# $NetBSD: haskell.mk,v 1.1 2014/02/05 07:02:30 obache Exp $ # # This Makefile fragment handles Haskell Cabal packages. # See: http://www.haskell.org/cabal/ # # Note to users: # # * Users choose one favourite Haskell compiler. Though the only # compiler currently supported is GHC. # # * You can't install a cabal package for more than one compilers # simultaneously. In the future, this limitation can possibly be # eliminated using the method used by # "../../lang/python/pyversion.mk". # # Note to package developers: # # * This file must be included *before* "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk", or # you'll get target-redefinition errors. # # * PKGNAME will automatically be "hs-${DISTNAME}" unless you # explicitly declare it. # # * If your package is on the HackageDB, MASTER_SITES and HOMEPAGE # can be omitted. # # * Package configuration, building, installation, registration and # unregistration are fully automated. You usually don't need to do # anything special. # # * When Haskell libraries depend on other Haskell libraries, they # MUST depend on, not build-depend on, such libraries. So if your # package installs a library, you MUST NOT set # BUILDLINK_DEPMETHOD.${PKG} to "build" in your buildlink3.mk # file. Reason: # 1. Assume we have two libraries A and B, and B build-depends # on A. # 2. We install package A. # 3. We then install package B, which build-depends on A. # 4. After that, a new upstream version of package A is # released. We therefore update package A to the new version. # 5. Package B had a build-dependency on A, so pkgsrc assumes # that it's still safe to use package B without # recompilation of B. But in fact package B requires the # very version of package A which was available when # package B was compiled. So the installed package B is # completely broken at this time. # # User-settable variables: # # HASKELL_COMPILER # Description: # The user's favourite Haskell compiler. # Possible values: # ghc # Default value: # ghc # # Package-settable variables: # # HASKELL_ENABLE_LIBRARY_PROFILING # Description: # Whether profiling library should be built or not. # Possible values: # yes, no # Default value: # yes # # HASKELL_ENABLE_HADDOCK_DOCUMENTATION # Description: # Whether haddock documentation should be built or not. # Possible values: # yes, no # Default value: # no .if !defined(HASKELL_MK) HASKELL_MK= # defined .include "../../mk/bsd.fast.prefs.mk" # Declare HASKELL_COMPILER as one of BUILD_DEFS variables. See # ../../mk/misc/show.mk BUILD_DEFS+= HASKELL_COMPILER # Declarations for ../../mk/misc/show.mk _VARGROUPS+= haskell _DEF_VARS.haskell= \ _DISTBASE \ _DISTVERSION \ _GHC_BIN \ _GHC_PKG_BIN \ _GHC_VERSION \ _GHC_VERSION_CMD \ _GHC_VERSION_FULL \ _HASKELL_BIN \ _HASKELL_PKG_BIN \ _HASKELL_PKG_DESCR_FILE \ _HASKELL_VERSION _PKG_VARS.haskell= \ HASKELL_ENABLE_LIBRARY_PROFILING \ HASKELL_ENABLE_HADDOCK_DOCUMENTATION # PKGNAME is usually named after DISTNAME. PKGNAME?= hs-${DISTNAME} # Default value of MASTER_SITES. _DISTBASE?= ${DISTNAME:C/-[^-]*$//} _DISTVERSION?= ${DISTNAME:C/^.*-//} MASTER_SITES?= ${MASTER_SITE_HASKELL_HACKAGE:=${DISTNAME}/} # Default value of HOMEPAGE. HOMEPAGE?= http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/${_DISTBASE} # Cabal packages may use pkg-config, but url2pkg can't detect # that. (PHO: I think that should be handled by url2pkg (2009-05-20)) USE_TOOLS+= pkg-config # Default value of HASKELL_ENABLE_LIBRARY_PROFILING HASKELL_ENABLE_LIBRARY_PROFILING?= yes # Default value of HASKELL_ENABLE_HADDOCK_DOCUMENTATION HASKELL_ENABLE_HADDOCK_DOCUMENTATION?= no # Compiler specific variables and targets. .if ${HASKELL_COMPILER} == "ghc" # Add dependency to the GHC. .include "../../lang/ghc7/buildlink3.mk" # Tools _GHC_BIN= ${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.ghc}/bin/ghc _GHC_PKG_BIN= ${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.ghc}/bin/ghc-pkg _HASKELL_BIN= ${_GHC_BIN} # Expose to the outer scope. _HASKELL_PKG_BIN= ${_GHC_PKG_BIN} # Expose to the outer scope. # Determine GHC version. _GHC_VERSION_CMD= ${_GHC_BIN} -V | ${CUT} -d ' ' -f 8 _GHC_VERSION= ${_GHC_VERSION_CMD:sh} _GHC_VERSION_FULL= ghc-${_GHC_VERSION} _HASKELL_VERSION= ${_GHC_VERSION_FULL} # Expose to the outer scope. # GHC requires C compiler. USE_LANGUAGES+= c # Declarations for ../../mk/configure/configure.mk CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --ghc CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-compiler=${_GHC_BIN} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-hc-pkg=${_GHC_PKG_BIN} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --prefix=${PREFIX} .endif # ${HASKELL_COMPILER} # Library profiling PLIST_VARS+= prof .if ${HASKELL_ENABLE_LIBRARY_PROFILING} == "yes" CONFIGURE_ARGS+= -p PLIST.prof= yes .endif # Haddock documentations PLIST_VARS+= doc .if ${HASKELL_ENABLE_HADDOCK_DOCUMENTATION} == "yes" CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-haddock=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.ghc}/bin/haddock PLIST.doc= yes .endif # Optimization CONFIGURE_ARGS+= -O2 # package.conf and package.conf.old should be ignored at all. PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= \ /\/package\.conf(\.old)?$$/ { next; } # _HASKELL_VERSION should be substituted in PLIST. PLIST_SUBST+= HASKELL_VERSION=${_HASKELL_VERSION} PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= \ { gsub(/${_HASKELL_VERSION}/, "$${HASKELL_VERSION}"); } # We might not have any working Haskell interpreter so compile # Setup.?hs to a binary. pre-configure: ${WRKSRC}/Setup ${WRKSRC}/Setup: ${RUN} cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${_HASKELL_BIN} --make Setup # Define configure target. do-configure: ${RUN} cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${SETENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} \ ./Setup configure ${CONFIGURE_ARGS} # Define build target. do-build: ${RUN} cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ./Setup build .if ${HASKELL_ENABLE_HADDOCK_DOCUMENTATION} == "yes" ${RUN} cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ./Setup haddock .endif # Define install target. We need installed-pkg-config to be installed # for package registration (if any). _HASKELL_PKG_DESCR_FILE= ${PREFIX}/lib/${DISTNAME}/${_HASKELL_VERSION}/package-description do-install: ${RUN} cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ./Setup register --gen-pkg-config=dist/package-description && \ if [ "${_USE_DESTDIR}" = "no" ]; then \ ./Setup copy && \ if [ -f dist/package-description ]; then \ ${INSTALL_DATA} dist/package-description ${_HASKELL_PKG_DESCR_FILE}; \ fi \ else \ ./Setup copy --destdir=${DESTDIR} && \ if [ -f dist/package-description ]; then \ ${INSTALL_DATA} dist/package-description ${DESTDIR}${_HASKELL_PKG_DESCR_FILE}; \ fi \ fi # Define test target. do-test: ${RUN} cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ./Setup test # Substitutions for INSTALL and DEINSTALL. FILES_SUBST+= DISTNAME=${DISTNAME} FILES_SUBST+= HASKELL_PKG_BIN=${_HASKELL_PKG_BIN} FILES_SUBST+= HASKELL_PKG_DESCR_FILE=${_HASKELL_PKG_DESCR_FILE} INSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ../../mk/haskell/INSTALL.in DEINSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ../../mk/haskell/DEINSTALL.in .endif # HASKELL_MK