aalib Enable aalib support. abook Enable abook support. acl Enable POSIX ACL support. ads Enable Windows's Active Directory support. agg Enable agg support. anope-dbencryption Enable database encryption. anthy Use Anthy as Japanese conversion program. anthy-2ch-dict Include the 2ch dictionary. anthy-okinawa-dict Include the okinawa dictionary. ao Enable the platform-independent 'ao' audio library. ares Use the ares library for asynchronous name resolution. aria2-metalink Enable Metalink support. arts Use the aRts audio daemon. aspell Add spell checking support using aspell. aterm-big5 Enable Chinese support. aterm-greek Enable Greek keyboard support. aterm-kanji Enable kanji support. aterm-xterm-scroll Use xterm-scrollbar instead of a NeXT-like one. atheme-large-net Enable support for large networks (i.e. > 2000 users) batch Enable batch mode support. bdb Enable Berkeley DB support. bittorrent Enable bittorrent support blender-exppython Enable the Experimental Python support. bozohttpd-do-htpasswd Enable .htpasswd file processing in bozohttpd. bugzilla-charts Enable generation of charts. bugzilla-imagemagick Compress .BMPs to save space. bugzilla-patchviewer Enable patchviewer support. bugzilla-xmlimportbugs Bulk import/export of bugs in XML format. bzip2 Enable compression using bzip2 cairo Enable cairo support. canna Use Canna as Japanese conversion program. cares Use the c-ares library for asynchronous name resolution. catalog-mysql Store Bacula catalog in MySQL database. catalog-pgsql Store Bacula catalog in PostgreSQL database. catalog-sqlite Store Bacula catalog in SQLite database. cdparanoia Use cdparanoia to rip CDDA media. clamav Enable ClamAV support. claws-mail-jpilot Add jpilot support clisp Common/C Lisp coqide Enable ide support for coq. courier-dsn Delivery Status Notification (DNS) mail delivery. courier-esmtp ESMTP mail delivery. courier-gnutls Support using GNU TLS instead of OpenSSL. courier-local Local mail delivery. courier-uucp UUCP mail delivery. cups Enable cups (Common UNIX Printing System) support. curl Enable curl support. curses Enable curses support. cvsgraph Enable cvsgraph support. dar-int32 Use 32-bit integers for file lengths in Dar. dar-int64 Use 64-bit integers for file lengths in Dar. darwin Build and/or run on Darwin and Mac OS X. db4 Enable db4 support. dbh Enable DBH support. debug Enable debugging facilities in the package. deliver-suid Install deliver executable setuid root. djbdns-ignoreip2 Patch to treat certain responses as NXDOMAIN. djbdns-tinydns64 Patch to fix tinydns-data on 64-bit platforms. djbfft-pentium Optimize for Pentium{,MMX} processors. djbfft-ppro Optimize for Pentium{Pro,II,III} processors. djbfft-sparc Optimize for UltraSPARC-{I,II} processors. djbware-errno-hack Patch to #include for correctness. dkim-milter-arlib ar(3) support for dkim-milter dkim-stats dkim-stats(8) support for dkim-milter dnsrbl Enable DNS Real-time Blackhole List support. doc Include the documentation. drac Enable DRAC support. dri Enable Direct Rendering support. drupal-xmlservices Enable XML-based services. dspam-preferences-extension Enable preferences extension. dspam-verbose-debug Enable verbose debugging support. dspam-virtualusers Enable support for virtual users. dts Enable DTS Coherent Acoustics support. dv Enable usage of the libdv library. dvdread Enable reproduction of DVDs. eb Enable EB dictionary library support. efnet Enable tweaks to support EFNet. elinks-exmode Enable vi-like command entry. elinks-fastmem Allow direct use of system memory allocation functions. elinks-html-highlight Enable HTML highlighting using DOM engine. elinks-root-exec Allow elinks to run as root. emacs-xaw3d Emacs should use Xaw3D for the scrollbar. enchant-zemberek Add spell checking support for Turkish. epoll Enable support for epoll I/O event notification facility esound Enable support for the Enlightment Sound Daemon. exim-build-eximon Also build the X based exim queue monitoring tool. exim-content-scan Call virus and spam scanning direct from ACLs. exim-lookup-dnsdb Use DNS for lookups (as general database facility). exim-lookup-dsearch Lookup via key as filename in directory. exim-lookup-ldap LDAP lookup using a query in the form of a URL. exim-lookup-mysql Perform lookups in MySQL database. exim-lookup-pgsql Perform lookups in PostgreSQL database. exim-lookup-sqlite Perform lookups in SQLite database. exim-lookup-whoson Lookup in whoson dynamic IP address. exim-old-demime Use deprecated "demime" condition in the DATA ACL. expat Use the expat library for XML parsing. ezmlm-althash Patch to hash subscriber list case-insensitively. faad Enable AAC decoding support using faad2. fam Support using File Alteration Monitor (FAM). fastcgi Use FastCGI as the CGI manager. fd-small Build smaller misc/fd package. ffmpeg Enable ffmpeg support. finger Enable finger support. firefox Use firefox as gecko rendering engine. flac Enable FLAC support. freeradius-simul-use Enable Simultaneous-Use. ftp Enable File Transport Protocol (FTP) support. gdbm Use the GNU gdbm database library. gdk-pixbuf Use gdk-pixbuf as imaging library. geoip Enable IP-to-country-lookup using the GeoIP C library. ggi Enable GGI support. gif Enable GIF support. gimp Enable GIMP support. gimp1-helpbrowser Link against gnome1 to get a help browser. gmp-fat Build-in all x86 assembler code, detecting CPU at run-time. gnome Enable GNOME support. gnutls Enable GNU TLS support. gopher Enable support for the Gopher information system. gpgme Enable gpg support, by using the gpgme library. gqmpeg-japanese Japanese ID3 tag support. gqmpeg-russian Russian ID3 tag support. graphicsmagick Use GraphicsMagick as imaging library. groff-docs Install documentation images. gstreamer Enable gstreamer support. gtk Enable support for GTK. gtkspell Enable gtkspell support. gzip Enable compression using gzip halfops Halfops are similar to plain ops, but can't kick/deop plain ops. hping-suid Install hping executable setuid root. hunspell Add spell checking support using hunspell. i586-optimized Optimize for i586 (only). icu Enable icu support. idea Enable support for the IDEA cryptographic algorithm (possible license+patent problems). idn Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) support. imagemagick Use ImageMagick as imaging library. imap Enable imap support. imapuw-cleartextpwd Allow cleartext passwords over non-encrypted connections. imapuw-whoson Enable whoson support. imlib Use imlib as imaging library. imlib2 Use imlib2 as imaging library. imlib2-amd64 Enable amd64 speedups. inet6 Enable support for IPv6. inspircd-remoteinet6 Enable remote includes over IPv6. inspircd-sqlauth Enable connections to be tied into a database table. inspircd-sqllog Enable logging of network-wide data for your network into a database. inspircd-sqloper Enable storage of oper credentials in an SQL table. inspircd-sqlutils Enable developer utilities which allow certain other SQL modules to be implemented easily. inspircd-ziplinks Compress data before transmitting it between servers. iodbc Enable ODBC support via iODBC. ipa-memfunc-debug Enable ipa_memfunc debugging. ipa-without-autorules Disable dynamic rules support. ipa-without-limits Disable limits support. ipa-without-rules Disable static rules support. ipa-without-sublimits Disable sublimits support. ipa-without-thresholds Disable thresholds support. irssi-perl Enable Perl support in irssi. ispell Add spell checking support using ispell. jasper Enable JPEG 2000 support using the jasper library. javascript Enable Javascript support. jpeg Enable JPEG support. jwhois-enable-cache Enable cache support. kde Enable KDE support. kerberos Enable Kerberos support. kerberos4 Enable Kerberos4 support. kermit-suid-uucp Install kermit setuid uucp. klash Install Konqueror flash plugin. kqueue Enable support for kernel event notification mechanism lablgtk Use lablgtk. lablgtk1 Use lablgtk1 (GTK1). lame Use the lame encoder to create MP3 files. lcms Enable Light Color Management System support. ldap Enable LDAP support. libao Enable libao support. libgpod Enable libgpod support. libiconv-cp932 Add supplemental support for CP932 libmodplug Use libmodplug for MOD and MOD-like music formats. libofx Enable OFX support. libspiff Use libspiff for XML shareable playlist support. libssh2 Use libssh2 for SSHv2 protocol support. libwww-aliases Install aliases for p5-libwww (e.g. HEAD, GET etc.) liferea-firefox Use Firefox to render HTML. liferea-gtkhtml Use libgtkhtml2 to render HTML. liferea-seamonkey Use Seamonkey to render HTML. links-zlib Enable zlib support for the links WWW browser. lprng-priv-ports Connections must be made from privileged ports. lprng-suid Install LPRng executables setuid root. m68060-optimized Optimize for m68060 (only). mad Enable usage of the mad library to play MP3 files. memtesplus-iso Build a .iso file for memtest+ memtesplus-serialconsole Enable use of serial console for memtest+ mex Enable matlab mex support (Linux and Solaris only). mikmod Enable MikMod sound library. mitshm Enable MIT-SHM X extension support. mjpegtools-simd Enable MMX/3DNOW/SSE/Altivec support. mlib Enable usage of medialib (SunOS only). mmx Enable MMX support (i386 only). modperl1 Use modperl 1.x as the CGI manager (with Apache 1.x). modperl2 Use modperl 2.x as the CGI manager (with Apache 2.x). modplug Use for decoding mod-like music formats. motif Enable motif support. mozilla Use mozilla as gecko rendering engine. official-mozilla-branding Use official Mozilla reg. trademarks and logos. mozilla-single-profile Enable single profiles on mozilla browsers mpcdec Enable the portable Musepack decoder library. mpeg4ip Enable mpeg4ip support. mpg123-arm-fixed64 Enable 64-bit calculations to avoid glitches on ARM. mplayer-menu Enable support for user-defined menus. mplayer-real Enable usage of Real codecs. mplayer-runtime-cpudetection Enable CPU detection at run time. mplayer-win32 Enable usage of Win32 DLLs (codecs). mrtg-snmpv3 Enable SNMPv3 support. mutt-compressed-mbox Enable compressed mailbox support in mutt. mutt-hcache Enable header caching in mutt. mysql Enable MySQL support. nas Enable usage of the Network Audio System. ncurses Enable ncurses support. ncursesw Enable wide character ncurses support. nfdump-ftconv Build the flow-tools to nfdump converter nfdump-nfprofile Build the netflow profiler nfdump-sflow Build sflow collector sfcpad nls Use native language support nntp Enable Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP) support. nntpcache-pgp Enable pgp signed nocem support. nox11 Do not link against x11 libraries. nspluginwrapper Enable running non native netscape compatible plugins ocamlduce Enable OcamlDuce support. ogg Enable Ogg support. online-tests Requiring Internet connectivity for "make test". openal Enable OpenAL support. opengl Use OpenGL as display library. openldap Enable OpenLDAP support. oracle Enable Oracle support. oss Enable support for the Open Sound System audio library. osx-addressbook Enable support for the Mac OS X Address Book. otr Enable Off-the-record encrypted messaging pam Enable PAM support. pcb-motif Use Motif for the gui instead of GTK for cad/pcb. pcre Enable Perl-compatible regular expressions. pgsql Enable PostgreSQL support. pinepwd Enable $HOME/.pinepwd stored IMAP password file. pinfo-native-curses Use NetBSD native curses rather than ncurses. png Enable PNG support. postfix-stress Enable Postfix stress-adaptive behaviour. proftpd-readme Enable mod_readme. psycopg1 Enable psycopg 1.1.x support psycopg2 Enable psycopg 2.x support qdbm Enable qdbm support. qmail-badrcptto Patch to SMTP-reject particular envelope recipients. qmail-bigdns Patch to handle oversized responses to MX queries. qmail-netqmail Patch collection prepared by respected list members. qmail-outgoingip Patch to force a particular source IP address. qmail-qregex Patch to SMTP-reject customizable patterns. qmail-realrcptto Patch to SMTP-reject nonexistent recipients. qmail-viruscan Patch to SMTP-reject certain types of MIME attachments. qpopper-servermode Enable server mode. qt Enable support for QT. quartz Enable Quartz support on Mac OS X. rsaref Use RSAREF library. ruby-build-ri-db Build and install database for Ruby's ri utility. samplerate Enable libsamplerate support. sane-backends-hp3900 Include HP3900 driver. sasl Enable SASL support. saslauthd Use the Cyrus saslauthd daemon for authentication. sbcl Use Steel-Bank Common Lisp scapy-crypto Add in crypto support scapy-pyx Add in py-X support scmgit-gui Build the GUI in Tcl/Tk. sdl Use SDL as display library. seamonkey Use seamonkey as gecko rendering engine. sendmail-socketmap Enable Sendmail SOCKETMAP support. sieve Enable sieve support. sj3 Use SJ3 for Kana-to-Kanji conversion. skey Enable S/Key support. slang Enable S-Lang support. small-net Tune for a smaller networks. smime Enable S/MIME support. smokeping-speedycgi Enable SpeedyCGI. sndfile Enable sndfile support. snmp Enable SNMP support. snort-flexresp Flexible Responses on hostile connection attempts snort-flexresp2 NEW Flexible Responses on hostile connection attempts snort-prelude Enable prelude support. socks4 Enable Socks4 support. socks5 Enable Socks5 support. spamassassin-perl-warnings Enable Perl warnings at run-time. spamassassin-taint-checks Enable Perl taint checks to improve security. spamassassin-test-awl-sql Enable tests of the SQL module for the automatic whitelist. spamassassin-test-bayes-sql Enable tests of the SQL module for Bayes data. spamassassin-test-prefork Enable spamd prefork test (kills processes containing "spam child"). speex Enable speex support. spf Enable Sender Policy Framework support. sqlite Enable SQLite support. squirrelmail-japanese Add experimental Japanese fix to squirrelmail. squirrelmail-lite Add experimental none-frame support to squirrelmail. ssl Enable SSL support. starttls Enable TLS support. streamtuner-local Enable local metadata support streamtuner-xiph Enable the Xiph plugin sun-jre-jce Use unlimited strength cryptograpy extension. svn Enable subversion support syncdir Force synchronous link() and related syscalls. syslog Enable syslog support. syslogng-spoof Spoof the original source address of forwarded packets theora Use the theora codecs. tin-use-inn-spool Use the INN spool directories. tls Enable TLS support. trn-inn Use INN as NNTP client. trn-nntpclnt Use nntpclnt as NNTP client. ucspi-ssl-perl Enable Perl support in ucspi-ssl. ucspi-tcp-nodefaultrbl Remove the (nonexistent) default RBL from rblsmtpd. uim Enable UIM support. unixodbc Enable ODBC support via unixODBC. unrealircd-chroot Enable support for running in a chroot jail. unrealircd-disableusermod Disable /sethost, /setident, /chgname, /chghost, and /chgident. unrealircd-hub IRC hub server. unrealircd-leaf IRC leaf node server. unrealircd-no-operoverride Disable operator override. unrealircd-nospoof Enable anti-spoof protection for older TCP/IP stacks. unrealircd-operoverride-verify Require opers to /invite themselves into a +s or +p channel. unrealircd-prefixaq Enable prefixes for chanadmin and chanowner. unrealircd-remoteinc Enable remote includes. unrealircd-showlistmodes Show the modes a channel has set in the /list output. unrealircd-shunnotices Notify a user when they are no longer shunned. unrealircd-topicisnuhost /topic command to show the nick!user@host of the person who set the topic. unrealircd-ziplinks Compress data before transmitting it between servers. via-padlock Enable support for the VIA PadLock Security Engine. viewvc-php Use php to colorize .php and .inc files. vorbis Enable Ogg Vorbis support. w3m Use and enable support for the w3m browser w3m-image-gdk-pixbuf Use gdk-pixbuf as imaging library for W3m. w3m-image-imlib Use imlib as imaging library for W3m. w3m-image-imlib2 Use imlib2 as imaging library for W3m. w3m-lynx-key Enable lynx-like key bindings. w3m-m17n Multilingual support. w3m-unicode Use Unicode characters. wavpack Enable wavpack support. wide-curses Enable wide curses support. winbind Enable name-service switch daemon support using Windows Servers. wnn4 Use wnn for Kana-to-Kanji conversion. x11 Enable X11 support. xaw Enable Xaw support. xblast-mini Use a 480x392 window instead a 960x784 window in xblast xlockmore-allow-root Allow root to get access. xlockmore-dpms Use DPMS. xml Enable XML support. xrender Enable Xrender support. xscreensaver-webcollage Install webcollage screensaver. xterm-256color Enable 256 color support. xterm-88color Enable 88 color support. xterm-luit Enable locale <> UTF encoding translation. xvid Enable usage of XVid codecs. zenmap Enable nmap GUI frontend ziplinks Compress data before transmitting it between servers. zsh-multibyte Enable multibyte support in Zsh.