#	$NetBSD: bsd.pkg.subdir.mk,v 1.39 2000/07/28 00:54:06 hubertf Exp $
#	Derived from: FreeBSD Id: bsd.port.subdir.mk,v 1.19 1997/03/09 23:10:56 wosch Exp 
#	from: @(#)bsd.subdir.mk	5.9 (Berkeley) 2/1/91
# The include file <bsd.pkg.subdir.mk> contains the default targets
# for building ports subdirectories. 
# +++ variables +++
# STRIPFLAG	The flag passed to the install program to cause the binary
#		to be stripped.  This is to be used when building your
#		own install script so that the entire system can be made
#		stripped/not-stripped using a single knob. [-s]
# OPSYS		Get the operating system type [`uname -s`]
# SUBDIR	A list of subdirectories that should be built as well.
#		Each of the targets will execute the same target in the
#		subdirectories.
# +++ targets +++
#	README.html:
#		Creating README.html for package.
#	afterinstall, all, beforeinstall, build, checksum, clean,
#	configure, deinstall, depend, describe, extract, fetch, fetch-list, 
#	install, package, readmes, realinstall, reinstall, tags,
#	mirror-distfiles, bulk-install, bulk-package, ${PKG_MISC_TARGETS}

# Pull in stuff from mk.conf - need to check two places as this may be
# called from pkgsrc or from pkgsrc/category.
.if exists(${.CURDIR}/mk/bsd.prefs.mk)
.include "${.CURDIR}/mk/bsd.prefs.mk"
.if exists(${.CURDIR}/../mk/bsd.prefs.mk)
.include "${.CURDIR}/../mk/bsd.prefs.mk"
.endif	# exists(${.CURDIR}/../mk/bsd.prefs.mk)
.endif	# exists(${.CURDIR}/mk/bsd.prefs.mk)

.MAIN: all

.if !defined(DEBUG_FLAGS)

AWK?=		/usr/bin/awk
BASENAME?=	/usr/bin/basename
ECHO?=		echo
MV?=		/bin/mv
RM?=		/bin/rm
SED?=		/usr/bin/sed
SORT?=		/usr/bin/sort

	@for entry in "" ${SUBDIR}; do \
		if [ "X$$entry" = "X" ]; then continue; fi; \
		OK=""; \
		for dud in "" ${DUDS}; do \
			if [ "X$$dud" = "X" ]; then continue; fi; \
			if [ $${dud} = $${entry} ]; then \
				OK="false"; \
				${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${_THISDIR_}$${entry} skipped"; \
			fi; \
		done; \
		if [ -d ${.CURDIR}/$${entry}.${MACHINE} ]; then \
			edir=$${entry}.${MACHINE}; \
		elif [ -d ${.CURDIR}/$${entry} ]; then \
			edir=$${entry}; \
		else \
			OK="false"; \
			${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${_THISDIR_}$${entry} non-existent"; \
		fi; \
		if [ "$$OK" = "" ]; then \
			cd ${.CURDIR}/$${edir}; \
			${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${_THISDIR_}$${edir}"; \
			${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} "_THISDIR_=${_THISDIR_}$${edir}/" \
			    ${.TARGET:realinstall=install} || true; \
		fi; \

	@if [ -d ${.TARGET}.${MACHINE} ]; then \
		cd ${.CURDIR}/${.TARGET}.${MACHINE}; \
	else \
		cd ${.CURDIR}/${.TARGET}; \
	fi; \

.for __target in all fetch fetch-list package extract configure build clean \
		cleandir distclean depend describe reinstall tags checksum \
		makepatchsum mirror-distfiles deinstall show-downlevel \
		show-pkgsrc-dir bulk-install bulk-package ${PKG_MISC_TARGETS}
.if !target(__target)
${__target}: _SUBDIRUSE

.if !target(install)
.if !target(beforeinstall)
.if !target(afterinstall)
install: afterinstall
afterinstall: realinstall
realinstall: beforeinstall _SUBDIRUSE

.if !target(readmes)
readmes: readme _SUBDIRUSE

.if !target(readme)
	@if [ -f README.html ]; then ${MV} -f README.html README.html.BAK ; fi

.if !target(cdrom-readme)
	@if [ -f README.html ]; then ${MV} -f README.html README.html.BAK ; fi

.if defined(PKGSRCTOP)
README=	templates/README.top
README=	../templates/README.category

HTMLIFY=	${SED} -e 's/&/\&amp;/g' -e 's/>/\&gt;/g' -e 's/</\&lt;/g'

	@> $@.tmp
.for entry in ${SUBDIR}
.if defined(PKGSRCTOP)
	@${ECHO} -n '<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><a href="'${entry}/README.html'">'"`${ECHO} ${entry} | ${HTMLIFY}`"'</a>: <TD>' >> $@.tmp
	@${ECHO} -n '<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><a href="'${entry}/README.html'">'"`cd ${entry}; ${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} package-name | ${HTMLIFY}`</a>: <TD>" >> $@.tmp
.if exists(${entry}/pkg/COMMENT)
	@${HTMLIFY} ${entry}/pkg/COMMENT >> $@.tmp
	@${ECHO} "(no description)" >> $@.tmp
	@${SORT} -t '>' +3 -4 $@.tmp > $@.tmp2
	@${AWK} '{ ++n } END { print n }' < $@.tmp2 > $@.tmp4
.if exists(${.CURDIR}/pkg/DESCR)
	@${HTMLIFY} ${.CURDIR}/pkg/DESCR > $@.tmp3
	@> $@.tmp3
	@cat ${README} | \
		${SED} -e 's/%%CATEGORY%%/'"`${BASENAME} ${.CURDIR}`"'/g' \
			-e '/%%NUMITEMS%%/r$@.tmp4' \
			-e '/%%NUMITEMS%%/d' \
			-e '/%%DESCR%%/r$@.tmp3' \
			-e '/%%DESCR%%/d' \
			-e '/%%SUBDIR%%/r$@.tmp2' \
			-e '/%%SUBDIR%%/d' \
		> $@.tmp5
	@if cmp -s $@.tmp5 $@.BAK ; then \
		${MV} $@.BAK $@ ; \
		${RM} $@.tmp5 ; \
	else \
		${ECHO_MSG} "===>  Creating README.html for ${_THISDIR_}${.CURDIR:T}" ; \
		${MV} $@.tmp5 $@ ; \
		${RM} -f $@.BAK ; \
	@${RM} -f $@.tmp $@.tmp2 $@.tmp3 $@.tmp4
.for subdir in ${SUBDIR}
	@cd ${subdir} && ${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} "_THISDIR_=${_THISDIR_}${.CURDIR:T}/" ${_README_TYPE}

.if !target(show-distfiles)
	@for entry in ${SUBDIR}; do					\
		if [ -d ${.CURDIR}/$${entry}.${MACHINE} ]; then		\
			edir=$${entry}.${MACHINE};			\
		elif [ -d ${.CURDIR}/$${entry} ]; then			\
			edir=$${entry};					\
		else							\
			OK="false";					\
			${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${_THISDIR_}$${entry} non-existent"; \
		fi;							\
		if [ "$$OK" = "" ]; then				\
			cd ${.CURDIR}/$${edir} && ${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} show-distfiles; \
		fi;							\