# $NetBSD: l10n.mk,v 1.1 2006/12/03 04:03:06 markd Exp $ # # This file provides useful defaults for the l10n packages of koffice. # # The following variables shall be defined when using this file. # # KOFFICE_LANGCODE # The language code (e.g. de, pt_BR) # # KOFFICE_LANGUAGE # The full name of the language (e.g. German, Brasilian) # KOFFICE_VERSION?= 1.6.1 DISTNAME= koffice-l10n-${KOFFICE_LANGCODE}-${KOFFICE_VERSION} CATEGORIES= misc kde MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_KDE:=koffice-${KOFFICE_VERSION}/src/koffice-l10n/} EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2 MAINTAINER?= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org HOMEPAGE= http://www.koffice.org/ COMMENT= ${KOFFICE_LANGUAGE} language pack for KOffice BUILD_DEPENDS+= kdelibs>=3:../../x11/kdelibs3 CONFLICTS+= koffice-i18n-${KOFFICE_LANGCODE}-[0-9]* GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_TOOLS+= gmake msgfmt SUBST_CLASSES+= ko SUBST_MESSAGE.ko= Dont try to install kdgantt.po SUBST_STAGE.ko= pre-configure SUBST_FILES.ko= messages/koffice/Makefile.in SUBST_SED.ko= -e 's/ kdgantt / /' .include "../../meta-pkgs/kde3/kde3.mk"