# $NetBSD: bsd.pkg.install.mk,v 1.6 2001/11/25 18:59:50 jlam Exp $ # # This Makefile fragment is included by package Makefiles to use the common # INSTALL/DEINSTALL scripts. To use this Makefile fragment, simply: # # (1) Set the variables to customize the install scripts to the package, and # (2) Include this Makefile fragment in the package Makefile. # # NOTE: This file must be included _before_ bsd.pkg.mk. .if !defined(BSD_PKG_INSTALL_MK) BSD_PKG_INSTALL_MK= 1 DEINSTALL_FILE= ${WRKDIR}/.DEINSTALL INSTALL_FILE= ${WRKDIR}/.INSTALL # These are the template scripts for the INSTALL/DEINSTALL scripts. Packages # may do additional work in the INSTALL/DEINSTALL scripts by overriding the # variables DEINSTALL_EXTRA_TMPL and INSTALL_EXTRA_TMPL to point to # additional script fragments. These bits are included after the main # install/deinstall script fragments. Packages may also override the # variables DEINSTALL_TMPL and INSTALL_TMPL to completely customize the # install/deinstall logic. # _HEADER_TMPL?= ${.CURDIR}/../../mk/install/header DEINSTALL_EXTRA_TMPL?= # empty DEINSTALL_TMPL?= ${.CURDIR}/../../mk/install/deinstall INSTALL_TMPL?= ${.CURDIR}/../../mk/install/install INSTALL_EXTRA_TMPL?= # empty _FOOTER_TMPL?= ${.CURDIR}/../../mk/install/footer # DEINSTALL_TEMPLATES and INSTALL_TEMPLATES are the default list of source # files that are concatenated to form the DEINSTALL/INSTALL scripts. # DEINSTALL_TEMPLATES= ${_HEADER_TMPL} DEINSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ${DEINSTALL_EXTRA_TMPL} DEINSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ${DEINSTALL_TMPL} DEINSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ${_FOOTER_TMPL} INSTALL_TEMPLATES= ${_HEADER_TMPL} INSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ${INSTALL_TMPL} INSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ${INSTALL_EXTRA_TMPL} INSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ${_FOOTER_TMPL} # These are the list of source files that are concatenated to form the # INSTALL/DEINSTALL scripts. # DEINSTALL_SRC?= ${DEINSTALL_TEMPLATES} INSTALL_SRC?= ${INSTALL_TEMPLATES} FILES_SUBST+= PREFIX=${PREFIX} FILES_SUBST+= LOCALBASE=${LOCALBASE} FILES_SUBST+= X11BASE=${X11BASE} FILES_SUBST+= PKG_SYSCONFDIR=${PKG_SYSCONFDIR} # PKG_USER and PKG_GROUP are the user and group that need to be created # before this package is installed. # # PKG_USERID and PKG_GROUPID are the numeric IDs used in creating the user # and group. If they're blank, then the default values chosen by the # system is used. # # PKG_USER_DESCR is the description of the user to add to the system. It # defaults to "foo user" for package "foo". # # PKG_USER_HOME is the home directory of the user to add to the system. It # defaults to "/". # # PKG_USER_SHELL is the login shell for the user. For system security # purposes, it defaults to "${NOLOGIN}". # PKG_USER?= # empty PKG_USERID?= # empty PKG_USER_DESCR?= ${PKGBASE} user PKG_USER_HOME?= / PKG_USER_SHELL?= ${NOLOGIN} PKG_GROUP?= # empty PKG_GROUPID?= # empty FILES_SUBST+= PKG_USER=${PKG_USER} FILES_SUBST+= PKG_USERID=${PKG_USERID} FILES_SUBST+= PKG_USER_DESCR=${PKG_USER_DESCR:Q} FILES_SUBST+= PKG_USER_HOME=${PKG_USER_HOME} FILES_SUBST+= PKG_USER_SHELL=${PKG_USER_SHELL} FILES_SUBST+= PKG_GROUP=${PKG_GROUP} FILES_SUBST+= PKG_GROUPID=${PKG_GROUPID} .if !empty(PKG_USER) USE_USERADD= YES .endif .if !empty(PKG_GROUP) USE_USERGROUP= YES .endif # CONF_FILES are pairs of example and true config files, used much like # MLINKS in the base system. At post-install time, if the true config # file doesn't exist, then the example one is copied into place. At # deinstall time, the true one is removed if it doesn't differ from the # example one. SUPPORT_FILES is used the same way, but the package # admin isn't prompted to customize the file at post-install time. # # CONF_FILES_MODE and SUPPORT_FILES_MODE are the file permissions for the # files in CONF_FILES and SUPPORT_FILES, respectively. # # CONF_FILES_PERMS are lists that look like: # example_file config_file user group mode # and works like CONF_FILES, except the config files are owned by # user:group have mode permissions. SUPPORT_FILES_PERMS is used in the # same way, but the package admin isn't prompted to customize the file # at post-install time. # # RCD_SCRIPTS works lists the basenames of the rc.d scripts. It's assumed that # they live in ${PREFIX}/etc/rc.d, and the scripts will be copied into # ${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR} with ${RCD_SCRIPTS_MODE} permissions. # CONF_FILES?= # empty CONF_FILES_MODE?= 0644 CONF_FILES_PERMS?= # empty SUPPORT_FILES?= # empty SUPPORT_FILES_MODE?= 0644 SUPPORT_FILES_PERMS?= # empty RCD_SCRIPTS?= # empty RCD_SCRIPTS_MODE?= 0755 RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR?= /etc/rc.d FILES_SUBST+= CONF_FILES=${CONF_FILES:Q} FILES_SUBST+= CONF_FILES_MODE=${CONF_FILES_MODE} FILES_SUBST+= CONF_FILES_PERMS=${CONF_FILES_PERMS:Q} FILES_SUBST+= SUPPORT_FILES=${SUPPORT_FILES:Q} FILES_SUBST+= SUPPORT_FILES_MODE=${SUPPORT_FILES_MODE} FILES_SUBST+= SUPPORT_FILES_PERMS=${SUPPORT_FILES_PERMS:Q} FILES_SUBST+= RCD_SCRIPTS=${RCD_SCRIPTS:Q} FILES_SUBST+= RCD_SCRIPTS_MODE=${RCD_SCRIPTS_MODE} FILES_SUBST+= RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR=${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR} # OWN_DIRS contains a list of directories for this package that should be # created and should attempt to be destroyed by the INSTALL/DEINSTALL # scripts. MAKE_DIRS is used the same way, but the package admin # isn't prompted to remove the directory at post-deinstall time if it # isn't empty. For convenience, ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR} and # ${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR} are automatically added to MAKE_DIRS. # # OWN_DIRS_PERMS contains a list of "directory owner group mode" sublists # representing directories for this package that should be # created/destroyed by the INSTALL/DEINSTALL scripts. MAKE_DIRS_PERMS # is used the same way but the package admin isn't prompted to remove # the directory at post-deinstall time if it isn't empty. # MAKE_DIRS?= # empty MAKE_DIRS_PERMS?= # empty _MAKE_DIRS= ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR} ${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR} ${MAKE_DIRS} OWN_DIRS?= # empty OWN_DIRS_PERMS?= # empty FILES_SUBST+= MAKE_DIRS=${_MAKE_DIRS:Q} FILES_SUBST+= MAKE_DIRS_PERMS=${MAKE_DIRS_PERMS:Q} FILES_SUBST+= OWN_DIRS=${OWN_DIRS:Q} FILES_SUBST+= OWN_DIRS_PERMS=${OWN_DIRS_PERMS:Q} # Substitute for various programs used in the DEINSTALL/INSTALL scripts. FILES_SUBST+= AWK=${AWK:Q} FILES_SUBST+= BASENAME=${BASENAME:Q} FILES_SUBST+= CAT=${CAT:Q} FILES_SUBST+= CHGRP=${CHGRP:Q} FILES_SUBST+= CHMOD=${CHMOD:Q} FILES_SUBST+= CHOWN=${CHOWN:Q} FILES_SUBST+= CMP=${CMP:Q} FILES_SUBST+= CP=${CP:Q} FILES_SUBST+= DIRNAME=${DIRNAME:Q} FILES_SUBST+= ECHO=${ECHO:Q} FILES_SUBST+= EGREP=${EGREP:Q} FILES_SUBST+= FALSE=${FALSE:Q} FILES_SUBST+= GROUPADD=${GROUPADD:Q} FILES_SUBST+= ID=${ID:Q} FILES_SUBST+= LN=${LN:Q} FILES_SUBST+= MKDIR=${MKDIR:Q} FILES_SUBST+= MV=${MV:Q} FILES_SUBST+= RM=${RM:Q} FILES_SUBST+= RMDIR=${RMDIR:Q} FILES_SUBST+= SED=${SED:Q} FILES_SUBST+= SH=${SH:Q} FILES_SUBST+= SORT=${SORT:Q} FILES_SUBST+= SU=${SU:Q} FILES_SUBST+= TOUCH=${TOUCH:Q} FILES_SUBST+= TR=${TR:Q} FILES_SUBST+= TRUE=${TRUE:Q} FILES_SUBST+= USERADD=${USERADD:Q} FILES_SUBST_SED= ${FILES_SUBST:S/=/@!/:S/$/!g/:S/^/ -e s!@/} pre-install: install-scripts install-scripts: ${_PKG_SILENT}${_PKG_DEBUG}${CAT} ${DEINSTALL_SRC} | \ ${SED} ${FILES_SUBST_SED} > ${DEINSTALL_FILE} ${_PKG_SILENT}${_PKG_DEBUG}${CHMOD} +x ${DEINSTALL_FILE} ${_PKG_SILENT}${_PKG_DEBUG}${CAT} ${INSTALL_SRC} | \ ${SED} ${FILES_SUBST_SED} > ${INSTALL_FILE} ${_PKG_SILENT}${_PKG_DEBUG}${CHMOD} +x ${INSTALL_FILE} .endif # BSD_PKG_INSTALL_MK