# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.42 2009/09/16 01:15:33 reed Exp $ # used by audio/xfce4-mixer/Makefile # used by devel/xfce4-dev-tools/Makefile # used by devel/xfconf/Makefile # used by editors/xfce4-mousepad/Makefile # used by graphics/xfce4-icon-theme/Makefile # used by print/xfce4-print/Makefile # used by sysutils/xfce4-appfinder/Makefile # used by sysutils/xfce4-thunar/Makefile # used by time/xfce4-orage/Makefile # used by wm/xfce4-wm-themes/Makefile # used by wm/xfce4-wm/Makefile # used by x11/xfce4-desktop/Makefile # used by x11/xfce4-exo/Makefile # used by x11/xfce4-gtk2-engine/Makefile # used by x11/xfce4-panel/Makefile # used by x11/libxfce4gui/Makefile # used by x11/libxfce4menu/Makefile # used by x11/libxfce4util/Makefile # used by x11/xfce4-session/Makefile # used by x11/xfce4-settings/Makefile # used by x11/xfce4-terminal/Makefile # used by x11/xfce4-utils/Makefile MASTER_SITES= http://www.xfce.org/archive/xfce-4.6.1/src/ EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2 MAINTAINER= dieter.NetBSD@pandora.be HOMEPAGE= http://www.xfce.org/ LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2 XFCE4_VERSION= 4.6.1 # Do NOT put a PKGREVISION statement in this file! USE_PKGLOCALEDIR= yes USE_LIBTOOL= yes GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_TOOLS+= gmake pkg-config msgfmt perl intltool .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "alpha" GCC_REQD+= 3.0 .endif XFCE4_EGBASE= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/xfce4 .include "../../devel/glib2/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../x11/gtk2/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../x11/libSM/buildlink3.mk" ## # Use the latest GNU tar when the native tar is buggy ## .if !empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MNetBSD-1.6*) ## BUILD_DEPENDS+= gtar-base-[0-9]*:../../archivers/gtar-base ## GTAR= ${PREFIX}/bin/${GNU_PROGRAM_PREFIX}tar ## .endif