \ ${R_PACKLIST_DIRS_CMD}; GENERATE_PLIST+= ${R_GENERATE_PLIST} INSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ../../math/R/files/pkg-index.tmpl DEINSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ../../math/R/files/pkg-index.tmpl .include "../../math/R/buildlink3.mk"