# $NetBSD: bsd.build-vars.mk,v 1.12 2017/08/07 23:54:09 maya Exp $ # # Package-settable variables: # # BUILD_DIRS is the list of directories in which to perform the build # process. If the directories are relative paths, then they # are assumed to be relative to ${WRKSRC}. # # MAKE_ENV is the shell environment that is exported to the make # process. # # MAKE_FLAGS is a list of arguments that is pass to the make process. # # MAKE_FILE is the path to the makefile that is processed by the make # executable. If the path is relative, then it is assumed to # be relative to each directory listed in BUILD_DIRS. # # System-provided variables: # # MAKE_PROGRAM is the path to the make executable that is run to # process the source makefiles. See mk/tools/make.mk. # _VARGROUPS+= build-vars _USER_VARS.build-vars= # none _PKG_VARS.build-vars= BUILD_DIRS MAKE_ENV MAKE_PROGRAM MAKE_FLAGS MAKE_FILE NO_BUILD BUILD_DIRS?= ${CONFIGURE_DIRS} MAKE_ENV?= # empty MAKE_FLAGS?= # empty MAKE_FILE?= Makefile MAKE_ENV+= ${ALL_ENV} MAKE_ENV+= ${NO_EXPORT_CPP:D:UCPP=${CPP:Q}} MAKE_ENV+= LOCALBASE=${LOCALBASE:Q} MAKE_ENV+= X11BASE=${X11BASE:Q} MAKE_ENV+= PKGMANDIR=${PKGMANDIR:Q} MAKE_ENV+= PKGINFODIR=${PKGINFODIR:Q} MAKE_ENV+= PKGGNUDIR=${PKGGNUDIR:Q} # Provide a consistent environment for packages using (Net)BSD-style # Makefiles. # MAKE_ENV+= MAKECONF=${PKGMAKECONF:U/dev/null} MAKE_ENV+= OBJECT_FMT=${OBJECT_FMT:Q} MAKE_ENV+= ${USETOOLS:DUSETOOLS=${USETOOLS:Q}} # Add these bits to the environment used when invoking the recursive make # processes for build-related phases. # PKGSRC_MAKE_ENV+= PATH=${PATH:Q}