This package provides utility applications that are part of the standard KDE environment: * ark: manager for compressed files and archives * kab: address book * karm: tracks time spend per task or project * kcalc: scientific calculator * kcharselect: select special characters from any fonts and put them into the clipboard * charselectapplet: dito, but as a Kicker applet * kcardtools: * kdepasswd: like 'passwd', a graphical password changer * kdessh: front end to ssh * kdf: like 'df', a graphical free disk space viewer * kedit: a simple text editor, without formatting like bold, italics etc * kfloppy: format a floppy disks with this app * khexedit: binary file editor * kjots: manages several "books" with a subject and notes * klaptopdaemon: battery and power management, including KControl plugins * kljettool: configure a HL LaserJet from KDE * klpq: front end to 'lpq', 'lprm' and 'lpc' * klprfax: send faxes by printing to a lpr device, needs efax and ghostscript * knotes: paste yellow notes all over your screen, virtually of course * kpm: combines 'ps', 'top' and 'kill' into a visual process watcher * kregexpeditor: graphical regular expression editor